210+ Super Fun Couple Trivia Questions to Answer Together (2024)

This article was updated on february 1st, 2024.

Couple’s trivia questions are a great way to strengthen relationships and have fun.

Trivia can be a great way for couples to connect, learn more about one another, and start conversations.

Couples’ trivia questions can cover various subjects, from lighthearted ones like favorite films and TV shows to somber ones like family history and current events.

Couples can maintain their connection and get to know one another better by answering trivia questions together.

Giving them an enjoyable activity, they can do together can also help to strengthen their relationship.

Couples’ communication can also be improved by answering trivia questions collectively.

Couples can better understand each other’s beliefs and opinions by discussing the questions’ answers.

Between partners, this may promote mutual respect and understanding. Additionally, answering trivia questions with a partner can foster greater trust between partners.

Couples can learn more about each other’s thought processes and ways of thinking by discussing the answers to the questions. As a result, relationships between partners may become stronger.

While weird and funny questions will reveal a completely different side of your partner, cute and creative ones are ideal for a little flirtatious conversation with your girlfriend or boyfriend.

This collection of questions designed to amuse couples will make sure that your conversations go on all night long, no matter what stage of a relationship you’re in, whether you like to get into contentious arguments over your answers to a few lighthearted This or That questions or love to banter back and forth in your version of a couple’s question game.

Answering trivia questions together can also help you learn more about each other and connect with every part of each other’s lives.

This can improve a couple’s communication while giving them hours of entertainment and laughter.

This article will provide 210+ fun and challenging trivia questions for couples to answer together!

In This Post:

Love Language Trivia Questions

Milestone Trivia Questions

Quirky Habits

Apology Trivia Questions

Future Plans Trivia Questions

Personal Preference Trivia Questions

Tips for Answering Couple Trivia Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Final Thoughts

Love Language Trivia Questions

¨ Love will find its way through all languages on its own. ¨- Rumi

Every person has a different love language that shapes how we give and receive love.

Learn to express your needs to your partner in this special language.

Discover your partner’s preferred method of communication and observe how the relationship changes as you accept it.

The main objectives are understanding and using your partner’s love language to your advantage.

Too frequently, partners fail to keep their partner’s needs in mind and instead give love how they would like to receive it.

Changing your perspective to one that is partner-focused promotes intimacy and connection.

• What is your partner’s favorite way to receive love?

• What is your partner’s favorite way to show love?

• What is your partner’s favorite physical touch?

• What is your partner’s favorite way to receive compliments?

• What is your partner’s favorite way to give compliments?

• What is your partner’s favorite way to spend quality time together?

• What is your partner’s favorite way to receive gifts?

• What is your partner’s favorite way to give gifts?

• What is your partner’s favorite way to show appreciation?

• What is your partner’s favorite way to receive appreciation?

• What is your partner’s favorite way to show affection?

• What is your partner’s favorite way to receive affection?

• What is your partner’s favorite way to show support?

• What is your partner’s favorite way to receive support?

• What is your partner’s favorite way to show encouragement?

• What is your partner’s favorite way to receive encouragement?

• What is your partner’s favorite way to show respect?

• What is your partner’s favorite way to receive respect?

• What is your partner’s favorite way to show trust?

• What is your partner’s favorite way to receive trust?

• What is your partner’s favorite way to show understanding?

• What does your partner do to show their love?

• What is your partner’s favorite way to receive love?

• What is your partner’s favorite way to give love?

• What is your partner’s favorite physical touch?

• What is your partner’s favorite way to show appreciation?

• What is your partner’s favorite way to show affection?

• What is your partner’s favorite way to show support?

• What is your partner’s favorite way to show kindness?

• What is your partner’s favorite way to show appreciation?

• What is your partner’s favorite way to show gratitude?

• What is your partner’s favorite way to show respect?

• What is your partner’s favorite way to show admiration?

• What is your partner’s favorite way to show appreciation?

• What is your partner’s favorite way to show appreciation for a job well done?

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Milestone Trivia Questions

¨ Remember to celebrate milestones as you prepare for the road ahead. ¨ – Nelson Mandela

The conventional relationship milestones—meeting the parents, the first anniversary, moving in together, getting hitched, purchasing a home together, and having children together—are well known to us all.

Let’s not get ahead of ourselves; once you’re in a strong relationship, you might find yourself thinking about these things.

Before we even mention the “M” word, let’s talk about some real relationship milestones that deserve celebration.

These should not be viewed as merely “rites of passage” to be crossed off a list but rather as shared experiences that matter because they have cultivated your relationship, brought you and your significant other closer together, and deepened your understanding of one another.

