21+ Business Industries That Can Make You a Billionaire by 2040 [UPDATED] (2024)

Ever dreamt of joining the billionaire club? Well, buckle up because I’m about to unveil 21+ thriving industries that could turn your entrepreneurial spark into a financial explosion.

Now, building a billion-dollar business isn’t a walk in the park. It takes a blend of strategic thinking, relentless hustle, and a dash of good luck.

But hey, if you’re passionate, resourceful, and willing to put in the blood, sweat, and tears, then who knows, you might just become the next big shot.

In this exploration, I’ll delve into a diverse range of industries, from the ever-evolving tech world to the timeless realm of real estate.

So, whether you’re a tech whiz, a creative mastermind, or a business mogul in the making, there’s bound to be an industry that piques your interest.

Remember, this isn’t an exhaustive list, but rather a springboard to ignite your entrepreneurial spirit. So, let’s dive in and see what business bonanza awaits!

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A billionaire is a person who has a net worth of one billion dollars or more. This means that the total value of their assets, including cash, investments, property, and other holdings, exceeds one billion dollars.

Billionaires are often business owners, entrepreneurs, investors, or inheritors of substantial wealth. They are considered to be among the wealthiest individuals in the world and have the ability to make significant impacts on society through their wealth and influence.

Some well-known billionaires include Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and Warren Buffett.

Becoming a billionaire is a goal that many people aspire to achieve. While it may seem like an unattainable dream, there are many reasons why becoming a billionaire can be a worthwhile pursuit.

In this article, we will explore some of the reasons why you should consider becoming a billionaire.

Becoming a billionaire means that you have amassed a significant amount of wealth. This wealth can provide you with financial freedom, allowing you to live the lifestyle you desire without worrying about money.

You can travel the world, buy a luxury home, or invest in your favourite hobbies without the constraints of a tight budget.

Billionaires can make a significant impact on the world through philanthropy. By donating their wealth to charitable causes, billionaires can make a positive difference in the lives of others.

They can support education, healthcare, environmental conservation, and other causes that they are passionate about. By becoming a billionaire, you can use your wealth to make a difference and leave a lasting legacy.

Many billionaires have achieved their wealth through entrepreneurship. Starting a business can be a challenging and rewarding experience, and becoming a billionaire can be a validation of your hard work and dedication.

By creating a successful business, you can make a positive impact on your community and the economy as a whole.

Billionaires have a significant amount of influence in society. They can use their wealth and status to effect change and influence policy decisions. They can also inspire others to pursue their dreams and achieve their goals.

By becoming a billionaire, you can become a role model for others and use your influence to make a positive impact on the world.

Becoming a billionaire requires a significant amount of personal growth and development. It requires discipline, focus, and perseverance, which can help you develop important skills that can be applied in other areas of your life.

By pushing yourself to achieve your goals, you can become a better version of yourself and achieve personal fulfilment.

Becoming a billionaire is a goal that many entrepreneurs aspire to achieve. While it may seem like an unattainable dream, certain business industries have the potential to make you a billionaire.

These industries require innovation, dedication, and hard work, but the rewards can be substantial.

In this article, we will explore some of the business industries that have created billionaires and the characteristics that have made them successful.

The technology industry has created some of the world’s wealthiest individuals, including Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, and Mark Zuckerberg.

The technology sector is constantly evolving, and innovations are constantly being introduced, creating new opportunities for entrepreneurs to create successful businesses.

Developing new software, hardware, and services can create enormous value and generate significant wealth.

However, success in the technology industry requires innovation, creativity, and a deep understanding of the market.

The finance and investment industry is another sector that has created many billionaires. Individuals like Warren Buffett and George Soros have amassed their wealth through investment and finance.

This industry provides opportunities for entrepreneurs to create and manage investment funds, venture capital firms, and other financial institutions.

Success in this industry requires a strong understanding of finance and investment, as well as the ability to manage risk and make informed investment decisions.

Real estate has created many billionaires, including Donald Trump and Sam Zell. This industry provides opportunities for entrepreneurs to buy and sell properties, develop real estate projects, and manage rental properties.

Success in this industry requires a deep understanding of the real estate market, as well as the ability to identify and execute profitable real estate transactions.

The energy industry has also created many billionaires, including oil magnate, J. Paul Getty. This industry provides opportunities for entrepreneurs to develop and manage energy resources, including oil, gas, and renewable energy sources.

Success in this industry requires a strong understanding of the energy market, as well as the ability to identify and develop profitable energy projects.

