Erin Burnett OutFront : CNNW : May 27, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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headlines? i'm audie cornish, might cnn podcast. we'll talk to the people behind the trending stories i've got a lot of questions. your assignment with 40 cornish. listen wherever you get your podcasts out for on the x, breaking news cohen in the crosshairs, cnn learning tonight, trump's legal team is right now preparing to attack michael cohen when they present their closing arguments tomorrow. so what more can we expect? plus trump now locked in a vicious and personal battle with rfk juniors. we hear from two nikki haley his supporters about who they plan to vote for come november and another terrifying flight with severe turbulence. this is we're hearing directly from the pasture who's on board? that deadly flight under similar circ*mstances just last week tonight, he joined us from the hospital where his wife is also still there after suffering a severe your spinal injury. let's go out front good evening. >> welcome to a special edition of outfront america hill in for erin burnett tonight, breaking

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news trashing cohen's character or kara scannell reporting tonight that trump's legal team is expected to go after the credibility of trump's former fixer, michael cohen during their closing arguments tomorrow cohen, of course, is the prosecution's star witness. hear their case really hinges on his testimony, which lasted days. this has prosecutors will be trying to piece together five weeks of testimony in order to convince the jury that donald trump is guilty of falsifying business records in order to conceal $130,000. hush money payment to stormy daniel's. the major question for both sides will this jury of seven men and five women who have now been off out-of-court for an entire week, will they be swayed one way or the other based on what they here tomorrow? donald trump isn't taking any chances already laying the groundwork to claim the case was rigged from the start, should he be convicted. today alone, firing off a number of posts targeting judge juan or sean calling him radical conflict. it suggesting they were shot, actually fixed the entire jury process in order to ensure a guilty verdict an allegation, trump's

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attorney is repeating i have zero confidence in the fact that this person who should not be sitting on the bench right now, we'll do the right thing and give jury instructions that are in an appropriate manner without any persuasion towards the prosecution. so if this is a strategy that sounds familiar to you, if should, in fact, it's the exact same playbook trump views leading up to the 2020 election. kara scannell is outfront live in new york tonight. kara, you've learned a lot more about what we will hear from both sides tomorrow. let's start with donald trump's lawyers with the defense there's some michael cohen in there. what more do we know about their game plan yeah, erica, i mean, michael cohen is going to be the center of closing arguments because he is the only witness that directly ties donald trump to the repayment scheme and those falsified documents, according to the prosecution. >> now, trump's lawyers are expected to focus on cohen's say that the jury shouldn't trust it and they shouldn't believe what he said. they're also going to highlight some of the witnesses that the jury did

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not hear from in this case, witnesses the prosecution didn't call, including allen weisselberg, the former chief financial officer of the trump organization, who was in a key meeting with michael cohen and donald trump when cohen said trump approve this repayment scheme, also that they didn't hear from dylan howard, a top editor at the national enquirer, who was involved in all of the catch and kill deals discussed during the trial, and that they didn't hear from keith schiller, trump's onetime bodyguard who traveled with trump during the campaign, all in an effort to try to re reasonable doubt with the story in arguing that they should not convict donald trump so that's what we expect to hear from the defense. >> what about the prosecution? >> what's the strategy there? >> they would prosecutors are going to say that the jury doesn't have to like michael cohen, but that they can believe him and they'll point towards some of the other evidence that they brought out during the past six weeks of testimony, including text messages, phone log records some of these other documents in the case, including the alleged 34 falsified documents to false invoice, the voucher, and the checks that were signed

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mostly by donald trump's. so trying to tell the jury that they don't have to necessarily want to like everything that michael cohen said, but there's other evidence that they've heard to corroborate his testimony and ask when they ask the jury to return a verdict of guilty. now, closings are expected to go all day tomorrow the judge said that he will then address the jury on wednesday about what the law is, what the prosecution needs to prove in order to win a conviction and once the judge finishes delivering those instructions, the jurors will retreat until the seven men and five women can reach a unanimous verdict. and then the clock starts ticking and everybody will be playing a game of how long will this take care? i really appreciate it. i know you'll be there in court for us tomorrow ryan goodman, terry austin, a norm eisen. all with me here now to preview what they think both sides actually need to do tomorrow. so ryan, perhaps not surprising that michael cohen is going to figure prominently for the defense it's tomorrow. is that enough to get at least one juror two, they're sayyed. i think so. i think the defense is going to make the obvious