They are the challenges you have overcome together and the advancement you have made as a result, both in difficult and prosperous times.

• What was the first concert your partner ever attended?

• What is the most memorable vacation your partner has ever taken?

• What was the first job your partner ever had?

• What was the first car your partner ever owned?

• What was the first book your partner ever read?

• What was the first movie your partner ever saw in the theater?

• What was the first sport your partner ever played?

• What was the first foreign country your partner ever visited?

• What was the first instrument your partner ever learned to play?

• What was the first pet your partner ever owned?

• What year did your partner graduate high school?

• What year did your partner get married?

• What year did your partner get their first job?

• What year did your partner buy their first house?

• What year did your partner have their first child?

• What year did your partner get their first promotion?

• What year did your partner get their first car?

• What year did your partner get their first pet?

• What year did your partner go on their first vacation?

• What year did your partner get their first degree?

• What year did your partner get their first credit card?

• What year did your partner get their first cell phone?

• What year did your partner get their first job after college?

• What year did your partner get their first professional certification?

• What year did your partner get their first promotion at work?

• What year did your partner get their first raise?

• What year did your partner get their first award or recognition?

• What year did your partner get their first job abroad?

• What year did your partner get their first promotion abroad?

• What year did your partner get their first degree abroad?

• What year did your partner get their first job in their current field?

• What year did your partner get their first promotion in their job?

• What year did your partner start their first business?

• What year did your partner go on their first international trip?

• What year did your partner retire?


Quirky Habits

¨ I was going to quit all my bad habits, but then it occurred to me no one likes a quitter¨- Unknown

Curiosity kills the cat! Therefore, don’t resist the urge to let out your curiosity.

To relieve yourself, ask these questions and let it all out. But keep in mind not to press too hard if your partner chooses not to respond.

This will demonstrate your commitment and enthusiasm forgetting to know every facet of your partner’s life. Later on, pick it up.

Answering trivia questions about each other’s quirky habits can improve communication and strengthen relationships between partners.

Additionally, it can foster a feeling of intimacy and closeness between the two partners.

Finding potential conflict points and resolving them together can also be beneficial. And finally, it can be a good way to spend time with your loved one.

• Does your partner crackle their joints?

• Does your partner chew their nails?

• Does your partner wash their hands constantly?

• Does your partner read the back of shampoo bottles while in the shower?

• Does your partner like to smell books?

• Does your partner like to sniff their fingers after eating?

• Does your partner form word out of letters on license plates?

• Does your partner hold their breath when someone sneezes around them?

• Does your partner like to take off all vegetable/fruit skins?

• Does your partner like to pick up ingrown hair?

• Does your partner like popping pimples?

• Does your partner like pulling out eyelashes/eyebrows?

• Does your partner like stroking their hair all the time?

• Does your partner like looking in the tissue after blowing their nose?

• Does your partner like talking to themselves?

• Does your partner like picking their nose constantly?

• Does your partner like sucking their thumbs?

• Does your partner lick the flavoring off of potato chips before eating them?

• Does your partner constantly bite their bottom lip?

• Does your partner tap their fingers constantly?

• Does your partner move their legs while sitting?

• Does your partner tuck tightly under the covers so things can’t get him/her?

• Does your partner enjoy stripping down to their underwear as soon as they get home?

• Does your partner turn down the sound in the car when it’s dark out and he/ she is looking for a house?

• Does your partner skip the bottom two stairs?

• Does your partner like having conversations with their pets?

• Does your partner get completely naked to poop?

• Does your partner enjoy pillow burying?

• Does your partner avoid certain numbers because of fear that something bad may happen?

• Does your partner have the habit of pulling their hair off?

• Does your partner like to rehearse conversations beforehand?

• Does your partner like to pee while having a bath?

• Does your partner google every new name or word in the conversation they don’t know, even if the other person is still talking to them?

• Does your partner like to tap their toe every time they’re anxious?

• Does your partner like to sleep naked?

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Apology Trivia Questions

¨ Mistakes are always forgivable if one has the courage to admitthem. ¨ – Bruce Lee

Like the love language, each of us has a preferred apology language that may differ from those we love.

Understand how to heal broken relationships by learning your primary apology language.

Use these questions to learn more about your partner and your apology language.

Apology trivia questions are significant because they can improve communication between you and your partner.

They can show you how your partner apologizes and how they prefer to be excused from something.

Understanding this can improve communication between you two and strengthen your bond.

