Heaven's New Angel - Derpmaster9000 (2024)

Whis let out a somewhat despondent sigh, as he watched his God of Destruction, Lord Beerus, and the team of Universe 7, be erased right before his eyes.

It was hard to believe, after all they’d gone through, that the tournament had been lost. They’d come so close to winning it, too, with Goku finally achieving the mastered state of what he’d been trying to teach him, all along: Ultra Instinct.

He’d done so well, that brave Saiyan, achieving what none of the GODs had managed, and bringing immense joy and pride out in Whis, seeing his student attain the ultimate divine technique. If only that state could’ve lasted a small moment longer, than Jiren, who’d been defeated at that point, would’ve been knocked out of the ring, for sure, and Universe 7 could’ve breathed a sigh of relief. He could’ve breathed a sigh of relief.

Alas, it was not meant to be. Goku’s mortal body had underwent a backlash that even Whis had not foreseen, which had left him nearly crippled. And Frieza and 17 had hardly been in much condition themselves to continue fighting, though they had certainly given their best, as had Goku, with what little he had left.

Despite the beating he had suffered, though, Jiren had been able to rally back, after a rousing speech from his fellow Pride Trooper, Toppo, and had been able to, with a great deal of effort, soundly defeat the remaining three warriors of their Universe, cinching the win for Universe 11, and their guaranteed safety from erasure, at the two Lord Zen’os’ hands. All while damning Universe 7, though of course, that part wasn’t personal. Not entirely, anyway, given virtually every Universe that’d been present for this, had blamed Goku, and by extension, Universe 7, for this tournament even being a thing.

Quite the selfish thing to do, given that without this bit of entertainment, the two Lords of Everything would’ve undoubtedly just erased the lowest ranked Universes without a second thought, and without giving them a chance to save themselves. That fact seemed to be lost in many of those who’d been present, however.

Regardless, at the very least, he’d been able to share a pleasant goodbye with Beerus and the others. He may not have always seen eye-to-eye with his destroyer, in particular, who was certainly quite the lazy and irresponsible type, but he’d had fun with him over their many years together, and developed a unique kind of bond, that went a little beyond teacher and student, or attendant to GOD.

He'd be lying if he said he wasn’t just a little bit sad to see him go. His immortal life would certainly be a good deal more boring now, without that cat around, and certainly without those interesting Saiyans Goku and Vegeta, too. Good pupils, they were. Goku, especially, after having seen him achieve the ultimate, just before his untimely defeat.

“Are you alright, brother?” He heard Vados ask of him. His sister’s normally teasing tone replaced with one of rare, light concern, as he glanced over and caught her gaze upon him.

“I’ll be fine, I suppose.” Was all the angel could say, as he laid his staff upon his lap. “I’d been hoping that Goku and co would pull through there, at the end, but sadly, it seems fate had other plans.”

“Mhmm. It seems so.” Vados nodded in understanding, seeing her brother’s downcast expression. “For all the relief we feel, and the teasing we gave our respective Gods of destruction, for being exempt from annihilation, when the time actually comes for them to go… It’s hard not to feel a pang of sadness, I must say.” She let out a sigh of her own, as she leaned back, looking over at Universe 11, as they celebrated their victory and survival. “Lord Champa could be obnoxious at times, but he did at least keep things interesting. Him being gone for good now… I won’t deny, I will miss him.”

“It’s the same for me, with Lord Beerus.” Whis nodded, a frown coming over his usually smiling face. “I do have to wonder now, though… what exactly will I do? It’s not as if I’m needed to train any new destroyers. All the spots are already taken up. Do I just simply… return to the angelic realm, after all this?”

“You need not, my son, if you don’t want to.”

Both Whis and Vados blinked at the voice, before turning their gazes upwards. Both then saw their father, the Grand Priest, the mightiest warrior in the multiverse, and the most powerful being behind the Lords of Everything themselves, floating gracefully above them, arms clasped behind him, as he looked down at both, Whis in particular, with a gentle smile.

“Father? What do you mean by that?” Whis furrowed his well-kept brows. “Are you allowing me to travel to one of the other Universes, or something, without a God of destruction to attend, perchance?”

“Well, in a manner of speaking, I suppose so.” The Grand Priest nodded affirmatively with an ancient twinkle in his eye. His wording only catching Whis off-guard and confusing the younger angel. “Seeing as you no longer serve much of a purpose, in the cosmic order here, and the same can be said with your siblings, who have also lost their destroyer, I thought I might do you all a kindness, should you wish to take it. How about a, as the mortals put it, ‘vacation’ of sorts?”