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arguments that the case hinges on michael cohen's testimony. and without at the prosecution doesn't have a case. and then they just need a level. michael cohen's credibility before the jurors then just try to get that one and they can say, look, everything depends on michael cohen without him, you do not know that donald trump is even aware of the hush money payment at the time. you do not know the donald trump has any awareness of the structure of the deal that is michael cohen and without him, there's nothing. and i think that's their argument and then they just tear into all the lies that he's responsible for and the lack of credibility in their side. >> sorry, you said that you think in many ways the best lane for the defense here is this tried and true. hey, nothing to see here. defense right. there is nothing for you to look at here, but there is evidence that was presented in court that trump at least knew of the payment the question of course, is, can that paper trail do all that work exactly? >> i think one of the things they're going to do is not only attack the credibility of michael cohen, but say look, even if you believe everything the prosecution said, okay, so we had an nda, nothing illegal about that. all right. so we

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made payments nothing wrong with making payments. this is done all the time. what am i did is something that is normal even if cohen made the payment to stormy daniel's. that's nothing wrong because it was four. the reason of protecting the family. that's it. you have no evidence that it was for the reason of influencing an election or tax fraud or any. kind of federal campaign finance fraud. so i think that's what they have to do, whether or not they're going to actually do it is something else. i think the prosecution has a much better case. i think they're documents and their witnesses all corroborated what their claim is. but i do think the defense can just say, hey, nothing wrong here. so hold that thought in the prosecution sugars and come back prosecution in a minute. norm, i did want to get your take on the fact that you just heard cares reporting suggests michael cohen, who will figure in the defense is closing arguments. allen weisselberg, as well, former trunk or trump org cfo. he's in jail at the moment, right. serving time for perjury related to a separate

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case, civil case involving donald trump bringing allen weisselberg more prominently into the conversation, essentially introducing this character in closing arguments could that backfire or is that a smart move i think it be speaks some of the thinness of what the defense has to work with that they're dragging in these absent witnesses. >> i mean, imagine the jury reaction. we've been here for 20 trial days and these people are saying we should have stayed for longer. we heard from allen weisselberg in the form of others testifying about him and his notes. the probably the smoking gun of smoking guns in this case laying out the so-called grossed up scheme. so the problem for the defense is they have not really put forward an alternative theory. they're one witness, robert costello on the defense case was a disaster. there's nobody in that courtroom who thinks

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that this payment was made and then doubled down hundred $30,000 doubled, or that this false alleged paper trail was created without donald trump's permission. now, there may be one or two jurors. again, it speaks that toughness of the defense's job. they're not really we trying for an acquittal. nobody is saying, oh, donald trump's got a great shot at an acquittal here. what they're trying four, is a hung jury in a mistrial, one or two jurors. so pointing to weisselberg and the other missing witnesses speaks to the toughness of the defense lay down. i'd rather be the prosecution. it's theirs to lose. so if you are the prosecution ryan if allen weisselberg does in fact come up tomorrow, how do you rebut that? how much attention do you give that i think norms right that we do in fact, have allen weisselberg like, what would we have had him come and do tell us that these are his notes. it's it's uncontested that these are his notes and his notes put down in writing the exact scheme. and where does he

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write the notes? but on the bank statement that it has the wire transfers. so do we really need allen weisselberg for that? and if anything, the defense could have called allen weisselberg if he was going to say something different. and they don't need elements tilburg to get beyond a reasonable doubt is the way to put it. it's the defense that needs allen weisselberg. i think that's the way to put up. sorry. what do you think? >> what testimony should the prosecution really be focusing on tomorrow? as they work to connect all of these dots that they put forth over the last five weeks. >> i think they start at the beginning and i think that's the reason they had pecker be the first witness, he laid it all out. he talked about when they all first met and conceived of this conspiracy to rig the election, so to speak. and i think they go well from there, gary farro, the banker. i think keith davidson, they all supported these payments to the doorman, to mcdougal, to daniels and then i think they focus on the witnesses that really worked. trump witnesses, but helped like hope hicks who said this was really for helping out as far as the election was concerned, numeral

