How to Make $20k a Month in 2024: 14 Great Options (2024)

Are you tired of the same 9-to-5 grind?

Perhaps you’ve been working hard for years to climb the corporate ladder without a raise.

Maybe you have big audacious goals for yourself, and you’re looking for a new high-income solution—but you’re not sure which career path to trust.

Making $20k a month isn’t easy. It takes hard work and dedication.

You may have to learn new skills, take risks, and put in long hours to achieve your income goals.

But it’s possible to reach those five-figure monthly earnings.

The secret? Finding ways to earn money that isn’t tied to your time.

You have to be able to get out of the “per hour” game—whether by earning a commission, starting a business, or some other means.

In this article, I’ll show you the lucrative career paths that are outside the box and can potentially help you hit that mythical income number.

These are jobs that you may not have considered before, but that could hold the key to unlocking your earning potential.

Whether you’re looking to switch careers, start your own business, or just find a new side hustle, I’ve got some exciting opportunities to share with you based on our team’s in-depth research.

14 Jobs & Side Hustles That Have the Potential to Earn $20k+ a Month

1. High Ticket Sales

If you’re good at sales, the booming industry of high ticket sales presents a fantastic option.

High ticket sales” simply refers to selling products and services at high price points. This can be anything from real estate to agency sales or even online coaching.

The big thing here is that your income isn’t capped by a “salary.” It’s only capped by the amount of sales you can make. Therefore, you can boost your income to $20k a month if you figure out a highly effective sales strategy.

Does everyone who pursues high ticket sales make that kind of money? Of course not. But it is possible.

And one of the most exciting parts of high ticket sales is the rise in “remote closing“. This is where you can sell products remotely, often with the ability to make your own schedule.

Earning Potential:

When it comes to high ticket sales and remote closing, the average monthly pay is $9,407 a month. But it’s important to know that some make much more (and some make less). For instance, we did an interview on YouTube with someone who went from being a plumber to making $20k a month with remote closing.

So, the earning potential varies widely and largely depends on your willingness to grind, your natural skillset, and the opportunities you can find with companies.

2. E-Commerce Store Owner

More and more people are online shopping to buy everything from clothes to groceries. This means that there has never been a better time to start your online store.

No matter what you want to sell, there is a market for just about anything online. With a well-designed website and a solid marketing strategy, you can reach customers and turn your passion into a profitable business.

The best part about owning an e-commerce store is the freedom and flexibility that it provides.

You can work from anywhere, set your own schedule, and be your own boss.

You don’t need to be a tech expert to get started. It’s easier than ever to set up an e-commerce site with many tools to help you manage your business.

Simply create a great product, build a strong brand, and provide top-notch customer service to keep your customers coming back. So, if you’re looking for a side hustle that offers flexibility and high earning potential, this is for you.

Obviously, plenty of people start stores—and only a few make it big. So what is it that’s going to help you succeed where others fail?

  • Find an extremely hungry market. Go for products that people are extremely excited about already. If it’s a “need” or something going viral with not a lot of people selling it, even better. You need a lot of demand in order to sell your products well.
  • Get extremely good at marketing. The most basic skill sets you need are: Advertising on social media or Google, copywriting, and conversion optimization. If you’re going this route, look up each of those things and gain competence as quickly as you can.
  • Create a brand that is about more than the product. A lot of brands succeed because they work to make their brand stand for something inspiring. Whether it’s “growing as a person” or “overcoming obstacles in your life” or even “feeling good about yourself,” these kinds of things can accentuate your brand. You need to become something more than a commodity, or people will just find something cheaper.

Earning Potential:

When running a successful e-commerce store, owners tend to make around $111,230 a year on average. Many stores don’t make it and many stores produce millions in revenue, paying their owners well over $20k a month. This is by no means an easy path, but it definitely has high earning potential if you can get it right.

3. Online Course Creator

Are you an expert in your field, or do you have a skill that you want to share with the world?

Online learning has become increasingly popular over the years with more and more people looking for ways to upskill from the comfort of their own homes. And with the right approach, you can tap into this growing market and build a successful business.

You don’t need a fancy studio or expensive equipment. All you need is your knowledge and a desire to help others.

One of the great things about creating online courses is that you don’t have to be an expert in every subject. You just need to be passionate about the topic you choose to teach.

Whether it’s teaching people how to start their own business or sharing your expert knowledge in a niche area, there’s always a market for quality online courses.

Creating online courses allows you to share your expertise with a global audience.

