Python's many command-line utilities (2024)

Did you know that some Python modules can double-up as handy command-line tools?

For example, you can run Python's webbrowser module from the command-line to open up a given URL in your default web browser:

$ python -m webbrowser in existing browser session.

The Python standard library includes many such module-script hybrids.

Below is a complete list of every module in Python that can be run as a command-line script.

Feel free to jump right to the full list of all scripts in Python at the end.

How -m works

Running Python with the -m command-line argument tells Python to run a given Python module as if it were a Python script.

Some modules do something at import time.For example the antigravity module will open up a web browser for an XKCD comic.Running this module from the command-line would do the same thing as importing it:

$ python -m antigravity

This is called an "import side effect" and most modules avoid import side effects.Fun Easter egg modules like antigravity and this are the exception.

Modules that avoid import side effects need a different mechanism to change their behavior when run as a command-line script or when imported as a module.Python uses a __name__ variable to distinguish between importing a module and running a module as a script.

When Python runs a module as a script, it sets the module's name to the string "__main__" (normally __name__ would contain the module's actual name).See more in defining a main function in Python.

For packages, Python also looks for a file to run (there's one in the zipfile package for example).

This distinction between module versus script allows for some really nifty command-line tools.

The first tools we'll look at are tools that I use even when I'm not working with Python code.

These are Python's most helpful general-purpose command-line tools.

python -m http.serverStart a simple web serverVideo
python -m webbrowserLaunch your web browserDocs
python -m json.toolNicely format JSON dataDocs
python -m calendarShow a command-line calendarDocs


Running the http.server module as a script will start a web server on port 8000 that hosts files from the current directory.I use this all the time to preview Sphinx documentation sites (especially when using Sphinx's dirhtml option which is all about subdirectories of index.html files).

$ python -m http.serverServing HTTP on port 8000 ( ...


Running the webbrowser module as a script will open a given URL in your default web browser.For example, this would open the page

$ python -m webbrowser


Python's json.tool module can be run as a script to parse a JSON document and print out a version that's formatted nicely for human readability.

$ python -m json.tool /home/trey/Downloads/download.json[ { "title": "Python's walrus operator", "is_premium": false, "url": "/using-walrus-operator/" }, { "title": "Refactoring long boolean expressions", "is_premium": true, "url": "/refactoring-boolean-expressions/" }]


Running the calendar module as a script will print a calendar of the current year by default.It also accepts various arguments to customize its output.Here's a calendar of just one month:

$ python -m calendar 2024 04 April 2024Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1415 16 17 18 19 20 2122 23 24 25 26 27 2829 30

Those 4 scripts are general-purpose tools that I find helpful on any machine.Python also includes a number of tools that are commonly available (or easily installable) on Linux and Mac machines.

Especially handy on Windows machines

Running Python on Windows?Or running Python on a Linux/Mac machine without the ability to easily install common command-line utilities like uuid, sqlite3 and gzip?

These tools are all equivalent to command-line tools that are common on many Linux machines, though the equivalent Linux commands are usually more powerful and more user-friendly.

python3.12 -m uuidLike uuidgen CLI utilityDocs
python3.12 -m sqlite3Like sqlite3 CLI utilityDocs
python -m zipfileLike zip & unzip CLI utilitiesDocs
python -m gzipLike gzip & gunzip CLI utilitiesDocs
python -m tarfileLike the tar CLI utilityDocs
python -m base64Like the base64 CLI utility
python -m ftplibLike the ftp utility
python -m smtplibLike the sendmail utility
python -m poplibLike using curl to read email
python -m imaplibLike using curl to read email
python -m telnetlibLike the telnetutility

Note that the command-line interfaces for uuid and sqlite3 were both added in Python 3.12.

I've found the sqlite3 module handy when in a Docker container that didn't have a sqlite3 program installed, but did have Python 3.12.

Working with Python code

These tools are all handy when working with Python code.

python -m pipInstall third-party Python packagesDocs
python -m venvCreate a virtual environmentDocs
python -m pdbRun the Python DebuggerDocs
python -m unittestRun unittest tests in a directoryDocs
python -m pydocShow documentation for given stringDocs
python -m doctestRun doctests for a given Python fileDocs
python -m ensurepipInstall pip if it's not installedDocs
python -m idlelibLaunch Python's IDLE graphical REPLDocs
python -m zipappTurn Python module into runnable ZIPDocs
python -m compileallPre-compile Python files to bytecodeDocs


The pip module can installs third-party Python packages.