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quickly, the fact that the jury three has been out of court for week. they've had a full break for a week. >> does that benefit either side the burden is on the prosecution, so perhaps it with his cookbook for witness tampering is emails with a bad overhang for the defense. so i think it's to wash. all right. >> we'll all be watching and we'll have much to discuss on the heels of it. thank you. all i'll front next to a luna taken a scammer, those just two of the insults flying tonight between trump and rfk junior. but are those attacks doing anything to win over new voters plus a breaking a deadly line of storms is now racing across the us. tornado watches in effect, for a millions as we're learning, 23 people have now been killed by these powerful storms. plus horrific images emerging tonight added ukraine following a devastating strike on ukraine's second-largest city. we are on the ground tonight the sirens are going

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get connected on the day of your move with the xfinity app. can i sleep over at your new place? can katie sleep over tonight? sure, honey! this generation is so dramatic! move with xfinity. bucks in between paychecks with no overdraft fees join me. it i'm katie bell, lilla in washington and this is cnn tonight, trump and rfk jr. in a war of words, trump taking to social media as polls showed, kennedy peeling off more of trump's supporters, then biden's writing quoted don't waste any republican or conservative votes on junior. he's one of the most liberal lunatics ever to run for office. kennedy then firing back in a lengthy post of his own writing in part quote, president trump's scammed american workers. if you think a second trump term would be any different, der, engaging in wishful thinking. harry enten is outfront to go beyond the numbers i hear from that little voice over here that you're ready. so the factory that rfk

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is actually going after, right wing hard right now after working class voters specifically what do you see in that move? >> yeah. what you see essentially as look at those voters who have a household income under $50,000, that is where rfk jr. does best. what we half here is a legitimate three-way race, right? you would think this is a group that donald trump might dominates amongst, right? we know he always goes after the working classes, but rfk's at 23% donald trump is just at 34% in that particular thing. and in fact, if you look at rfk jr. support across income groups, you basically see a steady decline from those who make less than $50,000 a year. and then you go two $5,200,000 and then over $100,000, that group has he has a one-half this sport that he does amongst those under $50,000, it's fastening. there's also ever since nikki haley pulled out of the race, there's been all this talk about what happens to nikki haley voters. she came out last week and said she was going to support donald trump in this election. there are still a number for voters two are undecided. we're going to talk to, to them in just a moment. you've been digging into that. why are you finding

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that many of those folks who supported nikki haley are having such a tough time deciding between donald trump and joe biden because those supporters, haley supporters hate donald trump and hate joe biden. i mean, look at these unfavorable ratings that nikki haley supporters have for donald trump and joe biden, what you see is that nikki haley supporters look at this an 80% unfavorable view of joe biden, donald trump, not much better. well, like look at that. a 75% unfavorable rating. that is what makes it so difficult for them. because simply put, they hate both of the major party candidates. so given that and given those numbers that are i mean, they're almost the same at that point, right? we're looking at them. is there any indication that they're starting to lean a certain way or that something could push them to a certain camp yeah. >> if you look right now, what do you see? you see an a three-way match up, basically a three-way race. this is what's so interesting. look at rfk jr. how much support he's pulling. it's getting 31% some of this group, donald trump right behind it, 30%, joe biden at 17% of the vote, the fact of

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the matter is this is going to be a group that's going to be up for grabs for the rest of the election cycle because we're talking about about 20% of the republican base. and we'll see just where they go. >> well, we're going to ask two of them right now, harry, thank you. and your friend now, to nikki haley, supporters who are undecided i didn't voters tonight. amanda stewart sprouts is a republican from arizona. chris round is a republican from california. it's great to have both of you with us. i'm actually going to start i was going to bring this up later, but i was fascinated. you were both profiled in a p. so when my colleague kit mar about a zoom call, the biden campaign held with haley voters as we dig into that when nikki haley announced that she would be voting for donald trump, she once again urge donald trump to reach out to her supporters. in fact, she said, quote, he can't assume they're just going to be with him it's my understanding though that neither review have yet from the trump campaign. a man, you actually voted though for donald trump twice what would he need to do at this point when your vote a third time at this point, i don't think