Retail is another industry that has created many billionaires, including Amancio Ortega, the founder of Zara.

This industry provides opportunities for entrepreneurs to develop and sell products directly to consumers through physical and online stores.

Success in this industry requires a deep understanding of consumer behaviour and preferences, as well as the ability to develop and market products that appeal to a wide range of customers.

So before I drop my insight on how education can make you a billionaire, here is some data I was able to gather on the internet.

According to research, it has been discovered that more than 129.2 million girls worldwide are out of school; children across the world have lost an average of one-third (74 days) of education due to school closures and a lack of access to remote learning.

By 2030, countries must recruit 69 million teachers to provide every child with primary and secondary education, and 67 million more children have had access to quality teachers since 2002.

This data means something: the government cannot afford to fund education anymore, even if they do, maybe in high-income countries like the USA, Canada and the EU.

Here is the perfect time to disrupt this industry. With the rise of online educational platforms, otherwise known as e-learning, such as Udemy Coursera and many others, it has started happening.

E-learning transfers skills and knowledge to many recipients simultaneously without the involvement of human elements.

Health care is another industry that governments around the globe cannot disrupt. The healthcare industry seeks disruptors, and this presents an opportunity for everyone who wants to make a solid contribution to the industry.

According to the World Health Organization, do you know two years into the Sustainable Development Goals era, global spending on health continues to rise?

It was US$ 7.8 trillion in 2017 or about 10% of GDP and $1,080 per capita — up from US$ 7.6 trillion in 2016. The health sector continues to expand faster than the economy worldwide.

Across low-income countries, the average health spending was only US$ 41 a person in 2017, Compared with US$ 2,937 in high-income countries — a difference of more than 70 times.

High-income countries account for about 80% of global spending, but the middle-income country share increased from 13% to 19% of global expenditure between 2000 and 2017.

This tells you that there is so much untapped opportunity in the healthcare industry. You don’t need a medical degree to disrupt the healthcare industry.

You can develop a solution to help people access healthcare more easily, one of which is telemedicine, a significant contributor to healthcare inclusion in developing countries across the world.

The gaming industry has evolved from traditional game consoles into what we now know as virtual reality, which is integrated with cryptocurrencies.

All you needed was a control pad, television, gaming console and a dummy character till you got tired. Video games are a billion-dollar business and have been for many years.

2020 the worldwide PC gaming market revenue was estimated at 37 billion U.S. dollars. With over 48% of gaming studios working on VR/AR games, it’s safe to say that the gaming industry is worth investing in.

I wrote a comprehensive guide on investing and making money with the Metaverse; click the link to the article below to get started.

Transport is often one industry that we often overlook because we always want to leave it in the hands of the government to handle.

We can see that this is false because, for a company like Uber, which owns no single taxi but controls independent taxis worldwide, you would see that transportation remains an untapped industry.

Apart from road transportation, sea and air transportation have not been tapped into. The global population is expected to surpass more than 10 Billion, the majority of which will have issues with transportation either by air, land or sea.

As mentioned earlier, the global population is expected to surpass more than 10 Billion by the end of the century, and one issue that is going to come up is the need for more cars on the roads.

More people are going to need as many cars as possible to move around comfortably on their own, and in low-income countries in Africa, this would be a challenge.

One way to help cushion this effect is for the emergence of new automobile manufacturers.

Though we have players such as Toyota, Honda and many others, the market is vast, and the cost is going as high as possible, leaving low-income countries to depend on pretty used cars from the wWest

However, with the emergence of new players in the industry, there is a considerable market gap to be met.

Global Tourism Industry is the largest industry, with a global economic contribution of US 7.6 Trillion in revenue.

With a global population of more than 8 Billion, people are more likely to change destinations in search of pleasure, business and greener pastures.

Among all the world’s cities, Tourists splash the highest amount of Cash of USD 28.50B in Dubai.

A region that used to be a desert has been converted into a tourist attraction to be reckoned globally with.

Sixty-eight years later, this number has increased to 1.4 billion international arrivals per year, a 56-fold increase. These stats, as discussed above, have proved how viable tourism can be all over the world.

Anyone can venture into tourism, irrespective of what field you choose. Areas ranging from Airlines, Hotels, and many more do a profitable tourism business.

I wrote a comprehensive guide on becoming a travel consultant and making money; check out the link below.

Farmers are among the Richest people In the USA and Australia, also across various parts of the world. The Agriculture sector is the single largest employer globally after the manufacturing industry.

