Portfolio - Kite Connect 3 (2024)

A user's portfolio consists of long term equity holdings and short term positions. The portfolio APIs return instruments in a portfolio with up-to-date profit and loss computations.

GET/portfolio/holdingsRetrieve the list of long term equity holdings
GET/portfolio/positionsRetrieve the list of short term positions
PUT/portfolio/positionsConvert the margin product of an open position
GET/portfolio/holdings/auctionsRetrieve the list of auctions that are currently being held


Holdings contain the user's portfolio of long term equity delivery stocks. An instrument in a holdings portfolio remains there indefinitely until its sold or is delisted or changed by the exchanges. Underneath it all, instruments in the holdings reside in the user's DEMAT account, as settled by exchanges and clearing institutions.

curl "https://api.kite.trade/portfolio/holdings" \ -H "X-Kite-Version: 3" \ -H "Authorization: token api_key:access_token"
{ "status": "success", "data": [ { "tradingsymbol": "GOLDBEES", "exchange": "BSE", "instrument_token": 151064324, "isin": "INF204KB17I5", "product": "CNC", "price": 0, "quantity": 2, "used_quantity": 0, "t1_quantity": 0, "realised_quantity": 2, "authorised_quantity": 0, "authorised_date": "2021-06-08 00:00:00", "opening_quantity": 2, "collateral_quantity": 0, "collateral_type": "", "discrepancy": false, "average_price": 40.67, "last_price": 42.47, "close_price": 42.28, "pnl": 3.5999999999999943, "day_change": 0.18999999999999773, "day_change_percentage": 0.44938505203405327 }, { "tradingsymbol": "IDEA", "exchange": "NSE", "instrument_token": 3677697, "isin": "INE669E01016", "product": "CNC", "price": 0, "quantity": 5, "used_quantity": 0, "t1_quantity": 0, "realised_quantity": 5, "authorised_quantity": 0, "authorised_date": "2021-06-08 00:00:00", "opening_quantity": 5, "collateral_quantity": 0, "collateral_type": "", "discrepancy": false, "average_price": 8.466, "last_price": 10, "close_price": 10.1, "pnl": 7.6700000000000035, "day_change": -0.09999999999999964, "day_change_percentage": -0.9900990099009866 } ]}

Response attributes

tradingsymbolstringExchange tradingsymbol of the instrument
instrument_tokenuint32Unique instrument identifier (used for WebSocket subscriptions)
isinstringThe standard ISIN representing stocks listed on multiple exchanges
t1_quantityint64Quantity on T+1 day after order execution. Stocks are usually delivered into DEMAT accounts on T+2 ?
realised_quantityint64Quantity delivered to Demat
quantityint64Net quantity (T+1 + realised)
used_quantityint64Quantity sold from the net holding quantity
authorised_quantityint64Quantity authorised at the depository for sale
opening_quantityint64Quantity carried forward over night
authorised_datestringDate on which user can sell required holding stock
average_pricefloat64Average price at which the net holding quantity was acquired
last_pricefloat64Last traded market price of the instrument
close_pricefloat64Closing price of the instrument from the last trading day
pnlfloat64Net returns on the stock; Profit and loss
day_changefloat64Day's change in absolute value for the stock
day_change_percentagefloat64Day's change in percentage for the stock
productstringMargin product applied to the holding
collateral_quantityint64Quantity used as collateral
collateral_typenull,stringType of collateral
discrepancyboolIndicates whether holding has any price discrepancy

Holdings auction list

This API returns a list of auctions that are currently being held, along with details about each auction such as the auction number, the security being auctioned, the last price of the security, and the quantity of the security being offered. Only the stocks that you hold in your demat account will be shown in the auctions list.

