Firewood Suppliers - Where To Buy Firewood (2024)

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Firewood suppliers can be found almost anywhere and finding good firewood for sale in your region does not have to be acostly task.

By "good," I mean well-seasoned firewood that will lighteasily and offer a clean burn at a reasonable price relative to your localmarket.

Some suppliers advertise their firewood in the local paper, and others just put a sign out in their front yard.

I normally cut my own firewood, but I have purchased it on occasion.

Over the years, I have found that shopping around can save a lot of money.

But where do you look?

Firewood Suppliers - Where To Buy Firewood (1)

The online community has changed almost everything including shopping for firewood.

Searching an online local classified in your area could get you a deal on your firewood.

Craigslist, an online classified site, is a great place to look.

Simply typing firewood for sale into the search box will often give you several options to choose from.

Craigslist allows you to refine your search to your local community, allowing you to find firewood near your home.

This is useful because most suppliers charge extra for delivery based on distance.

Here's a useful tip, look for firewood early in the season.

The closer winter gets, the harder the firewood is to find and the more it will cost!

Logging Companies

Here in northern Michigan forestry and logging are pretty common.

Looking up a local logging company in the phone book or online is pretty easy.

If you live in an area where logging occurs, you may be able to find a good price on some firewood.

I have found that if you call a local logging company, they will usually have firewood for sale.

Normally, they do not advertise firewood for sale, and they sell it by word of mouth.

Firewood Suppliers - Where To Buy Firewood (2)

If you are interested in buying a "loggers cord" of firewood or a "pulp cord" this is a great place to look.

A pulp cord comes in 8 foot lengths delivered on a semi to your house.

The 8 foot lengths are then cut and split by you, saving money.

If you don't mind running a chainsaw this is a great way to get a wood supply delivered to your door without the dangers of felling a tree.

I have found that most loggers will deliver a pulp cord for around $60-$80 a cord.

This same wood, cut to length and split, would cost around $140-$180 in my area.

The savings are substantial if you burn several cords a year.

Firewood Suppliers - Where To Buy Firewood (3)

Here is an example of a load of firewood I had delivered.

It's all hardwood and cost me $70 a cord delivered by a local logging company.

It's nice wood that's not too large, making it easier to handle.

I usually have it delivered to the field behind my house.

The open field receives plenty of sunlight to help dry the wood and leaves all the mess in the field and not in my yard.

Sawmills - Firewood Suppliers

Sawmills are also a great place to look for firewood.

If you have a local sawmill in the area, go up to the office and ask if they sell firewood.

Many times they will have slab wood for sale or other logs they could not use.

A local sawmill down the road from me sold slab wood for $10 a truckload.

Once my truck was full, I would bring the wood home and cut it into useable lengths.

Firewood Suppliers Directory

Our wood products directory includes a listing of theprimary firewood suppliers near you.

The goal is to connect firewood sellers with consumers.

Firewood Suppliers - Where To Buy Firewood (4)

It also provides up-to-date information on the existing firewood andits economic contribution to the consumers.

Information Given About Each Supplier

  • Business name and location
  • Contact information
  • Industry type
  • Business specialty
  • Species of wood and volume processed
  • Services offered
  • Do they export or not
  • Whether the suppliers offer wholesale or retail sales or both

The primary firewood suppliers are listed alphabetically by state inthe U.S.

We also have a directory for wood suppliers in other countries likethe UK and Canada.

We have identified more suppliers who are willing to participate inour directory.

Efforts are being made to include all suppliers who wish to beincluded in our directory.

The directory will be constantly updated to includedeletions, changes, and additions.

Choosing The Right Firewood Suppliers

The firewood suppliers you choose depends on your budget, yourfirewood tastes, and the level of services you need or want.

There are many firewood suppliers out there, and choosing the right one can be challenging.

Here aresome tips to use when looking for firewood suppliers to get your wood for yourfirewood burner:

High-Quality Firewood

A lot of people supply firewood. Quality differsgreatly among various suppliers.

Firewood requires to be well-seasoned toensure that it does not have a lot of moisture.

Low-quality wood that has ahigh moisture content has not been dried correctly and is hard to light.

Also,it produces less heat and leaves deposits creosote in your chimney.

Delivery Options

Getting reliable firewood suppliers withhigh-quality firewood in your local area is not always easy.

If you are lookingfor firewood suppliers near you, you may not actually get several local resultsdepending on your region.

Firewood Suppliers - Where To Buy Firewood (5)

That is why the supplier you choose should have suitable delivery options because you do not want to drive for miles to collect some firewood regardless of how good quality it is.

Your supplier should be able to get high-quality seasoned firewood to you.

Environmentally Responsive

Your firewood supplier should be conscious of the environment.

You should choose a supplier who provides firewood that will not produce harmful fumes or smoke.

Your firewood should come from sustainable forests where it has been harvested legally to ensure that it is high-quality and environmentally friendly.

If you want your lighting to be long-lasting, hot, and environmentally friendly, you will need to choose a firewood supplier who emphasizes quality.

Just Ask

Some of the best deals on firewood are usually not advertised.You would be surprised how many firewood suppliers exist if you just ask.

Find a local company that deals with wood and ask if they have any firewood for sale.

You might be surprised what you find!