Almost all industries depend on agricultural raw products. Agriculture is the backbone of all countries. Each country’s GDP, economy, development, etc., depends on agricultural growth.

To sustain the global agricultural demand, Farmers need to produce 70% more food because the population will nearly hit 10 Billion by 2050.

The most profitable farming business across the globe includes the Crop farming business, Livestock farming business, and general farming business ideas.

I wrote a comprehensive guide on how you can start an agricultural business without any hassle; check out the link to the article to learn more.

The hospitality Industry is an industry that touches the lives of almost every single person on earth in some way or another.

The hospitality industry goes side by side with the tourism industry because when tourists visit a new destination, they are inclined to see the hospitality sector.

The global hotel market alone generates more than $850 billion in revenue. According to hotel industry statistics, the income of the worldwide hotel industry is increasing day by day.

The hotel industry alone has been predicted to have annual revenue of about $550 billion in 2016. It is set to increase at a consistent pace in 2022 and beyond.

Air remains the safest and fastest means of various forms of transportation, and this has created the need for more airlines to emerge.

Aeroplanes have revolutionized how we travel. At any given time, there are up to 20,000 aeroplanes in the skies.

Aeroplanes allow passengers to quickly travel long distances. Manufacturing companies known as aerospace manufacturing play a hugely responsible role in the construction of these aeroplanes.

While this is a difficult company to start or operate in, it is one industry that is going to remain evergreen.

Without any doubt, aeroplanes are used for various purposes such as military, and passengers, it all starts with choosing what field you intend to develop for.

As the global population continues to increase so will be demand for air transport, this is no doubt the best time to become an aeroplane manufacturer.

Cloud computing is the delivery of computing services — including servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, and intelligence — over the Internet.

Rather than owning their computing infrastructure or data centres, companies can rent access to anything from applications to storage from a cloud service provider.

The global cloud computing market size was valued at USD 368.97 billion in 2021 and is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate of 15.7% from 2022 to 2030.

Look all around you, everything you use is hosted on the cloud, social media, text messaging and Artificial intelligence.

The majority of cloud computing is dominated by companies such as Google, Apple, Microsoft and many others.

As the use of the cloud continues to play a significant role in today’s society, it remains an untapped industry

The global movies and entertainment market size was valued at USD 90.92 billion in 2021 and is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate of 7.2% from 2022 to 2030.

North America dominated the movies & entertainment market with a share of 34.5% in 2021. This is attributable to the presence of Hollywood, the most established film industry in the world.

In addition, the highest number of screens in the region contributes to its larger share of the revenue.

Moreover, the shifting focus of key players towards untapped markets such as India and Africa is driving market growth in the region.

There is no better time to tap into the movie industry than now. You dont need to be an actor to tap into this huge industry, more technologies are needed to disrupt the movie industry such as studios, distribution and many more.

A smartphone consists of an integrated computer and other features, such as web browsing, an operating system, as well as the ability to run software applications.

Increasing penetration of the Internet of Things is expected to boost the market growth. The global Smartphone market was valued at USD 273.9 Billion in 2021 and is forecasted to reach USD 520.7 Billion by the year 2030.

Top players like Apple, Samsung and many more dominate the smartphone market with more still expected to arrive.

The smartphone market is becoming increasingly bigger and people seek out more advancement, causing new features to be added yearly.

The global food and beverage market size is expected to grow from $5.8 trillion in 2021 to $6.4 trillion in 2022 at a growth rate of 9.7%.

The food and beverage market size is expected to grow to $8.9 trillion in 2026 at a compound annual growth rate of 8.7%.

The top opportunities in the food and beverages market segmented by distribution channel will arise in the supermarkets/hypermarkets market segment, which will gain $895.4 billion of global annual sales by 2026.

In addition, the organic food and beverage market and functional food and beverage market segments stand out as the health concerns of consumers continue to drive trends.

Fintech, or financial technology, is the term used to describe any technology that delivers financial services through software, such as online banking, mobile payment apps or even cryptocurrency.

As per Statista.com, 66.7% share of bank executives believe Fintech will impact wallets and mobile payments globally.

In February 2020, there were 8,775 financial technology (Fintech) startups in the Americas, there were 7,385 such fFintechstartups in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, and there were 4,765 fFintechstartups in the Asia Pacific region. Source — Statista.com.

The global fintech market was worth $127.66 billion in 2018, and it is expected to reach $309.98 billion at a CAGR Of 24.8% through 2022. Source — PRNewswire.com

Do you have an idea to help people move money from one place to the other? this is where Fintech comes into play.