curl "https://api.kite.trade/portfolio/holdings/auctions" \ -H "X-Kite-Version: 3" \ -H "Authorization: token api_key:access_token"
{ "status": "success", "data": [ { "tradingsymbol": "ASHOKLEY", "exchange": "NSE", "instrument_token": 54282, "isin": "INE208A01029", "product": "CNC", "price": 0, "quantity": 1, "t1_quantity": 0, "realised_quantity": 1, "authorised_quantity": 0, "authorised_date": "2022-12-21 00:00:00", "opening_quantity": 1, "collateral_quantity": 0, "collateral_type": "", "discrepancy": false, "average_price": 131.95, "last_price": 142.5, "close_price": 145.1, "pnl": 10.550000000000011, "day_change": -2.5999999999999943, "day_change_percentage": -1.7918676774638143, "auction_number": "20" }, { "tradingsymbol": "BHEL", "exchange": "NSE", "instrument_token": 112138, "isin": "INE257A01026", "product": "CNC", "price": 0, "quantity": 5, "t1_quantity": 0, "realised_quantity": 5, "authorised_quantity": 0, "authorised_date": "2022-12-21 00:00:00", "opening_quantity": 5, "collateral_quantity": 0, "collateral_type": "", "discrepancy": false, "average_price": 75.95, "last_price": 81.1, "close_price": 84, "pnl": 25.749999999999957, "day_change": -2.9000000000000057, "day_change_percentage": -3.4523809523809588, "auction_number": "34" }, { "tradingsymbol": "SBIN", "exchange": "NSE", "instrument_token": 779530, "isin": "INE062A01020", "product": "CNC", "price": 0, "quantity": 3, "t1_quantity": 0, "realised_quantity": 3, "authorised_quantity": 0, "authorised_date": "2022-12-21 00:00:00", "opening_quantity": 3, "collateral_quantity": 0, "collateral_type": "", "discrepancy": false, "average_price": 573.4, "last_price": 593.75, "close_price": 604.6, "pnl": 61.05000000000007, "day_change": -10.850000000000023, "day_change_percentage": -1.794574925570629, "auction_number": "7529" } ]}

Response attributes

auction_numberstringA unique identifier for a particular auction


Positions contain the user's portfolio of short to medium term derivatives (futures and options contracts) and intraday equity stocks. Instruments in the positions portfolio remain there until they're sold, or until expiry, which, for derivatives, is typically three months. Equity positions carried overnight move to the holdings portfolio the next day.

The positions API returns two sets of positions, net and day. net is the actual, current net position portfolio, while day is a snapshot of the buying and selling activity for that particular day. This is useful for computing intraday profits and losses for trading strategies.