Both Whis and Vados blinked again. “Vacation?” They both muttered in surprise.

“Yes. A vacation.” Their father nodded again. “One that would involve you each being sent off to other universes, beyond the ones that you know.” He explained, getting a partial widening of the eyes from his two children, the first with which he’d spoken this to. “And as an added bonus, while there… you will not be subject to Angelic Law, like you are here, to remain completely neutral. You’ll be free to interact with whatever universe you find yourself in, as you please, and for as long as you like.”

Now that part left both angels stunned.

“F-Father…” Whis, in a very rare moment for him, stuttered in disbelief, hearing his father’s offer. “Are you serious…?”

“But of course, my son. I would not be speaking of this to you and your sister, and later your other GOD-less siblings, if I did not intend to follow-through.” The highest angel confirmed with the utmost honesty, with a tender expression. “Would you like that? If nothing else, it would be an interesting change of pace, for you. For all of you.” His eyes flitted between the two, before also scanning out over his other children, that were now alone. “Plenty of adventures of your own, to be had, in order to get your mind off of the results of the tournament, and hopefully, get you all in better spirits again… Well, those of you who are disheartened over your Universe’s obliteration, anyway.” He added with a knowing look, in the direction of the son of his, who had been tasked as the attendant for Sidra, of Universe 9. The angel looking like he couldn’t have cared less about the whole affair.

“…What’s the catch?” Vades asked cautiously for both herself and Whis, knowing the deal their father had just presented sounded far too good to be allowed.

“As sharp as ever, I see, Vados.” Their father laid upon her a proud smile. “Indeed. There is but one catch to this. I’m afraid that you’ll have to be leaving your current bodies behind, for this trip, alongside much of the power you wield with them.” He revealed. “Your powers won’t be completely gone, of course, as they’re tied to your souls, at the end of the day, but due to the transfer, which will see you reincarnate in another body, nearly all of them will be greatly diminished. Only one shall remain as it is, and I’m sure you can guess which.” He shot them both a knowing look, as his eyes radiated a light most recognizable to them, yet one that was also easily missed, unless you knew what to look for.

The unmistakeable glow that came with the divine technique. That came with Ultra Instinct, which all angels had been trained to master, and have it become as natural as breathing would, to a mortal.

“In addition,” He continued. “Whatever laws the Universe you go to has, if any at all, at least as far as their power structure goes, you will have to abide by, to make things at least somewhat fair for its inhabitants. Though, I suspect with you two being the way you are, whatever Universe either of you find yourself in, it won’t take long for you to reach the top of the ‘food chain’, as some put it.” He chuckled.

Whis glanced down, mulling over what his father had spoken. “Hmm… that caveat doesn’t sound too bad. I was honestly expecting something a bit more… restrictive than that.”

“As was I.” Vados agreed, as she kept her eyes on her parent. “Is there anything else, father?”

“Only that the bodies you will come to inhabit, should you agree to this, are not specially prepared for you. They would be ones that already exist, I’m afraid, so their souls will end up overtaken by yours.” The Grand Priest bowed his head slightly. “Do not concern yourselves with that, though. Even at such a far distance, I can ensure those souls do not dissipate. They will be taken by me, and I will find a suitable place to put them, where they can have nothing but pleasant days, in exchange for this swap.”

“Would we be going in blind then, given they’d have had their own lives, which we would have no knowledge of?” Whis couldn’t help but ask now, as he turned his gaze back up to his father inquisitively.

“Not at all.” Their father shook his head. “Unless you want it that way, of course, or you end up in the body of a baby. If not, then their memories, every last one of them, of who they were, what they were, where they’ve been and who and what they know, and all the emotions and feelings therein for each, will be implanted into you. Though, of course, this is simply so you have the full picture. Such emotions and feelings are not your own, and you are free to discard them, or keep them, for a time, if you wish.” The parent of all angels shrugged slightly. “It’s up to you, my children.”

“Hmm… Sure, why not?” Vados grinned, not needing to put much thought into it. “I suppose I could do with the change of pace. Sounds like it could be fun.” Her gaze then turned to Whis, who couldn’t help but chuckle at how swiftly she’d decided on it. “And what of you, brother? Will you be taking father up on this, too? Or will you be heading back to the angelic realm?”