You can reach people from all corners of the world who are interested in learning what you have to offer.

And with the right marketing and promotion strategies, you can build a loyal following and generate a sustainable income from your courses.

It’s important to note, however, that in order for this route to make you $20k a month, you’ll need to find “product-market fit.” Meaning, you have to be able to create a course that people are hungry for, with an angle that feels unique, with a product that solves a deep need.

If you can do those things and communicate well to your audience, your earning potential is virtually unlimited.

Earning Potential:

The average course creator makes anywhere from $1,000 to $10,000 per month. But many course content creators have reported earnings of $20k a month and above.

4. Social Media Influencer

If you love sharing your life and interests on social media, why not turn it into a source of income? As a social media influencer, you can use your platform to promote products and services that align with your brand.

Maybe you’re a fitness enthusiast who loves sharing workout routines and healthy eating tips, or perhaps you’re a travel enthusiast who enjoys documenting your adventures. Whatever your niche, brands are looking for someone like you to promote their products.

You can collaborate with these brands to create sponsored posts, videos, and other content that showcases their products engagingly and authentically.

Of course, building a following on social media takes time and effort.

You’ll need to become an expert marketer, you’ll need to jump on trends, and you’ll need to master the “algorithm” of your chosen platform.

But if you’re passionate about your niche and willing to put in the work, becoming a social media influencer can be a fun and lucrative way to make a living.

Earning Potential:

This depends on several factors, such as number of followers, engagement rate, social presence, impact, and more. HypeAuditor checked out how much influencers make each month and year. Here are the average earnings they found:

  • In general, influencers make around $2,970 per month or $35,640 each year.
  • Nano-influencers (with 10,000 or fewer followers) make about $1,420 monthly or $17,040 annually.
  • Micro-influencers (with 10,000 to 50,000 followers) earn $2,061 per month or $24,732 per year.
  • Mid-tier influencers (with 50,000 to 500,000 followers) get $3,517 per month or $42,204 annually.
  • Macro-influencers (with 500,000 to a million followers) make about $5,847 per month or $70,164 per year.
  • Mega-influencers (with a million or more followers), on the other hand, earn approximately $15,356 per month or $184,272 annually.

There are also many content creators who’ve found ways to make $20,000+ a month.

5. Podcast Host

If you love to talk and share your knowledge with others, then starting your podcast could be the perfect career for you.

Podcasting has exploded in popularity in recent years and for good reason.

It’s a great way to connect with like-minded people and share your expertise with a global audience.

Whether you’re passionate about politics, technology, or true crime, there’s an audience out there for every topic.

And with sponsorships, advertising, and merchandise sales, there are plenty of ways to monetize your podcast.

Earning Potential:

ZipRecruiter says the average podcast host earns $2,749 per month. So, how can you earn more? Once people start to notice your show and you get at least 10,000 downloads per episode, it’s possible to scale to $13,000 – $20,000 a month.

Reaching this point also opens doors to other business ventures which makes your earning potential even higher.

6. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing makes you a matchmaker for products and customers. As an affiliate marketer, you promote products and services to your audience and earn a commission on any resulting sales.

The beauty of affiliate marketing is that it allows you to earn passive income by promoting products that you already use and love.

For example, if you’re a food blogger and you love a particular brand of kitchen gadgets, you could sign up to become an affiliate and earn a commission every time someone purchases through your affiliate link.

There are many affiliate networks and programs available, so it’s important to choose the ones that fit your audience and niche.

Some affiliate programs offer higher commissions than others, while some may provide you with more creative assets to help promote their products.

In order to do this well, you’ll need a platform of some kind, that you can pitch affiliate deals to.

Earning Potential:

Not all affiliate marketers earn the same way. This LinkedIn post breaks it down:

  • Beginner affiliate marketers may earn $100-$500 a month.
  • Experienced ones make $1,000-$10,000 monthly.
  • Top affiliate marketers can pull in $10,000-$100,000 or more each month.

But you can earn anywhere from a couple of dollars to six figures monthly, depending on cash bonus, commission, tips, or profit sharing.

This can be one of the most hit or miss options on the list.

7. Dropshipper

Are you an aspiring entrepreneur who doesn’t want to deal with the hassle of managing inventory?

Then dropshipping might be the perfect career path for you!

You can operate an online store and sell products from third-party suppliers without ever having to handle the inventory yourself.

This means you can focus on marketing and growing your business without worrying about the logistics of storing and shipping products.