The total municipal solid waste (MSW) generation in 2018 was 292.4 million tons (U.S. short tons, unless specified) or 4.9 pounds per person per day.

Of the MSW generated, approximately 69 million tons were recycled and 25 million tons were composted.

Together, almost 94 million tons of MSW were recycled and composted, equivalent to a 32.1 per cent recycling and composting rate.

Waste-to-energy plants burn municipal solid waste, often called garbage or trash, to produce steam in a boiler that is used to generate electricity.

Waste-to-energy plants reduce 2,000 pounds of garbage to ash weighing about 300 pounds to 600 pounds, and they reduce the volume of waste by about 87%.

Developing nations in Africa need proper ways to manage their waste other than landfills which emit methane gas and fuel the effect of climate change.

Though a project like this is capital-intensive but remains largely untapped. The waste management industry can help these developing industries convert their waste into energy by burning them to ashes.

eCommerce is commercial transactions that take place electronically online. And by the year 2022, eCommerce is expected to generate $5.42 trillion in sales per year.

If you’re thinking the future looks bright for those selling products online, these stats back that up. Big sellers like Amazon, and eBay have become the dominant player in this field, you do not need to build your own Amazon, as you can easily become a seller on this platform.

I wrote a comprehensive guide on this blog on how you can start an eCommerce business on Amazon and make money.

Ready to take action and start earning online? Join my free email list for exclusive tips, strategies, and resources to help you make money online.

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21+ Business Industries That Can Make You a Billionaire by 2040 [UPDATED] (3)

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Becoming a billionaire can be a worthwhile pursuit for many reasons. It can provide you with financial freedom, allow you to make a positive impact on the world through philanthropy, and give you the ability to influence society.

It can also be a validation of your hard work and dedication and help you achieve personal growth and fulfilment.

While becoming a billionaire is not an easy feat, it can be a rewarding and life-changing experience.

Finally, several business industries have the potential to create billionaires. These industries require innovation, dedication, and hard work, but the rewards can be substantial.

The technology, finance and investment, real estate, energy, and retail industries are just a few examples of the sectors that have created wealth for entrepreneurs.

21+ Business Industries That Can Make You a Billionaire by 2040 [UPDATED] (2024)


What industry will produce the next billionaire? ›

The technology, finance and investment, real estate, energy, and retail industries are just a few examples of the sectors that have created wealth for entrepreneurs.

Which industry produces the most billionaires? ›

Finance and investments remains the surest way to get ultra-rich. It's the industry with the highest number of billionaires, 372, including hedge fund and private equity tycoons, bankers, venture capitalists and fintech founders.

Which business makes the most millionaires? ›

Financial Services

The financial service industry has created the most number of millionaires since modern times, according to the Wealth Report. In the business of money, people make a lot of money. Behind the most successful ventures in the world are people and organizations skilled in deploying and growing money.

What industry will produce the first trillionaire? ›

However, even some ultra-rich people themselves believe the world's first trillionaire will come from the tech space.

How to become billionaire from zero? ›

It isn't easy to become a billionaire especially if you haven't already made millions. You will need time, patience, investment savvy, and entrepreneurship to become a billionaire unless you are born into a family with billions that you stand to inherit.

Where do most millionaires make their money? ›

Many self-made millionaires have money coming in from several places, including their salaries, dividends from investments, income from rental properties and investments they have made in other business enterprises, to name a few examples. If one income stream slows down, there's another that can take its place.

What sectors have the most billionaires? ›

This year, the industry with the most billionaires is finance and investments, with 393 billionaires, nearly 15% of the list. That's an increase from last year, when finance and investments was also the top industry, with 371 list members.

How do 90% of millionaires make their money? ›

Real estate investment has long been a cornerstone of financial success, with approximately 90% of millionaires attributing their wealth in part to real estate holdings. In this article, we delve into the reasons why real estate is a preferred vehicle for creating millionaires and how you can leverage its potential.

What industry will grow the most in the future? ›

To summarize, the fastest-growing industries in the US in 2024 are projected to include technology-related sectors, healthcare, and renewable energy sector. These industries present numerous opportunities for entrepreneurs, investors, and job seekers.

What is next to trillionaire? ›

The next big number after a trillion is a quadrillion, which is 1,000 trillion.

Will there be a trillionaire in the future? ›

The world will have its first trillionaire within a decade, but poverty won't be eradicated for another 229 years, report finds. In the last three years, the population of the super wealthy has skyrocketed in this country and around the world.

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.