curl "https://api.kite.trade/portfolio/positions" \ -H "X-Kite-Version: 3" \ -H "Authorization: token api_key:access_token"
{ "status": "success", "data": { "net": [ { "tradingsymbol": "LEADMINI17DECFUT", "exchange": "MCX", "instrument_token": 53496327, "product": "NRML", "quantity": 1, "overnight_quantity": 0, "multiplier": 1000, "average_price": 161.05, "close_price": 0, "last_price": 161.05, "value": -161050, "pnl": 0, "m2m": 0, "unrealised": 0, "realised": 0, "buy_quantity": 1, "buy_price": 161.05, "buy_value": 161050, "buy_m2m": 161050, "sell_quantity": 0, "sell_price": 0, "sell_value": 0, "sell_m2m": 0, "day_buy_quantity": 1, "day_buy_price": 161.05, "day_buy_value": 161050, "day_sell_quantity": 0, "day_sell_price": 0, "day_sell_value": 0 }, { "tradingsymbol": "GOLDGUINEA17DECFUT", "exchange": "MCX", "instrument_token": 53505799, "product": "NRML", "quantity": 0, "overnight_quantity": 3, "multiplier": 1, "average_price": 0, "close_price": 23232, "last_price": 23355, "value": 801, "pnl": 801, "m2m": 276, "unrealised": 801, "realised": 0, "buy_quantity": 4, "buy_price": 23139.75, "buy_value": 92559, "buy_m2m": 93084, "sell_quantity": 4, "sell_price": 23340, "sell_value": 93360, "sell_m2m": 93360, "day_buy_quantity": 1, "day_buy_price": 23388, "day_buy_value": 23388, "day_sell_quantity": 4, "day_sell_price": 23340, "day_sell_value": 93360 }, { "tradingsymbol": "SBIN", "exchange": "NSE", "instrument_token": 779521, "product": "CO", "quantity": 0, "overnight_quantity": 0, "multiplier": 1, "average_price": 0, "close_price": 0, "last_price": 308.4, "value": -2, "pnl": -2, "m2m": -2, "unrealised": -2, "realised": 0, "buy_quantity": 1, "buy_price": 311, "buy_value": 311, "buy_m2m": 311, "sell_quantity": 1, "sell_price": 309, "sell_value": 309, "sell_m2m": 309, "day_buy_quantity": 1, "day_buy_price": 311, "day_buy_value": 311, "day_sell_quantity": 1, "day_sell_price": 309, "day_sell_value": 309 } ], "day": [ { "tradingsymbol": "GOLDGUINEA17DECFUT", "exchange": "MCX", "instrument_token": 53505799, "product": "NRML", "quantity": -3, "overnight_quantity": 0, "multiplier": 1, "average_price": 23340, "close_price": 23232, "last_price": 23355, "value": 69972, "pnl": -93, "m2m": -93, "unrealised": -93, "realised": 0, "buy_quantity": 1, "buy_price": 23388, "buy_value": 23388, "buy_m2m": 23388, "sell_quantity": 4, "sell_price": 23340, "sell_value": 93360, "sell_m2m": 93360, "day_buy_quantity": 1, "day_buy_price": 23388, "day_buy_value": 23388, "day_sell_quantity": 4, "day_sell_price": 23340, "day_sell_value": 93360 }, { "tradingsymbol": "LEADMINI17DECFUT", "exchange": "MCX", "instrument_token": 53496327, "product": "NRML", "quantity": 1, "overnight_quantity": 0, "multiplier": 1000, "average_price": 161.05, "close_price": 0, "last_price": 161.05, "value": -161050, "pnl": 0, "m2m": 0, "unrealised": 0, "realised": 0, "buy_quantity": 1, "buy_price": 161.05, "buy_value": 161050, "buy_m2m": 161050, "sell_quantity": 0, "sell_price": 0, "sell_value": 0, "sell_m2m": 0, "day_buy_quantity": 1, "day_buy_price": 161.05, "day_buy_value": 161050, "day_sell_quantity": 0, "day_sell_price": 0, "day_sell_value": 0 }, { "tradingsymbol": "SBIN", "exchange": "NSE", "instrument_token": 779521, "product": "CO", "quantity": 0, "overnight_quantity": 0, "multiplier": 1, "average_price": 0, "close_price": 0, "last_price": 308.4, "value": -2, "pnl": -2, "m2m": -2, "unrealised": -2, "realised": 0, "buy_quantity": 1, "buy_price": 311, "buy_value": 311, "buy_m2m": 311, "sell_quantity": 1, "sell_price": 309, "sell_value": 309, "sell_m2m": 309, "day_buy_quantity": 1, "day_buy_price": 311, "day_buy_value": 311, "day_sell_quantity": 1, "day_sell_price": 309, "day_sell_value": 309 } ] }}

Response attributes

tradingsymbolstringExchange tradingsymbol of the instrument
instrument_tokenuint32The numerical identifier issued by the exchange representing the instrument. Used for subscribing to live market data over WebSocket
productstringMargin product applied to the position
quantityint64Quantity held
overnight_quantityint64Quantity held previously and carried forward over night
multiplierint64The quantity/lot size multiplier used for calculating P&Ls.
average_pricefloat64Average price at which the net position quantity was acquired
close_pricefloat64Closing price of the instrument from the last trading day
last_pricefloat64Last traded market price of the instrument
valuefloat64Net value of the position
pnlfloat64Net returns on the position; Profit and loss
m2mfloat64Mark to market returns (computed based on the last close and the last traded price)
unrealisedfloat64Unrealised intraday returns
realisedfloat64Realised intraday returns
buy_quantityint64Quantity bought and added to the position
buy_pricefloat64Average price at which quantities were bought
buy_valuefloat64Net value of the bought quantities
buy_m2mfloat64Mark to market returns on the bought quantities
day_buy_quantityint64Quantity bought and added to the position during the day
day_buy_pricefloat64Average price at which quantities were bought during the day
day_buy_valuefloat64Net value of the quantities bought during the day
sell_quantityint64Quantity sold off from the position
sell_pricefloat64Average price at which quantities were sold
sell_valuefloat64Net value of the sold quantities
sell_m2mfloat64Mark to market returns on the sold quantities
day_sell_quantityint64Quantity sold off from the position during the day
day_sell_pricefloat64Average price at which quantities were sold during the day
day_sell_valuefloat64Net value of the quantities sold during the day