For me, these are one of the most important questions to answer with your partner because knowing how your partner apologizes and what they like and dislike after an argument can save the relationship.

When I have been in relationships, I struggle with fights because I’m very proud, and being able to apologize and recognize my mistakes is not very easy for me.

That’s why I find these questions so important if you want to avoid unnecessary fights and arguments in the future.

• What is the last thing you apologized to your partner for?

• Who is most likely to apologize after a fight?

• How does your partner apologize?

• What is your partner’s favorite way to apologize?

• What does your partner think is the best way to make up after an argument?

• What does your partner think is the most meaningful way to apologize?

• What does your partner think is the best way to show remorse?

• What does your partner think is the best way to express regret?

• What does your partner think is the best way to make amends?

• What does your partner think is the best way to show understanding?

• What does your partner think is the best way to show empathy?

• What does your partner think is the best way to forgive and forget?

• What does your partner think is the best way to move on from a mistake?

• What is your partner’s favorite way to apologize?

• What is the most meaningful apology your partner has ever received?

• What is the most creative way your partner has ever apologized?

• What is the most memorable apology your partner has ever made?

• What is the most heartfelt apology your partner has ever given?

• What is the most effective way your partner has ever apologized?

• What is the most meaningful apology your partner has ever given?

• What is the sincerest apology your partner has ever made?

• What is the most thoughtful apology your partner has ever given?

• What is the most meaningful apology your partner has ever received?

• What is a unique way your partner has ever apologized?

• What is the most meaningful thing your partner has said to you while apologizing?

• What is the funniest thing your partner has had to apologize to you for?

• What is the funniest thing you’ve had to apologize to your partner?

• What does your partner think is the best way to apologize?

• What is your partner’s favorite way to receive an apology?

• What is your partner’s favorite type of apology?

• What is your partner’s favorite type of apology to receive?

• Does your partner lie when he apologizes?

• How often does your partner apologize to you?

• What was the last thing your partner apologized to you for?

• Have you ever apologized to your partner without meaning it?

• Have you ever accepted an apology from your partner just to make them stop talking?

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Future Plans Trivia Questions

¨ By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.¨ – Benjamin Franklin

Consider any promises you’ve made to yourself about what your future might or might not be like.

I’d promised myself that I wouldn’t have children until I had a certain amount of money in my bank account.

Sharing that inner vow with my boyfriend was beneficial in addressing my concerns about our financial future and determining whether I wanted to keep that stipulation in place before our family could grow.

I have always been very scared of the future, and whenever my partner used to ask me about that topic, I always tried to change the topic or tell him to please stop thinking ahead.

But now I have realized that even though it can cause you anxiety, it’s very important to know what each person in the relationship wants in the future and don’t wait until you’re very far ahead in the relationship and end up breaking up because of different ideals on the future together.

• What do you think our future together looks like?

• What do you think our biggest challenge will be?

• What do you think our biggest success will be?

• What do you think our biggest adventure will be?

• What do you think our biggest accomplishment will be?

• What do you think our biggest priority will be?

• What do you think our biggest dream will be?

• What do you think our biggest fear will be?

• How many kids do you think we’ll have?

• What do you think our biggest challenge will be?

• What is the most romantic place you would like to visit together?

• What is the most adventurous activity you would like to do together?

• What is the most meaningful gift you would like to give each other?

• What is the most romantic thing you would like to do together?

• What is the most memorable experience you would like to have together?

• What is the most meaningful way you would like to spend time together?

• What is the most romantic thing you want to say to each other?

• What is the most meaningful way to show your love for each other?

• What is the most romantic thing you want to do for each other?

• What is the most meaningful way you would like to express your feelings for each other?

• What is the name of the city you would like to live in together?

• What type of house would you like to buy together?

• What type of car would you like to buy together?

• What type of pet would you like to get together?

• What type of vacation would you like to take together?

• What type of hobbies would you like to do together?

• What type of job would you like to have together?

• What type of business would you like to start together?

• What type of charity would you like to support together?

• What type of investments would you like to make together?

• What type of savings plan would you like to have together?

• What type of retirement plan would you like to have together?

• What type of education would you like to pursue together?

• What type of lifestyle would you like to have together?

• What type of legacy would you like to leave together?

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Personal Preference Trivia Questions

¨ You call it madness, but I call it love.¨- Don Byas

Couples’ trivia questions about personal preferences are significant because they foster deeper communication between partners.

These queries, which can be lighthearted or serious, can teach partners more about one another’s preferences and areas of interest.

