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He didn't expect to get such a reply from Nangong De. The implication was that he was ready to destroy the Fan family and let the Xiao family rise Thank you, Holy Son Xiao Yu said, his face respectful, but he couldn't hide the excitement in his heart.

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Before, everyone hurriedly escaped from Luoshen Tomb, and then Nangong De showed his power and was frozen for thousands of miles.

It seemed that nothing major happened among the five gates. Thinking of this, Jiang Shi couldn't help but frown. The calmer the phenomenon, the more serious the matter is r n r n A Shi Sit down quickly Li Bai saw Jiang Shi coming back and hurriedly pulled Jiang Shi over.

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Broken the talisman Let's go The Emperor of Heaven is here The twin brothers shuttled through the space, and after escaping the power of the explosion of the talisman, they grabbed Ning Lingruo and ran away Whoosh Jiang Shi appeared, looking at the broken Yifeng, his heart was filled with haze.

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After I go and deal with them, we will rest for a few days and then go to the underworld Brother Nangong, please Jiang Shi was surrounded by people.

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But if their purpose is to rescue In my opinion, there is something fishy in this Jiang Shi is not a fool, on the contrary, he is smarter than anyone else At this time, Shan Yi continued Sir, the master of Tianya Pavilion cherishes talents very much, and likes to make friends with strong people and some talented and potential young people, and train them After saying that, Shan Yi smiled sweetly, as if Something pointed out.

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Let's just go here. The terrain here is quite high and it's easy to defend but difficult to attack Jiang Shi stopped.

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Who are you How dare you attack the Fire Python Army Wang Mingshan was holding a silver gun. The gun was like a dragon, powerful and cunning.

A happy smile is definitely a beauty in the eyes of all men. Hmph Jiang Shi snorted coldly, which was combined with the power of space laws and resounded in everyone's hearts, causing everyone who was about to rush over to stop instantly.

No matter how hard he tries, this white and terrifying flame cannot harm Jiang Shi. Damn it Jiang Shi's face was ferocious as he rolled and struggled violently in the Vulcan Realm.

Boss, is that a divine weapon A top grade divine weapon A top grade divine weapon Yun Sheng was shocked. they have never seen a top grade artifact, let alone a top grade artifact.

Whoosh Jiang Shi and others appeared, and a black mist rushed straight towards them. It turned into a huge black skeleton and bit away at everyone.

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Lingze Peak, where mortals live, Jiang Shi and others entered the Wind and Thunder Tower and began to practice desperately.

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among them there are heavenly immortals, mysterious immortals, and Luo Tianshangxian Also, Daluo Jinxian Two hundred thousand troops soared into the sky, covered the sky, roared past, and surrounded Jiang Shi in less than a quarter of an hour Jiang Shi showed a wry smile.

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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.