Position conversion

All positions held are of specific margin products such as NRML, MIS etc. A position can have one and only one margin product. These products affect how the user's margin usage and free cash values are computed, and a user may want to covert or change a position's margin product from time to time. More on margin policies.

curl --request PUT https://api.kite.trade/portfolio/positions -H "X-Kite-Version: 3" \ -H "Authorization: token api_key:access_token" \ -d "tradingsymbol=INFY" \ -d "exchange=NSE" \ -d "transaction_type=BUY" \ -d "position_type=overnight" \ -d "quantity=3" \ -d "old_product=NRML" \ -d "new_product=MIS"
{ "status": "success", "data": true}

Request parameters

tradingsymbolTradingsymbol of the instrument
exchangeName of the exchange
transaction_typeBUY or SELL
position_typeovernight or day
quantityQuantity to convert
old_productExisting margin product of the position
new_productMargin product to convert to

Exiting holdings and positions

There are no special API calls for exiting instruments from holdings and positions portfolios. The way to do it is to place an opposite BUY or SELL order depending on whether the position is a long or a short (MARKET order for an immediate exit). It is important to note that the exit order should carry the same product as the existing position. If the exit order is of a different margin product, it may be treated as a new position in the portfolio.

Holdings authorisation

When executing sell transactions on equity holdings, where shares have to be debited from a user's demat account, a broker either requires a PoA (Power of Attorney) or an electronic authorisation at the depository from the user, to debit shares and settle the transactions.

Electronic authorisation happens centrally on the depostiory's portal (CDSL in Zerodha's case) when the user executing the sell transaction keys in their demat PIN, similar to a netbanking flow. The demat PIN is known only to the demat account holder and the depository, and not the broker.

In a single authorisation transaction, multiple shares with n quantities each, can be authorised. The authorisations are valid for a single trading session in a day (beginning of the day till 5:30 PM, after which, the authorisations are for the next trading day). The quantity in a sell transaction need not be the same as n, just that at any point, the total sell quantities, even over multiple days, should not exceed n. When it does, the order API throws an error asking for authorisation, at which point, the user has to be directed to the authorisation flow. To illustrate:

  1. User has 50 quantity of INFY in their demat. There is no authorisation at this point.
  2. User attempts to sell 10 quantity of INFY. The POST /orders API throws error “10 quantity needs authorisation at depository.” (HTTP status 428).
  3. On encountering 428, the authorisation flow is initiated and the user is redirected to the depository's portal. By default, Kite prompts the user to authorise the maximum quantities for every stock in their holding to avoid having to disrupt the sell transactions with the authorisation flow every time. In this case, 50 quantity of INFY is authorised.
  4. User retries the transaction and 10 quantity is sold. 40 quantity remains authorised for the rest of the trading day (until 5:30 PM) and the user is not prompted for further authorisation until the remaining quantities have been sold.

Initiating authorisation

curl --request POST https://api.kite.trade/portfolio/holdings/authorise -H "X-Kite-Version: 3" \ -H "Authorization: token api_key:access_token" \ -d "isin=INE002A01018" -d "quantity=50" \ -d "isin=INE009A01021" -d "quantity=50"
{ "status": "success", "data": { "request_id": "na8QgCeQm05UHG6NL9sAGRzdfSF64UdB" }}

The isin and quantity pairs here are optional. If they're provided, authorisation is sought only for those instruments and otherwise, the entire holdings is presented for authorisation. The request_id is then used to redirect the user to the following URL in a webivew or a popup.


After the user finishes the transaction, the webview is redirected to /connect/portfolio/authorise/holdings/:api_key/:request_id/finish?status=success. Mobile applications can watch for this URL to detect the end of the transaction. success or error value in the status query param indicates the result.