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it's not a time for talk anymore. >> we would actually need to see real policy executives professionals put into place, you know, we were done with the performance politics that we've seen especially recently in congress. we want to see actual specific policies and actual professionals put into place that demonstrate republican ideals business like ways of dealing with with the real-world issues in the country right now, do you want some guarantees of what that second trump administration would look like and who would be leading the charge? in a number of those important to you yeah exactly. >> exactly you know, it's no more words. >> none were talking trump vacillates over and over again on different policies we actually want to see, are you going to hire real

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professionals who understand? whether it's foreign policy, whether it's economic policy, whether it's tax policy did they understand what they're doing or are they is it an old football coach? is that somebody who's just a tv pundit? is that is that it's going to be hiring so chris donald trump did have your support 2020 in 2016, but in 2020, but you say this at this point, there's zero chance of that happening in 2024, you're actually leaning toward joe biden, but you're not fully sold. >> what more would you need to hear from him? >> from joe biden on obviously, there are some issues that concern me for example, the border is one that when i speak to others as well, who were former nicki supporters, nikki haley supporters would like to see more action taken. their now congress and forth personally twice now squandered the border bill, which actually nikki haley supported, even though it wasn't a perfect bill just a really strong

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commitment towards israel know vacillation on that just at the united states backs israel period a few other policy issues on that just less wasteful spending. we've got to get the debt under control. >> amanda, you as i mentioned, you were on that zoom call with the biden campaign. you you mentioned immigration. chris, you actually brought that up. you brought up the border is a major issue for them. you were pretty clear as i understand it, in letting the biden campaign know how you feel. do you feel that you were heard that? they understood where you were coming from i definitely think so. >> especially speaking as an arizona voter in the construction and real estate industries and the border is a serious issue are in arizona are skilled labor force is worried that these illegals are asylum seekers will hurt their job market they're concerned

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about safety, they're concerned about safety on the on the job sites, fentanyl has gotten its way into the job sites. it's it's a scary situation at the border right now. yeah. >> even though we're in phoenix and were a couple of hours away, it's scary chris the fact that both you and amanda, you're part of a very large group of haley supporters were looking for home, as we mentioned in this election, i was struck by some of the numbers that my colleague carrie out and brought up just before we came to this interview, that 31 of haley voters would support rfk jr. 30% would support donald trump. neither one of you, as i i understand it, or even considering rfk jr. chris, why is that out of the question for you i've heard a few of his policies and physicians and it just does it seem like they're out there to me and it's quite a reach for me to even go there half of them sounds like he, changes his mind. >> dated day-to-day basis based

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on where the wind is blowing so that's a no for me. >> and besides that, it seems that the entire kennedy family has endorsed joe biden for president reelection again. >> so i but that's a no for me. chris, amanda, really great to have you with us tonight and really appreciate the perspective. thank you thank you. >> thanks for having just ahead here. we're following the breaking news, a tornado watch now and effect four millions across the country as a deadly line of storms are targeting. now i'll the east coast plus reports of another airline hit with severe turbulence following that terrifying instance that left one person dead and dozens more injured. i'm going people the husband of a woman who suffered a severe spine injury on top three games to teenage got this

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you may have call now and we'll come to you 808 to one 4,000 breaking news, dangerous, severe weather, moving across the northeast. now a tornado watch an effect for the washington dc area and parts of virginia, maryland, and north carolina. that same storm system is responsible for at least 23 deaths across four states. a number that this continuing to climb the video from kentucky, which you're seeing here, captures a catastrophic e4 tornado roaring through the western part of the state in texas. meantime a woman and two over children were killed when a tornado struck their trailer, throwing it across the street scene. it's ed lavender is outfront tonight in valley view, texas where that tornado struck at that devastation behind you is really something yeah. >> eric, are you know, one of the things is we've spent the last couple of days out here in this area of north texas. that was just devastated by this ef-2 tornado saturday night with winds of 135 miles per hour it's just the close