Put on the spot like that, which was so typical of Vados to do, Whis simply shook his head in wry amusem*nt, a grin of his own having formed, as he quickly decided on his own course of action himself. “I suppose I wouldn’t mind something different. It has the potential to be rather entertaining, at the very least.”

“Hehe. I had a feeling you two would be willing.” Their father let out a small, hearty laugh. “If nothing else, you’ll both have a unique story to tell, when you come back from your respective vacations.”

Hands coming forth, the father of all angels placed his hands upon their shoulders, as a soft, whitish-blue glow pushed out from his body and covered both their seated forms.

“Be prepared, Whis, Vados. This is going to be a little jarring, even for the two of you.” He remarked in warning. “If you wish to say anything to each other, or to me, do so now, as this’ll be the last time you see each other, me, or anyone else here, for possibly a very long time. Maybe even forever, depending on what happens.”

“I have not much to say, other than I’m thankful for this ‘vacation’ you’re giving us, father.” Whis bowed his head.

“I feel the same.” Vados said, while she mirrored her younger brother’s action. “You have my gratitude for this gracious gift, father.”

Their father nodded at them both with a gracious gaze, humming a pleased tune at their words.

“Do try not to get into too much trouble now, Vados. I know how you can be, sometimes.” Whis couldn’t help but add teasingly, though, as he side-eyed his sister, earning a light, humoured scoff from her.

“I should be saying that to you, baby brother.” She smirked back at him. “You were always the more mischievous, between the two of us, after all~!”

Whis struggled to hold in his laugh. “Now that is just a blatant lie, and you know it, dear sister.”

Vados' faux-gasp came next, as she brought a hand to her chest. “Me? Lie to you? Why, Whis, I have no idea what you’re talking about!”

Whis giggled, and Vados joined him soon after, settling into one final bit of sibling banter, between each other.

Their father gave them both a fond look, seeing this, before he closed his eyes, and his power began to take effect. “Safe travels to you both, and be sure to have plenty of fun, while you’re away, you two!”

And with that, the forms of Whis and Vados went limp in their seats, as beams of light shot out of them, for a brief instant. Their souls being launched forth, and quickly piercing through the World of Void, as they shot off at incomprehensible speeds toward two different Universes, outside of the multiverse they knew.


The tall and slender form of Sera stood vigilant outside the Pearly Gates of Heaven, wings tucked at her back, as her eyes remained focused on the cloudy terrain in front of her.

The time was nigh, after all, from what the scrying orb had revealed to her. Any second now, the moment of truth would arrive. The First Man would take his final breath, and when he did, his soul would either end up in Heaven, as the First Ascended Soul, or instead, end up in Hell.

The High Seraphim of Heaven knew not the specifics of Divine Judgment and how it worked, but she knew, based on the deaths of some of Adam and Eve’s children before either of them, as well as Eve herself, more recently, that they could be sent to Hell. And if they could be sent there, then hopefully they could also be sent to Heaven, after the Fall, where Lucifer’s actions in giving Eve the Apple, had unleashed evil into the world.

Presuming it was in fact possible for a soul to ascend to Heaven, as she hoped it would be, Adam was… a mixed bag, if she was being honest, mainly from what she’d seen of him on Earth. He’d had his good spots, but also his bad, as well, whilst she’d been viewing him. Something she’d, due to her responsibilities in Heaven, not been able to do, for a few hundred years now, so she honestly had no clue if he’d kept himself as a good enough person, or if he’d devolved into something heinous, as time had wore on, on the primeval Earth.

She hoped that he did, though, despite whatever faults she’d seen in him, for if nothing else, then the fact that at least one of the three Original Humans wasn’t damned to the pit, and managed to make it to Paradise. She wasn’t sure she could stomach the knowledge that all of them, which had been made as part of the angels’ finest work, had ended up becoming what her fellows, the Elders of Heaven, would dub as ‘failures’ and ‘disappointments’.

Mulling in those thoughts, Sera let the seconds tick by, as she waited with bated breath and apprehension, for what would hopefully be the arrival of the First Human Soul in Heaven. Choosing to put her faith in Adam’s soul being worthy enough to make it here, to prove that the Eden project wasn’t the total failure her contemporaries were starting to believe it was, thanks to Lucifer’s actions, born from good intentions, but done recklessly and without any thought for the consequences.

Soon, the seconds turned to minutes, and by now, Sera was sure the First Man’s final breath had been taken. It was almost as if she could feel it in her bones, that it had happened.