And since you’re only the middle man, dropshipping can be a low-risk way to start your own business and achieve financial freedom.

This is a competitive space, but if you like competing and you can find an underserved niche, you can do extremely well.

One word of advice: Make sure the timing is right for the product you’re selling.

Many dropshippers who make stores fail, simply because they chose a product people USED to want, but don’t anymore.

Others fail because they choose a product people want, but there’s too much competition from other sellers.

To succeed as a drop shipper, find a product that offers high demand, with medium to low competition.

Earning Potential:

With these side hustles, beginners often start making little or no money. But after gaining some experience, the average dropshipper begins to earn $3,414 a month.

Many people struggle to make meaningful money, but there are also tons of drop shippers who make upwards of $20k a month.

8. Web Designer

A business can’t survive without a digital presence. That’s why web designers are in high demand, and if you have the skills, you can make a lucrative career out of it.

Web design is not just about creating a visually appealing website—it’s also about designing a site that is user-friendly and meets the needs of the client.

This means that you’ll need to have a good understanding of user experience and be able to communicate effectively with clients to understand their goals and objectives.

Web designers may also be responsible for maintaining and updating existing sites. This could involve troubleshooting technical issues, adding new content or features, and ensuring that the site remains up-to-date with the latest design trends and technologies.

You’ll need to stay up-to-date with the latest industry developments and be comfortable working with a range of software and tools like Photoshop and Illustrator, as well as programming languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

With the growing demand for online services, there are plenty of opportunities for web designers to work in a variety of industries.

Your income potential will depend on how well you can sell expensive projects. Some clients will only pay $3,000 for a website. But others will pay $50,000.

You’ll need to master the art of high-ticket sales—and you’ll likely need to start small, get great testimonials, and work up from there.

So if you’re creative, detail-oriented, and passionate about web design, this could be the perfect career for you.

Earning Potential:

Glassdoor says you can earn a range of $5,250 to $8,667 per month in this skill. But in this feature, a high-earning web designer can earn more by focusing on getting A-list clients and tapping into diverse services like ongoing maintenance and SEO optimization, aside from web design.

9. App Developer

If you have a passion for innovation and technology, app development could be the right career for you.

As an app developer, you’ll be responsible for creating mobile applications that are user-friendly, visually appealing, and innovative.

You’ll need to be skilled in programming languages like Java, Objective-C, and Swift.

You can create your apps and sell them on app marketplaces like the App Store and Google Play, or work for a company as an in-house developer.

Find the right product-market fit, and you’ll be off to the races.

Just be careful not to spend too much time or money on an app until you have a high level of confidence there are people who will want it.

Earning Potential:

The average app developer with some experience makesaround $9,124 per month. However, if you’re in it for the long haul, the earning potential could be even greater depending on the type of app you create. For example, if you develop a gaming app, profits can range from $10,000 to $500,000 in 2-12 months or more.

10. Digital Marketer

As a digital marketer, you’ll be working to help businesses expand their reach and connect with their target audience through various digital channels.

You’ll be responsible for developing and executing campaigns that drive traffic, increase engagement, and ultimately boost sales.

You’ll need to have a solid understanding of digital marketing strategies, including search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, social media marketing, email marketing, and/or content marketing.

You also need to be able to analyze data and track campaign performance to make data-driven decisions.

Digital marketing is an ever-evolving field, and as new technologies and trends emerge, you’ll need to stay up-to-date on the latest developments to remain competitive.

If you’re willing to put in the effort, digital marketing can be a highly rewarding and well-paying career path with plenty of opportunities for growth and advancement.

Earning Potential:

The average digital marketer earns $6,448 per month if they work a 9-to-5, but the world of marketing offers endless possibilities.

Freelance marketers, for instance, can tap into various income streams, with many starting their own agencies and others creating products. Freelancers can earn an average of $4,412 /month, depending on skill, experience, and niche. But once you get a client base and build an audience, you can make upwards of $20k per month according to Austin Church.

Agencies, on the other hand, often generate revenue through client services, earning an average of $9,515 /month, but many agencies have grown well past $20k per month.

Now, how can you possibly earn up to $20k every month? Some passive income streams can generate an extra three to five figures per month. This comes down to the niche, your knowledge/skills, and the quality of your product. Talk about selling online courses, monetizing a niche website, launching ebooks and audiobooks, and more!

11. Freelance Writer

Are you a wordsmith with a passion for storytelling and a talent for crafting compelling content?