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brushes with death that so many people had. we spoke with the gentleman by the name of michael gonzalez. he and his wife were inside the home. you see behind me they were trying to gather their cats and dogs and make it into a storage shelter that they had to get away from the storm, but they didn't make it. they were on the back backside of this and everything collapsed around them. it was a terrifying experience, but somehow they were able to walk away, especially when you consider that just feet away from them? is that we're that we're mother and her two children were found dead, but michael gonzalez says that they were lucky to get out alive could you feel the house, tara? oh yeah. >> i felt that i felt when the freshman neuron up and everything was coming off, i go no i can feel that and started hard to all the window's breaking from the south side. and then our chart here and a bunch of stuff pounding against the walls and heavy stuff. you know, we had to pick and choose our battles, getting out of the

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rubble because everything was blown everywhere and the whole nine yards and so not really how are you and your wife feeling now? well, we're still a little bit little bit tender. were a little beat up still with it. so and it was about the daisy. that's for sure so eric had residents here has spent the last two days cleaning up and what you see behind me, it's like, you know, you look at that, you've asked yourself, where do you start? and this is what many people here have resorted to is scrambling and saving what they can. but essentially just turning everything into burn piles and setting fire to what they haven't been able to salvage. that's the kind of intensity that this cleanup process has here for these residents, erica? absolutely. >> at appreciate it. thank you also, tonight, another terrifying episode of violent turbulence this time on a flight from doha to dublin, 12 people were heard on that qatar airlines for airways flight eight had to be hospitalized. >> here's some of the

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passengers described that moment unfortunately, it was a couple of questions that didn't have seat seatbelts on. >> so they were thrown in front of itself, thrown out of their seats and hit the head. >> we had our seat belts on just from watching the episode that happened last week was just it was there in your mind that episode that happened last week, of course, with a severe turbulence on a singapore airlines flight. >> the left more than 100 people injured, 43 of them still in the hospital tonight 28 people suffered spinal, brain and skull injuries when they were thrown thrown from their seats. >> keith davis and his wife, carrie, were on that singapore airlines flight she suffered a severe spine injury and keith davis is outfront now. keith, we see you there. you're still bandaged, still in your hospital bed there in bangkok. how are you doing tonight? >> erik? yeah. >> to be honest, i am doing 100% when i compare myself to

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this situation is so many others and unfortunately, my wife it's just been a really, really tragic and to what was an absolutely amazing holiday it's just incredible that this has happened to some, to so many on that fly yeah being pretty terrible yeah, i would imagine in some ways, it likely still feels surreal. your wife, carrie, was onboard obviously with you. you two are on your way home from vacation she was thrown in the midst of all of this, suffered a severe spinal injury, as i noted she wasn't able to feel anything after that from the waist down. i know she had to have emergency surgery. when you got to thailand how always carried tonight look, we're taking it gi by j, which is really

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focused on getting carrie to a position that she can actually fly home where working out now, all the logistics for a air ambulance to fly her do directly from here back to go straight there was some other options on how we could do the logistics my grad is concern was i didn't want her to go on any commercial flight to be back in the rear end of a long mole seven, 747 that was just the worst scenarios. >> so wave it out to make arrangements where a dedicated icu air ambulance fully equipped with the medical team on board, are able to make that transfer for this so that should be happening soon sun is the sun mean a matter of days

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or a matter of weeks? i'm hopeful that they will be no more than a week at this at this point, hopefully, even even sooner yeah. in a weird way, we're blessed that we were diverted to to the hospital here in bangkok but you can understand that is amazing, as all that can be. there's nothing like being home, being surrounded by family and friends that's when we begin. the real work in terms of caries recovery. yeah. there's the surgery as being successful, but really that is just to stabilize to get a best placed and set up to make that recovery some at some of the other stories are extraordinary. >> i saw on the bbc story about a young man who was applying

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cpr to the unfortunate person who passed away that young man was sitting next to me who was the guy applying cpr was just remarkable that you could have three people sitting in a row and have three absolutely crazy outcomes fortunately for my wife harry outcome is that she has no sensation from her waist down my outcome is on being battered and bruised, few lacerations i'm talking to you sitting here. i can get around the place. this young man who is sitting next to me i didn't see him we will all three instantly launched into the ceiling. i've since found out that he landed two or three rows behind in the lap of another passenger when i looked

