GeoTrust True BusinessID EV SSL Cert with Global Support (2024)

Enterprise-Grade Authentication at Your fingertips

GeoTrust True BusinessID Extended Validation SSL Certificate is a premium enterprise-grade security product built to secure the web presence of businesses, government institutions, medical and educational institutions, and virtually every other major authority in a given field.

This EV certificate will equip your single domain with a comprehensive security package - the backbone of which is 256-bit encryption of data - and an assortment of other related features. These all combine to bolster the client's perceived and actual authority, both by other - potentially competing - companies and by your visitors themselves.

Combining visual showcases of authority with practical security tools results in a substantial increase in your website and/or branding's overall trustworthiness. A Certificate Authority such as GeoTrust is renowned worldwide, and completing their comprehensive verification process means they can extend their authority to you, too.

This True BusinessID SSL certificate also visually confirms the highest level of authentication available of all SSL certificates with the presence of a green address bar and a verified mark. Certificates such as this one easily ensure that your business partners, customers, and employees trust your website and are aware that any transferred information is encrypted and protected.

Your Extended Validation can be done quickly, easily, and at a low price

GeoTrust will perform an EV-tier verification of your business that includes looking your brand up in local directories and business registries. For this part of the process, you're going to want to have all of your paperwork done and settled, as this can speed it up substantially. All part of the GeoTrust True BusinessID SSL certificate issuance process.

Depending on a variety of features and factors, this can take between 2 and 10 business days for your Business Validation to be completed, which already explains why you want to be sure that you have all your business details up to date.

If - at any stage - there is additional documentation required, you will be contacted for further details or confirmation and also if and when a phone call is needed for final verification. This means the process is going to go along no matter what, and you never have to worry if something is going to fall through.

This verification process is done for every True BusinessID EV SSL Certificate. You and your visitors will know that you can trust any party that's in possession of one such SSL certificate.

Green Address Bar, GeoTrust Site Seal, and More

The green address bar that comes with the True BusinessID EV SSL displays the true identity of the business running the visited website. The given business name will be shown in the address bar itself, making sure it's always plainly visible and available for anyone who's interested.

In effect, this means that your visitors can be absolutely sure about the identity of the domain owner via which they are performing their transaction. From online purchases, sending and receiving emails, or just browsing your intranet, your authenticity will be available and trustworthy - all thanks to this SSL certificate.

Along with the Green Bar for your website, these SSL certificates also come featuring a premium GeoTrust Site Seal which you can display on your website, unlike any free SSL certificate you might come across. It is an additional sign of verification, generating even greater trust over a long period of time.

Being the most highly trusted SSL from GeoTrust, it is backed by a $1,500,000 warranty and also offers a 20-day money-back guarantee. You can be sure this is the right SSL certificate for you and your enterprise's online presence.

Get unlimited server licenses and more - all part of the package

With unlimited free re-issues, 99.9% browser and mobile support, and the ability to install it on an unlimited number of servers, True BusinessID EV SSL certificates make for a great product for any school, business, or legal entity.

Do note, however, that this particular True BusinessID product does not come with multi-domain coverage by default, as Multi-Domain SSL certificates do. These SSL certificates are, instead, designed specifically for single-domain validation across the board. You do still get additional benefits (unlimited server licenses, for example), access to various support packages, Site Seal graphics, stellar browser compatibility, support for mobile devices, and more.

All GeoTrust premium certificates offer similar feature lists, but True BusinessID sits at the forefront of their flagship lineup. You're getting industry-standard encryption strength to compile aggregate data with, numerous trust indicators, and more - at a very budget-friendly price.

One final note: when you configure your SSL be sure to do it for your domain, including the www. Doing so will ensure that it's also validated for the non-www version (, giving you additional security and extra peace of mind.

A comprehensive selection of support options ready to go, thanks to SSLTrust

SSL certificates are a crucial backbone of modern web security, but the story hardly ends when your certificate is implemented. If you get your SSL/TLS via SSLTrust, we can guarantee one of the fastest, most responsive, and most efficient support team operators you'll find anywhere online.

No matter which part of the process you might find challenging or confusing, our experts will be more than happy to jump right in and offer whatever assistance you might need. Just reach out via our support form, and we'll get to you in the shortest order possible.

GeoTrust True BusinessID EV SSL Cert with Global Support (2024)
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Name: Trent Wehner

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