Couples can develop a deeper connection and understanding of one another and foster a more fulfilling relationship by asking each other these questions.

• What was the first thing your partner said to you when you first met?

• What is your partner’s favorite hobby?

• What is your partner’s favorite food?

• What is your partner’s favorite color?

• What is your partner’s favorite movie?

• What is your partner’s favorite book?

• What is your partner’s favorite type of music?

• What is your partner’s favorite type of vacation?

• What is your partner’s favorite type of sport?

• What is your partner’s favorite type of animal?

• What is your partner’s favorite type of cuisine?

• What is your partner’s favorite type of flower?

• What is your partner’s favorite type of clothing?

• What is your partner’s favorite type of TV show?

• What is your partner’s favorite type of board game?

• What is your partner’s favorite type of ice cream flavor?

• What is your partner’s favorite type of restaurant?

• What is your partner’s favorite type of holiday?

• What is your partner’s favorite type of activity?

• What is your partner’s favorite type of music artist?

• What was your partner’s favorite childhood toy?

• What was your partner’s favorite subject in school?

• What was your partner’s first job?

• What is your partner’s favorite type of dessert?

• Would your partner ever consider moving to accommodate your job?

• Is your partner interested in a long-distance relationship?

• Is your partner planning to marry in the future?

• How satisfied are they with their current employment situation?

• What does your partner think about having children?

• Do you and your partner hope to one day own a home?

• Is your partner interested in discussing the future? What is your reasoning?

• What adventures does your partner hope to embark on in the future?

• Are they still in contact with any childhood friends?

• Did they have a good time in high school?

• Were their parents encouraging their ambitions?

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Tips for Answering Couple Trivia Questions

By giving couples a chance to get to know one another better and have fun together, answering couple trivia questions can help build a relationship.

Additionally, it can encourage discussion and foster a closer bond between partners. Introducing new conversational topics can also help to keep the relationship exciting and vibrant.

• Take turns responding to the questions. This will help keep the conversation going and ensure you are both involved.

• Conduct preliminary research on the questions. Knowing the answers in advance can make you feel more confident and prepared.

• Have a good time with it! Take the questions lightly and enjoy getting to know each other better.

• Interrogate each other. If you get stuck on a question, ask your partner for assistance. This can help you learn more about each other and strengthen your bond.

• Make it a contest. See who can answer the most questions correctly or the quickest. This can make the game more enjoyable.

• Celebrate your accomplishments. Celebrate when you get a question right! This will contribute to the game remaining lighthearted and enjoyable.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are “Do you know your partner” trivia questions?

Do You Know Your Partner trivia questions test how well a couple knows each other.

These questions can range from simple questions about each other’s favorite color or food to more complex questions about each other’s past experiences or dreams for the future.

What are spicy couple trivia questions?

Spicy trivia questions are risky and personal questions related to your partner’s likes and dislikes in the bedroom or related to their intimacy. Some examples are:

• What is the most daring thing you’ve ever done in the bedroom?

• What is the most intimate moment we have shared in the bedroom?

• What is the most daring thing you would like to do in the bedroom?

• What is the most daring thing you would like me to do in the bedroom?

• What is the most daring thing you’ve ever fantasized about in the bedroom?

• What is the most daring thing you would like to try in the bedroom?

• What is the most daring thing you would like me to wear in the bedroom?

• What is the most daring thing you would like me to say in the bedroom?

• What is the most daring thing you would like me to do to you in the bedroom?

• Where is the most sensitive part of the body that you like to be touched while in the bedroom?

Final Thoughts

Couple trivia questions can help bring couples closer together and strengthen their bond.

They allow you to get to know each other better and provide a fun and entertaining way to spend time together.

This article’s 210 fun and challenging couple trivia questions are a great place to start.

These questions are sure to spark interesting conversations and create lasting memories, ranging from questions about each other’s favorite movies to questions about each other’s childhood memories.

It’s important to remember that answering a couple of trivia questions isn’t just about getting the correct answer; they are about having fun and getting to know each other better.

Couples should listen to each other’s responses and ask follow-up questions.

This will aid in developing a stronger bond and understanding between the two of them.

We encourage couples to spend time together answering couple trivia questions.

It will not only be a fun way for them to spend time together, but it will also strengthen their bond and create lasting memories.

Finally, couple trivia questions can help to bring couples closer together and strengthen their bond.

They allow people to learn more about one another while also having fun. This article’s 210 fun and challenging couple trivia questions are a great place to start.

We encourage couples to spend time answering couple trivia questions together and making memories.




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Name: Jonah Leffler

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Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.