Web applications can invoke this flow using the authHoldings() call in the Publisher Javascript plugin. It provides a callback event with the completion status along with additional metadata.

Portfolio - Kite Connect 3 (2024)


What is the monthly charges for Kite Connect? ›

Kite Connect APIs are available for retail users as well as startups. For retail users, the charges are ₹ 2000 per app each month. An additional ₹2000 is charged to opt for historical API.

How to use KiteConnect? ›

Hence, in your web application, typically:
  1. You will initialise an instance of the Kite client.
  2. Redirect the user to the login_url()
  3. At the redirect url endpoint, obtain the request_token from the query parameters.

What are the benefits of kite connect? ›

Advantages of Using Zerodha Kite Connect API:

Comprehensive Market Data: Zerodha Kite Connect API provides access to a wide range of market data, enabling traders and developers to make informed decisions.

Is Kite a good broker? ›

Kite Zerodha is an excellent online trading platform in India that offers trading on BSE, NSE, and MCX. The platform even works well in low bandwidth and supports upto 10 languages. The platform is rated as the most popular trading platform due to the following facts; View account summary.

Is Kite app safe? ›

The Kite app is secure and easy to use. We can keep a tab on as many companies as we want, view their charts and buy and sell shares easily.

How to get kite API for free? ›

Getting started
  1. Get a Zerodha trading account if you don't already have one. You will need this for integrating and testing the APIs.
  2. Create a Kite Connect developer account.
  3. Write to us at talk@rainmatter.com to get free access to the APIs.

How do I withdraw money from kite? ›

Withdrawal. The Withdraw button on Kite opens the fund withdrawal request page on Console. Fund withdrawal requests are processed at cut-off times. If a request is placed before the cut-off time, the funds are typically credited to the bank account within 24 hours from the cut-off time.

How does Kite app work? ›

Kite app
  1. Search for the instrument in the search bar.
  2. Tap on the instrument from the list.
  3. Tap on Buy or Sell.
  4. Select from Regular, AMO or Iceberg.
  5. Enter Quantity and Price.
  6. Select Product - Intraday MIS or Longterm CNC.
  7. Select Type ( Market, Limit, SL or SL-M ).
  8. Swipe to buy or sell.

Where do I find my access token? ›

You can find this value on the application's settings tab. To learn more about available application authentication methods, read Application Credentials. The audience for the token, which is your API.

What is access token code? ›

An access token is a tiny piece of code that contains a large amount of data. Information about the user, permissions, groups, and timeframes is embedded within one token that passes from a server to a user's device. Plenty of websites use access tokens.

How do I see my personal access token? ›

In the upper-right corner of any page on GitHub, click your profile photo, then click Settings. In the left sidebar, click Developer settings. In the left sidebar, click Personal access tokens.

What is KiteConnect? ›

Kite Connect is a set of REST-like HTTP APIs that expose many capabilities required to build a complete stock market investment and trading platform. It lets you execute orders in real time (equities, commodities, mutual funds), manage user portfolios, stream live market data over WebSockets, and more.

How do I unsubscribe from kite connect? ›

To unsubscribe from Kite Connect API, follow these steps:
  1. Log in to the developer account by visiting developers. kite. trade/login.
  2. Open the app and click on Cancel.

Can I use kite on two devices? ›

If you log in to a second device (either for Kite web or mobile) when there is an existing session, your previously active login will be cleared and you will be logged out.

Does Zerodha charge monthly? ›

Zerodha Account Maintenance Charges

Zerodha AMC Charges are Rs 300 per year. Zerodha withdraws Rs 75 from customers' trading account quarterly (every 90 days). Zerodha AMC charges for the NRI account is Rs 500 per year.

Is Kite account free? ›

Pay a flat Rs 20 per trade for Intra-day and F&O. Open an instant account with Zerodha and start trading today. Yes, Zerodha Kite is available for free to customers.

Is Zerodha an annual fee? ›

If you print the forms yourself: Rs 300 in favor of “Zerodha.” Annual maintenance charge (AMC) towards your demat account is Rs. 300/- which is payable at the end of the year.

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Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

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Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.