Healthcare Business Budgeting (2024)


Complex organizations are tasked with utilizing limited resources to create goods and services; a healthcare organization is no exception. The resources that serve as inputs to a healthcare organization include clinical and administrative staff, medical supplies and equipment, and government and private health insurance. Thegoods and services thatserve as outputs of a healthcare organization include patient care outcomes, patient satisfaction, and community and population health.

Therefore, whether it is the director of a national health system (e.g., National Health Services in the UK), the CEO of an academic hospital (e.g., the Mayo Clinic), or the manager of a local urgent care center, they must understand how to design, modify, and implement a business budget.[1]A budgeting system is typically composed offive components.[2]These are the following:

  • Budget objectives: This component is the why behind a budgeting system and includes overarching organizational goals and specific programming efforts. For example, suppose a local hospitalplans to set up a new dialysis center to better serve its patients with dialysis-dependent kidney diseases. In that case, managers should detail how such an initiative would impact next year's budget.

  • Capital budget: This component typically includes equipment and infrastructure such as a robotic surgical system, CT/MRI machine, or new off-site clinic office space. Whenever a capital investment is considered, managers should go through a thorough evaluation process to determine whether the net benefit outweighs the net cost over the project's lifespan.

  • Statistical projections: This component serves as the weather forecast function of a budgeting systemwith estimates ofthe volumes of services and procedures required during a budgetary period. This forecast will not only help with revenue projection but will also help with staffing and resource planning to ensure supply meets the demand.

  • Revenue budget: This is the estimated gross revenue from various output streams. For example, an ophthalmology clinic may estimate its gross income by combining revenues from in-office clinical care and operating room surgical care.

  • Operating budget: This is the expense side of the budget, composed of personnel salaries, supply and material costs, and administrative overhead. To accurately estimate the total expenses, one must understand the nature of the fees, i.e., fixed cost vs. variable cost.

The capital budget is often a big-ticket itemthroughout the budgeting process; therefore, it warrants further discussion. As stated above,the capital budgetin the healthcare setting includes technologies, equipment, and sometimes physical buildings and facilities, which could require the investment of millions of dollars in any of the categories. Two financial models that could help managers evaluate whether a capital project is worth investing in are the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) and the discounted cash flow (DCF)models.[3][4]

The WACC model is based on the concept of opportunity cost,computed by plugging in several variables to generate a percentage rate of return. These variables include the cost of capital before tax, the cost of equity, the cost of debt, the corporate tax rate, the value of equity shares, and the market value of debt.[3] After plugging in these variables, the WACC equation will produce a percentage (e.g., 12%)representingthe threshold rate of return that a capital investment needs to demonstrate to be profitable. In other words, if a project is estimated to return 5%, the organization will most likely experience a loss on the investment.

The DCF model considers the time value of money by projecting the value of an investment over its lifespan. With thismodel, the yearly revenue from a project (cash flow) is projected, andeach annual revenue projection is then discounted by the interest rate (i.e., the discounted cash flow). All the discounted values are added together to reflect the cumulative current value, and finally, the initial capital investment is subtracted from the cumulative current value. The resulting figure is the net present value (NPV), which could be positive (i.e.,resulting in a profit), zero (i.e., resulting in net even), or negative (i.e.,experiencing a loss).[4]

Both WACC and DCF only estimate financial rates of return. Sometimes decisions to proceed with certain capital investments are also dictated by non-financial needs such as governmental mandates.

Issues of Concern

In "Budgeting for Results," Ross writes that instead of viewing budgeting merely as a tool to estimate revenues and expenses, organizations should utilize budgeting as a process to translate organizational values into operational roadmaps.[1]

Further, this process can be completed through joint efforts among senior leadership, mid-level management, and corporate finance departments. Ross discusses the five fundamental budgeting systems as listed below:

  • Incremental budget: This budgeting system estimates the total cost of production based on current and historical expenditures. This system adjusts the budget based on the estimated changes in the price of inputs and outputs and the estimated changes in the quantity of the results. The primary focus of the incremental budget is to control the total cost to be within budget. Also known as the fixed or static budget, the incremental budget commonly induces the "use it or lose it" mentality among sub-division managers. For example, the nursing staff of an inpatient unit is allocated an annual budget of $10,000 for all social events; if the team doesn't use all of the $10,00 that year, the remainder will not carry over to the following year. The staff either uses it or loses it.