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his seat was destroyed. you seek was destroyed. i was so confused i landed back in my seat unfortunately, for carrie xi landed straight into the aisle when she hit the ground she didn't move when you land at that sort of force? you're gonna move you and your react. >> she never moved again. >> it was it was absolutely terrifying i can remember. i came out i learned over her and just the silly things that are in your mind a checked she was breathing. she could speak tonight very weakly. i could hear her voice and i realized as dripping blood onto address and my mind's going, oh, no, i'm dripping blood into

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address. you think i hope this isn't going to stay in just silly things when we were launched it was as though we're in this sort of suspended animation it was kinda like how people piping box to go out and fly out of the almost additive all but where you get that sense of floating around gravity free time was suspended. we were just flooding. i remember observing my wife and then all of a sudden reality can smashing smashing down yeah the first thing i saw was tidy as offend out because i was talking to him. >> try the i couldn't remember his name. i saw reported i couldn't understand what he was feeling down the aisle, applying cpr. i thought i know that guy it was just so

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confusing. >> it just shows you how some people in those situations he lands two or three rows behind. he's a, he's people pulling out for medical assistance and there he is like superman. he ran down there needs supplying cbs yeah. >> it is always raisi remarkable in some of these moments, right? >> how people just launch into action, where they're needed yeah, key, they're really appreciate you taking the time tonight. i know as you mentioned there's a long road ahead for carrie. i hope you'll keep us posted on her progress and i hope that you too are on your way home in a matter of days. >> yeah. >> so that she can start with that. i know your daughter is with you now. i'm glad she's there with you. thanks again for taking the time. >> thank you. >> wow front next, graphic images just coming in of a deadly striking ukraine's second-largest city, as we're learning, russia could be on the verge of launching another man awesome offensive plots devastating setback tonight for kim jong-un and his admission to send new spy satellites into orbit check we hear nothing the

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about ball game on your best as you can eligible greene's can hopes so. >> every time triet say there's no military around a tool, but all the same devastation people here know two parents died. but the survivor knows a greater horror mikkola is ten and watched his mother larissa die as she laid crushed by the rubble first. since today's storm the gold marble seal but my mom with color college got a year, mom or mama's boy know, bodoni,

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she's numerous. he best lisa smoke non-model, which all i have lived so long, which got the songs just couldn't show goals for the war. and because are stored the dock summary you have your boys the whole new he says he hates himself for not saving his mother i've done it shot aquadro isn't yards is small government deal stormy

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yet economy is rate now go and it just finish that now watch this a blast hit four feet from these two soldiers dugout but mohela you might think weeks to learn if they'll see you again now the stabilization point as to just keep them alive wofford we have watched it i wouldn't these two from the town that russia claim to be seeing

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progress in, in the past days. possibly because forces of wounded drawn from their by ukraine and russia north towards kharkiv to stop the new russian offensive. there suddenly he feels pain and he's right yeah internal injuries from the shear force of the blast let's quickly intervene with the thumb dr says last year during bakhmut was much busier. this he said chilean the beds here empty now, not because the war is

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getting better quite the opposite. >> this unit and 93rd mechanized brigade say it's because they're running low on infantry. and that's how they live in complete darkness with their headlights off. so worried are they about the russians spotting this place nick paton walsh, cnn, eastern ukraine also tonight, a mid-air collision and north korean spy satellite bursting into flames shortly after takeoff, kim jong un hoping to launch three spy satellites this year illustrating how important these satellites are to the north korean dictator. >> will ripley is outfront? >> north korea, putting the world on edge, attempting to launch a suspected military spy satellite for the second time in six months, north korean state media says the rocket exploded during the first stage of launch sounding emergency sirens on okinawa, japan, that alert later lifted footage from

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japanese broadcaster nhk appears to show a shining orange dot flying in the sky and bursting into flames japan's coast guard got advanced warning from peeling yep on of an eight-day launch window ending june 4 rocket debris potentially falling in three locations near the korean peninsula and the philippines island of luzon will connie yeah. >> go on the so-called satellite launch that north korea announced today. >> is it clear violation of un security council resolutions and the international community should respond firmly. south korean and us intelligence closely monitoring north korea's satellite launch site. kim jong-un was there in november when north korea successfully launched its first spy satellite after two failed attempts last year experts warn spy satellites, give pyongyang valuable intelligence on south korean and us military assets in the region potentially making missile strikes more