Firewood Suppliers - Where To Buy Firewood (6)

About the Author

Nick Greenway

Obsessed with firewood, Nick is behind over 350+ of Firewood For Life's articles, as well as countless reviews, guides and YouTube videosto help readers like you reduce heating costs and create the perfect fire.

Firewood Suppliers - Where To Buy Firewood (2024)


How much is 3 cords of wood? ›

Cord of wood cost
Number of cordsAverage price range*
1$275 – $400
2$525 – $775
3$750 – $1,125
4$900 – $1,400
1 more row
Sep 8, 2023

How much is a half cord of wood? ›

Firewood Prices by Volume
Cord SizeSize (cubic feet)Average Cost Range
Quarter32 (6'x4'x16”)$50 – $150
One-Third (Rick or Face)42 (8'x4'x16”)$75 – $200
Half64 (4'x4'x4')$100 – $300
Full128 (8'x4'x4')$150 – $500
1 more row
Aug 3, 2022

How much firewood is in a bundle? ›

A standard bundle contains between 7-12 pieces of firewood, and the usual measurement for a piece of firewood is 12-18 inches long with a 3-4-inch diameter. So, the total amount of wood in a bundle is 0.75-1 cubic feet on average.

How many cords of wood per month? ›

If you're using a wood-burning stove for cooking, you'll only need a few logs per day, so a face cord of wood every three to four months should be plenty. You'll need more if you're using a wood-burning stove for heat. We recommend a full cord of wood to be stocked up for three to four months.

How much should you charge for a cord of wood? ›

Normal range: $150 - $500. A cord of wood costs $300 on average, and prices often range from $150 to $500 depending on the season, wood type, and where it's from. A cord of stacked logs totals 128 cubic feet. This large volume is commonly used in homes where a fireplace or stove burns wood as the primary heat source.

How long will 3 cords of wood last? ›

Most experts agree that a full cord of firewood should last eight to twelve weeks if you make one or two weekly fires at home.

Will a half cord of wood fit in a pickup? ›

A standard, full cord of wood is a volume of 128 cubic feet, measured as a pile 8 feet long, 4 feet high and 4 feet wide. A full cord can weigh up to 5,000 pounds. Small Pickup -- 1/4 ton With or without racks this truck bed holds approximately 1/2 (one-half) cord of wood. Two load tickets required.

What does a 1/2 cord of wood look like? ›

Today, a typical cord of wood is cut to 16" lengths. So, a half cord comprises three rows of sixteen pieces of wood to make it a total of 4' deep. A half cord of wood 4' X 4' X 4' results in 64 cubic feet of wood by volume.

How many pieces of firewood are in a cord? ›

Typically, a full cord will contain between 600 and 800 pieces of firewood. If the company you purchase from shortens its logs, you will probably get closer to 800 pieces. And if the pieces are longer, you will probably get around 600 pieces.

What is the cheapest way to bundle firewood? ›

Whether you're bundling for yourself or you're planning on selling your firewood, this article posits that shrink wrap is a great way to bundle your wood. The supplies for shrink wrapping are relatively inexpensive and the wrap will keep your wood in nice neat and easy to carry bundles.

What is a bundle of firewood called? ›

Firewood is usually sold by the pallet, cord, face-cord or bundle. A full cord is a stack of firewood that measures 8 feet long by 4 feet deep and 4 feet high, or 128 cubic feet.

What size is firewood sold in? ›

A full cord is 128 cubic feet of firewood, which includes about 600 to 800 logs. Often, a firewood cord is three stacks of logs that occupy 4' x 4' x 8' feet. It's generally the largest order measurement used by firewood companies and amounts to a whole lot of wood.

Does rain affect seasoned firewood? ›

Any rainfall that falls on your wood replaces the sap as the water evaporates, causing your firewood to burn faster and become less efficient. Make sure you leave the ends of the stack uncovered, however, to allow maximum air to circulate and moisture to escape.

How many logs should I put in my wood stove? ›

You shouldn't overload the space but use it as efficiently as possible. As a rule, a wood burner requires 2-3 logs per hour. “Most of us are familiar with putting kindling at the bottom of the fire, but this makes it more difficult for the fire to get going at the start, leading to an inefficient burn and more smoke.

How many cords of wood do you need for winter? ›

For colder climates, such as the Northeast and Midwestern states, using wood as a primary heat source, we recommend having 2-3 cords per 1,000 square feet of heating space. As for warmer climates, such as Mid-Atlantic and Southern states, 1-2 cords per 1,000 square feet of heating space should suffice.

How big is 3 cords of wood? ›

Often, a firewood cord is three stacks of logs that occupy 4' x 4' x 8' feet. It's generally the largest order measurement used by firewood companies and amounts to a whole lot of wood.

Is a cord of wood 4x4x4? ›

A standard, full cord of wood is a volume of 128 cubic feet, measured as a pile 8 feet long, 4 feet high and 4 feet wide.

How many cords of wood is one tree? ›

A large tree however with a trunk diameter of 24 inches and a height of 120 feet would produce at least 600 pcs; a half bush cord or 3 face cords of firewood, so tree determining size before you use the firewood cord calculator to calculate how much firewood is in a tree is an important consideration before you fire up ...

What does a cord of wood look like in a truck? ›

Full Cord = Two full-size pick-up truck loads (8' box), whether the wood is stacked carefully so it is about level with the truck box sides, or is thrown into the truck box with the pile being mounded.

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.