  • Flexible budget: In contrast to the incremental budget, the flexible budget acknowledges that future output could fluctuate; therefore, the budgeted amount could also change. Managers of this budgeting system need to know their operations' fixed and variable costs so the budgeted output can be updated as circ*mstances evolve. The primary focus of the flexible budget is to control the average cost per unit of output to be within budget. For example, an ophthalmology surgical center newly offers an advanced cataract surgery procedure and thus adjusts its budget based on fluctuating levels of output (i.e., surgical cases).

  • Zero-based budget: This budgeting system rejects the assumption that historical expenditures should dictate future budgets. The primary focus of the zero-based budget is to minimize the marginal cost of production, which is measured by changes in total cost over changes in total output. In zero-based budgeting, managers are required to answer three questions: (1) whether a product needs to be produced, (2) how it should be produced, and (3) at what scale it should be produced. In other words, the zero-based budget aims for the optimal product mix, production method, and quantity. For example, an in-house wellness clinic at a large manufacturing company adjusts its product offerings (e.g., physical therapy, weight management, smoking cessation) based on its employees' utilization.

  • Program budget: This budgeting system is distinguished by its long-term, multi-department, and top-down approach to budgeting. This budgeting system starts at the executive level of an organization based on overarching objectives, then is passed down to mid-level management to produce department-level budgets. The primary focus of the program budget is to use the budget process to achieve organizational goals. For example, the National Health Service (NHS) in Great Britain allocates funding for its functions of direct medical care, public health endeavors, and medical research based on the organization's priorities in a given budget year.

  • Activity-based budget: This budgeting system is the most operationally focused budget. Budget planners examine the step-by-step activities required to produce a specific output and estimate the costs generated from such activities. Activity-based budgeting is the composite summation of the cost associated with each production activity multiplied by the quantity of each production activity. The primary focus of the activity-based budget is to maximize effectiveness, efficiency, and throughput. For example, an outpatient surgical center conducts value stream mapping by illustrating a patient's care experience from initial referral to surgery to post-operative care; the center then estimates the cost associated with each step.

A subset of the activity-based budget is time-driven activity-based costing (TDABC), which is important in the era of value-based care.[5]

In value-based care, healthcare organizations are judged by the outcome of care divided by the cost of delivering the care. Medicare designed prospective payment rates based on diagnostic-related groups (DRGs) in the 1980s for hospital reimbursem*nts. The DRG-based payment system is a version of value-based care in which the cost of care is directly tied to the diagnosis and the severity of the illness.[6]

As a result, TDABC has emerged as an all-encompassing yet relatively efficient cost-accounting method that examines the entire care delivery process. Kaplan and Porter developed the 7-step method of TDABC that examines the care delivery roadmap, incorporates direct and indirect costs, estimates time spent per activity, evaluates capacity cost rate, and ultimatelygenerates the cost of the entire care process.[5][7]

Clinical Significance

Individual Level

For individual patients, a well-budgeted healthcare operation can positively impact their care experience, quality, and outcome. In wound care management, 15% of costs are from dressings and materials, 35% are from nursing care time, and 50% are from hospitalization.[8]

If a wound care clinic erroneously increases the budget for dressings and materials but reduces the budget for nursing staff, then this budgetary decision would directly reduce nursing wound care time, worsen wound healing, and ultimately increase hospitalization and associated costs.

Organizational Level

Ross emphasizes that budgeting is an important management tool that enables a healthcare organization to translate its visions into actions.[1] Rather than viewing budgeting as a tedious cost-control mechanism, Ross argues that organizations should evaluate whether their budget reflects their long-term objectives at the executive level, whether the budget process successfully performs and functions at the management level, and whether the process honors the constraints and opportunities at the finance level. A well-budgeted healthcare organizationenables buy-in from its employees at all levels.