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accurate the latest launch announcement as japan, south korea, and china hold their first summit in nearly five years, a meeting overshadowed by north korea is latest moves pyongyang says kim is preparing to host russian president vladimir putin soon. a sign of deepening diplomatic and military ties what analysts call kim's strategic pivot away from us diplomacy five years since summit talks with former president donald trump fell apart north korea is interested more in engaging the so-called moscow friendly network of countries. for instance, iran, like iran, pyongyang is selling weapons to putin, ukraine says north korean missiles have killed and injured dozens this year giving north korea valuable well, real-world data on the accuracy of its missiles made with recently produced us and european parts or uk think tank

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says those over at their meeting in russia last year kim said, i will always be standing with russia. putin promised to help kim's satellite program a leader of north korea shows great interest in space and rocketry we'll show them are new objects. and alliance. >> the us warns, could see russia providing critical ballistic missile technology to north korea further destabilizing the region and the world these military spy satellites are part of kim jong un's military modernization program. there are a priority for him and we know that the north marines, erica, learn a lot from these failures sometimes more than a learn from successful launches. so they're saying that a newly developed liquid rocket motor might be the cause of this liquid fuel, of course, highly volatile, but also very effective because they can roll all these ballistic missiles out and launch them with almost

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no notice. and they're making progress as we can see. >> wow, it's really something we will appreciate it. thank you. >> i'll frond next and urgent manhunt underway after a popular daytime tv sorry, shot dead when the competition is a nuclear competition, spying is it? >> extraordinary important the russians were trying to spy on us? >> we were spying on them it's very difficult to determine whom you can trust i was study frank everything got out of control this is a war. but secret the secrets and spies, a nuclear game premieres sunday at ten on cnn imagine a future where plastic is not wasted but instead remade over and over into the things that keep our food fresher our families safer. >> and our planet cleaner to

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absorb been pro i learned box on capitol hill denied a man have underway for three suspects find the shocking murder of a former general hospital star actor johnny walker was shot and killed and downtown los angeles camila

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bernal is outfront so she was pretty worried about you, which ended up in the hospital, the general hospital. >> and so popper community heartbroken and shocked after the fatal shooting of actor johnny wactor. >> is it true authorities are still searching for the person that killed the 37 year-old who was best known for his role as brando corbin early saturday morning. >> he was working at a rooftop bar in downtown los angeles his mother's speaking to cnn affiliate kabc says that after leaving work around three in the morning, he thought someone was working on his car or towing it the los angeles police department says, three people were trying to steal the car's catalytic converter when they were interrupted as wactor approached the car to talk one of the suspects looked up and shot him according to his mom his former fiance also speak king out. >> he was seeing them do it in the act and for standing up for what he believed was right and

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protecting his vehicle. and his car and he was being brave and you never anticipate someone would kill someone for that wactor was taken to the hospital where he was pronounced dead. the entire general hospital family is heartbroken to hear of johnny wactor's untimely passing. the show said in a statement he was truly one of a kind and a pleasure to work with each and every day our thoughts and prayers go out to his loved ones during this difficult time wactor was on general hospital from 2020 to 2022, appearing in more than 150 episodes his own screen wife saying johnny was the absolute best, so genuine, so caring, incredibly hard working, and humble with a huge heart. that's right so much kindness and joy. the answer also appeared on criminal minds, siberia and ncis i will actually always think of him as this spirit that love to

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celebrate life and be alive and push the limits of experience. and he was an amazing akre is really funny and after the shooting, those three suspects got in a car and escape the los angeles police department has yet to release the description in other suspects, or of the vehicle, but they do say they're searching for the people responsible. now, in terms of catalytic converter, that's their up by 900% this 2019, these has skyrocketed and it's mainly because of its special the metals, the precious metals. and in this case, it was not just theft but also, murder erika camila. >> appreciate it. thank you finally tonight, a grateful nation paying tribute on this memorial day to those who have made the ultimate sacrifice. president biden visited arlington national cemetery where he honored the nation's fallen heroes we'll never, ever, ever stopped working for two more good, more perfect union which they lived. and voice stay

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