If you love writing and want to turn your passion into a career, freelance writing may be the perfect choice for you. As a freelance writer, you have the freedom to work from anywhere and take on clients that align with your interests and values.

You can even build a personal brand and become known as an expert in your niche.

Businesses of all sizes need high-quality content to attract and engage their target audience. This means that the demand for skilled freelance writers is on the rise.

So if you have a way with words and a desire to share your ideas with the world, take the leap and pursue a career as a freelance writer.

You may be wondering, “Wait. Can I really make k a month as a writer?”

Yes. Yes, you can. But in order to do that, you’ll need to learn how to make people a lot of money with your writing.

Become an elite-level copywriter who can sell products with your words, and you can unlock the possibility for $20k a month as a writer.

Earning Potential:

ZipRecruiter reports that the average freelance writer earns $4,034 per month. But once you manage to build a solid portfolio and have an impactful online presence, you can charge higher hourly rates and gethigh-quality projects that can help you earn up to $20,000 a month, just like how this freelance writer does it.

12. Virtual Assistant Business

In today’s digital age, virtual assistants are in high demand.

As a virtual assistant, you can work from the comfort of your own home while providing administrative support to businesses and entrepreneurs.

From managing schedules and email correspondence to bookkeeping and social media management, the possibilities are endless.

Best of all, you can choose your own clients and work schedule—giving you the freedom to create the work-life balance you desire.

Earning Potential:

The average virtual assistant earns about $4,229 per month. But your goal is to run an agency. You might need to start doing the work yourself, and then hire people as you get clients.

As you gain more experience in your field, you land more lucrative opportunities. In this featured success story, one VA made the transition to an agency and is now earning a remarkable $20,000 a month through automation, delegation, and working with high ticket clients.

13. Starting an Online Translator Business

If you’re fluent in more than one language, becoming an online translator can be a lucrative career choice.

From translating documents and contracts to providing interpretation services for international businesses, the demand for skilled translators is always high.

Additionally, with the growing trend of globalization, the need for individuals who can bridge the language gap is only going to increase.

Earning Potential:

On average, an online translator earns $4,766 per month. Again, you’ll have to create an agency and hire translators in order to get to $20k per month.

There are a lot more opportunities in this field if your agency can offer translation of multiple languages.

14. Online coach

Being an online coach allows you to help people achieve their goals and transform their lives.

With your specialized knowledge and expertise, you can offer personalized guidance and support to clients who are seeking to improve themselves in a particular area.

Whether you’re a fitness coach helping clients to get in shape, a business coach offering advice on entrepreneurship and leadership, or a life coach guiding personal development and self-improvement, there are a variety of niches and specializations that you can pursue in the coaching industry.

One of the biggest advantages of becoming an online coach is reaching a wider audience. You can connect with clients all over the world and offer your services to anyone with an internet connection.

You also have the flexibility to set your schedule and work from anywhere. Whether you prefer to work from home or travel while you work, the freedom and autonomy that comes with being an online coach is a major perk.

Building a successful coaching business takes time and effort. You’ll need to market yourself effectively, build a strong brand and online presence, and deliver high-quality coaching services to your clients.

Earning Potential:

An average coaching job roughly ranges from $1,000 to $5,500 a month, depending on the niche. But what can help boost your income in the coaching field? Branding. This can attract more clients, increase your visibility and credibility in the market, and ultimately lead to higher fees and more repeat business.

In this Forbes feature, you can see how a coach like BJ O Neal earns $10,000 and $30,000 per month through a high conversion rate and higher rate per client. But here’s the catch: it only becomes doable when the coach gains confidence, builds an audience, and racks up some experience.

Which Gig Will You Choose?

Starting a new career can be intimidating, especially when you’re looking for a job that pays well and offers opportunities for growth and personal development.

But making $20k per month is possible if you pick the right side-hustle and put in the work. It’s not easy and there’s no guarantee any of these options will make you this kind of money, but many people have done it.

How to Make $20k a Month in 2024: 14 Great Options (1)

Aaron Martinez

Aaron Martinez is a remote closing expert, content creator, and the face of The Remote Closing Academy. Since 2013, he’s started and grown YouTube channels to hundreds of thousands of subscribers, ran a digital marketing agency, and had a ton of success as a remote closer. Now, his focus is teaching you how to master sales so you can increase your earning potential and do more fulfilling work.

How to Make $20k a Month in 2024: 14 Great Options (2024)
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Name: Arielle Torp

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Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.