Her eyes clenched shut, as initially, she felt nothing, and worried that her worst fear for this situation had been realized, in that Adam’s soul had indeed fallen to Hell, and she found herself uttering a silent prayer, to Heaven itself, for this to not be so.

Her prayer must’ve been heard, for in the next moment… it happened.


Sera’s eyes snapped open, a flood of relief unlike anything she’d felt before, hitting her in her very soul, as she saw bright, golden pillar of light erupt before her gaze, less than a dozen metres away.

Spreading her six gorgeous, periwinkle wings wide, Sera launched herself forth with as much grace as she could muster, flying down to where she saw a body appear. The physical shape of it being exactly how she’d remembered it being, in Eden, when the First of Man had been created from the dust of the Earth, alongside his then-bride Lilith. The only difference, being in his height, which appeared to match her own, now, without size-alteration, stunningly enough!

The Seraph had to fight to maintain her composure, over her excitement at this occasion, as she landed down softly before him. Before the once more youthful visage of Adam, as he landed with fine grace on his feet, as the golden pillar faded around him. His rough-patch, brown tunic around his form, contrasted greatly by the mighty halo of varying colours, like that of a shimmering rainbow, to her awed eyes, appearing above his head, almost shaped like a crown, glowing iridescently in all of its wondrous shades. A truly beautiful sight.

He also had wings, just like she did, too, which were quite large, as well, and held the same shades and glow of his halo, as they instinctively stretched out, two pairs to her three, spanning several metres in length, baring their luminous splendour right before her watchful gaze, with their brilliant, multi-coloured feathers.

His eyes peeled open then, and Sera found herself slightly surprised, seeing the colour of them. Where once there’d been a honey-gold, comparable to that of the sun, had now become a vibrant, radiant shade of violet, that somewhat reminded her of Lilith’s lilac, only Adam’s shined, in her opinion, with a greater majesty and zeal, than the current Queen of Hell’s did.

“Adam…” Sera started, catching the First Man’s attention, as she smiled proudly at him, eye-to-eye. “It’s good to see that you made it here. Allow me to be the first to welcome you, as the First Human Soul in Heaven!”

“The first, you say…?” Adam spoke with a hint of fascination and intrigue. His first words to her in many years coming out softer and smoother than she’d imagined they would. His voice seeming to have change a bit, since she’d last heard it, as he gave her a polite and friendly smile. One that felt unique from any she’d ever seen from him, in even his earliest days. “My, my… that’s quite the honourable position, to be in…”

“Indeed, it is.” Sera found herself beaming, in a rare instance of great joy, before she could school her features into something more composed, not just for his arrival, but also for the very pleasant attitude he seemed to be starting out with! “Come. I have some time, so I can show you around your new home, a bit.” She told him, as she placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. “I’m certain you’ll find it to be far more pleasant than the cave you were forced to live in, while on Earth, at the very least.”

“Hehe. You have my thanks, for your generosity.” Adam replied back graciously with a light laugh, stunning her a bit, as he humbly gave her a short bow, displaying none of the pride she’d seen in him, when she’d viewed him last. His final moments not counting. “I would be honoured and most grateful to have someone as esteemed as yourself to guide me, your grace.”

“Your… grace?” Sera’s eyes were wide in shock, jaw nearly coming unhinged, with cheeks tinting the slightest shade of gold, hearing him speak to her, in such a flattering way, with such exemplary manners and respect.

Even at his most polite, that she remembered, he’d always been a little rough around the edges, as opposed to now, where he appeared to have smoothed them out, with a new level of maturity.

His time on Earth, beyond when she’d stopped viewing it, must’ve really humbled him!

And all for the better, if she did say so, herself!

“Uhm-hmm!” Coughing into her fist, Sera regained her composure, as she eyed the First Human Soul to grace Heaven’s boundaries with a heightened delight. “Well, right this way, then, Adam.” She voiced to him, feeling an added sense of pleasure, seeing the improved man before her, in all his new, angelic glory, as she turned toward Heaven’s gates. Her smile feeling even stronger than before, as her double-halo glowed, sending forth the message to all angels within Heaven, that Adam, the First Man, had thankfully made his way to Heaven. A momentous occasion that called for celebration. “Your new home awaits!”

“Yes… My new home, indeed.” Adam – or more accurately, Whis – spoke lowly and serenely, as he glanced up beyond the Pearly Gates, into the vast, shiny realm that awaited him.

Heaven's New Angel - Derpmaster9000 (2024)
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Author: Arielle Torp

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Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.