Community Level

If healthcare budgeting is considered complex for a single organization, one could imagine how interwoven and intricate the process can be for a local government or state. The State of Maryland, for example, has been operating under an all-payer global budget system since 2014, which has led to cost savings and demonstrated collaboration among stakeholders, including hospital leaders, state and federal regulators, and payers.[9]

National Level

At the national level, healthcare budgeting directly impacts access, delivery, staffing, and quality of care. In the United Kingdom, the National Health Service (NHS) is tasked with delivering care to the public. In 2021, the NHS announced that it would add £5.9bn ($8.1bn) to its annual budget to tackle the long waiting time for diagnostic studies and elective medical care.[10] Regardless of the level and scale of budgeting, the same principles mentioned above still apply.

Nursing, Allied Health, and Interprofessional Team Interventions

Healthcare budgeting is an extensive interprofessional process in any healthcare organization. When performed well, healthcare budgeting invites interdisciplinary participation from clinical staff (e.g., physicians, advanced practitioners, nurses, and pharmacists), operational staff (e.g., clinical engineering, environmental services, and nutrition services), and administrative staff (e.g., executives and managers). Nurse managers play a vital leadership role in budgeting, as evidenced by Baker, Lindholm, and Searle, because they can combine clinical experiences with operational understanding to make sound budgetary decisions.[2][8]

Given the importance of budgeting to patient care, organizational success, and public health, it isever more critical for healthcare professionals to understand the fundamental principlesof budgeting.



Ross TK. Budgeting for Results. Health Care Manag (Frederick). 2020 Jan/Mar;39(1):24-34. [PubMed: 31876590]


Baker JD. The operating expense budget. One part of a manager's arsenal. AORN J. 1991 Oct;54(4):837-41. [PubMed: 1952908]


Hansen D. Capital budgeting techniques. Australas Radiol. 1998 Feb;42(1):38-41. [PubMed: 9509603]


Sinclair DR. Capital budgeting decisions using the discounted cash flow method. Can J Anaesth. 2010 Jul;57(7):704-5. [PubMed: 20306239]


Keel G, Savage C, Rafiq M, Mazzocato P. Time-driven activity-based costing in health care: A systematic review of the literature. Health Policy. 2017 Jul;121(7):755-763. [PubMed: 28535996]


Quinn K. After the revolution: DRGs at age 30. Ann Intern Med. 2014 Mar 18;160(6):426-9. [PubMed: 24723081]


Kaplan RS, Porter ME. How to solve the cost crisis in health care. Harv Bus Rev. 2011 Sep;89(9):46-52, 54, 56-61 passim. [PubMed: 21939127]


Lindholm C, Searle R. Wound management for the 21st century: combining effectiveness and efficiency. Int Wound J. 2016 Jul;13 Suppl 2(Suppl 2):5-15. [PMC free article: PMC7949725] [PubMed: 27460943]


Kilaru AS, Crider CR, Chiang J, Fassas E, Sapra KJ. Health Care Leaders' Perspectives on the Maryland All-Payer Model. JAMA Health Forum. 2022 Feb;3(2):e214920. [PMC free article: PMC8903109] [PubMed: 35977273]


Mahase E. NHS gets £5.9bn funding boost in autumn budget to tackle waiting lists in England. BMJ. 2021 Oct 28;375:n2637. [PubMed: 34711583]

Disclosure: Rui Zhang declares no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies.

Disclosure: Julie Bohlen declares no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies.

Healthcare Business Budgeting (2024)


How to answer interview questions about budgeting? ›

When discussing your budgeting experience, focus on your ability to create and manage budgets effectively. Highlight instances where your budgeting skills led to cost savings, improved financial performance, or optimized resource allocation.

Why is budgeting important in healthcare? ›

Ultimately, a well-planned budget allows health systems to plan appropriately for the future in order to provide quality care.

How much should you budget for healthcare? ›

According to WebMD, fixed insurance payments should make up about 4 to 6 percent of your monthly net income (after taxes). Routine out-of-pocket expenses can include prescription drugs you take on a regular basis, and fees for preventive care like vision and dental appointments.

Why are capital budgeting decisions so important to a healthcare organization? ›

Capital budgeting empowers organizations to allocate funding to projects that will add value to their operations or otherwise support organizational goals. To evaluate those projects, leaders use a variety of capital budgeting methods that determine if the project will be beneficial in the long term.

What are the 3 most important parts of budgeting? ›

For any organization, a budget, whether done annually or conducted throughout the year in the form of rolling forecasts, is a critical component for success. Any successful budget must connect three major elements – people, data and process.

What are 4 good budgeting practices? ›

5 budgeting methods to consider
Budgeting methodBest for…
1. The zero-based budgetTracking consistent income and expenses
2. The pay-yourself-first budgetPrioritizing savings and debt repayment
3. The envelope system budgetMaking your spending more disciplined
4. The 50/30/20 budgetCategorizing “needs” over “wants”
1 more row
Sep 22, 2023

What is budgeting in healthcare? ›

Healthcare budgeting, like budgeting in other industries, plans and distributes financial resources over a set timeframe, often a month, quarter or year. The budgeting process includes estimating revenue and expenses and setting financial objectives that align with the organization's overall strategic goals.

What are three major benefits of budgeting? ›

Budgeting can help you set long-term financial goals, keep you from overspending, help shut down risky spending habits, and more.
  • Helps You Work Toward Long-Term Goals.
  • Can Keep You from Overspending.
  • Can Make Retirement Saving Easier.
  • Helps You Prepare for Emergencies.
  • Can Reveal Spending Habits.
  • The Bottom Line.

What is the biggest expense for hospitals? ›

Wages, Benefits, and Labor Costs

While percentages vary from hospital to hospital, across the board the biggest expense for hospitals are wages and benefits which on average account for 56% of the total expense of a hospital.

Why is healthcare important? ›

High-quality health care helps prevent diseases and improve quality of life. Healthy People 2030 focuses on improving health care quality and making sure all people get the health care services they need. Helping health care providers communicate more effectively can help improve health and well-being.

Why do healthcare costs keep rising? ›

There are many possible reasons for that increase in healthcare prices: The introduction of new, innovative healthcare technology can lead to better, more expensive procedures and products. The complexity of the U.S. healthcare system can lead to administrative waste in the insurance and provider payment systems.

How to calculate healthcare costs? ›

Generally, your total cost is your premium + deductible + out-of-pocket costs + any copayments/coinsurance. When you preview plans at, you'll see an estimate of your total costs, but your actual expenses will likely vary.

What are the three biggest expenses for hospitals? ›

Personnel costs are the largest expense in most healthcare facilities. They include salaries and benefits for employees, as well as pension, and other post-employment costs. Supplies and services are the next largest expense, followed by depreciation.

What is budget variance in healthcare? ›

Budget variance is the difference between the expected budget (such as expense, revenue, number of patients, and number of exams) and the actual numbers, which may vary from month to month.

What is a flexible budget in healthcare? ›

Flexible budgets are essential tools for healthcare managers to plan and control costs, revenues, and performance. Unlike static budgets, which are based on fixed assumptions and projections, flexible budgets adjust to reflect the actual volume and activity level of the organization.

How do you talk about budgeting in an interview? ›

Mention instances where you successfully controlled costs, improved efficiency, or contributed to financial goals. Provide concrete examples, quantify results, and emphasize your ability to analyze financial data and make strategic decisions to ensure effective budget utilization.

How do you describe budgeting skills? ›

Budgeting skill is the ability to plan and manage money wisely by creating a detailed plan that shows how much money a person earns, how they spend it, and how they can save for future goals.

How do I prepare for a budget interview? ›

In addition to technical, financial and mathematical skills, a budgeting role candidate should have well-developed soft skills to ensure they can collaborate and communicate well within the organization. They should be able to explain why communication is important and provide examples of good communication strategies.

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