The venv module creates virtual environments.


The pdb module powers the Python debugger.That's what the built-in breakpoint function starts.Running pdb as a command-line script will set a PDB breakpoint on the first line of your program.


The unittest module can be used for writing automated tests in Python.When running unittest as a command-line script will, all tests within the current directory will be identified and run automatically.


Running the pydoc module as a command-line script will show the documentation for a given module or object.This is the same documentation you would see if you passed the same object name to the built-in help function.


Running doctest as a command-line script will evaluate all doctests (example code in docstrings) within a given Python file.


The ensurepip script is for folks who found that they've uninstalled pip and need a way to reinstall it (I did this once and it's not fun).


Ever wondered how to launch Python's graphical IDLE tool from the command-line?Run python -m idlelib.


Want to bundle up a Python module into a ZIP file that can be run directly by Python?Run python -m zipapp my_module.


Want to warm up the compiled bytecode cache that Python uses to run your modules?Run python -m compileall . to compile all Python files in the current directory to cached bytecode.

Analyzing Python code

Python also includes a handful of other Python-related tools that are specifically for analyzing Python code.

If you wanted to analyze some Python code to see how it ticks, these tools can be useful.

python -m tokenizeBreak Python module into "tokens"Docs
python -m astShow abstract syntax tree for codeDocs
python -m disDisassemble Python code to bytecodeDocs
python -m inspectinspect source code of a Python objectDocs
python -m pyclbrSee overview of a module's objects

You can think of the tokenize, ast, and dis modules as progressively deeper steps in the process of parsing the code in a Python module.


The tokenize module/script will break a Python file into a tree of "tokens":

$ python -m tokenize hello.py0,0-0,0: ENCODING 'utf-8'1,0-1,5: NAME 'print'1,5-1,6: OP '('1,6-1,19: STRING '"Hello world"'1,19-1,20: OP ')'1,20-1,21: NEWLINE '\n'2,0-2,0: ENDMARKER ''


The ast module/script goes one step further, turning the tokens into an "abstract syntax tree":

$ python -m ast hello.pyModule( body=[ Expr( value=Call( func=Name(id='print', ctx=Load()), args=[ Constant(value='Hello world')], keywords=[]))], type_ignores=[])


The dis module/script disassembles the abstract syntax tree into Python's "bytecode":

$ python -m dis 0 0 RESUME 0 1 2 PUSH_NULL 4 LOAD_NAME 0 (print) 6 LOAD_CONST 0 ('Hello world') 8 CALL 1 16 POP_TOP 18 RETURN_CONST 1 (None)

I've used tokenize to see how Python initially parses a module.I used the ast module along to create the undataclass tool, along with the ast script which helped me figure out how Python was parsing my file.I've used the dis module to try confirming a claim like "comprehensions generate fewer operations than loops".


The inspect module can be used as a script to inspect the source code of a given Python object.

$ python -m inspect contextlib:redirect_stdoutclass redirect_stdout(_RedirectStream): """Context manager for temporarily redirecting stdout to another file. # How to send help() to stderr with redirect_stdout(sys.stderr): help(dir) # How to write help() to a file with open('help.txt', 'w') as f: with redirect_stdout(f): help(pow) """ _stream = "stdout"

Unfortunately, it only works on objects that are implemented in Python directly.

$ python -m inspect itertools:zip_longestCan't get info for builtin modules.

Using the inspect module as a script seems helpful in theory, but I always find myself reaching for the actual code files instead.This may be because it's often helpful to see a bit more context than just the code for an one object: seeing inherited classes, global module state, other functions/classes, and imports are often helpful.


The pyclbr module can be run as a script to get a quick overview of each class, method, and function in a specific Python module:

$ python -m pyclbr timeitdef reindent 81class Timer [] 86 def __init__ 104 def print_exc 139 def timeit 166 def repeat 186 def autorange 212def timeit 234def repeat 240def main 246 def callback 324 def format_time 344

That somewhat obfuscated pyclbr name stands for "Python class browser" (it was originally meant just for browsing classes and methods).

Just for fun

These are Python Easter Eggs that work as Python scripts.

python -m __hello__Print Hello world!
python -m thisDisplay the Zen of Python (PEP 20)
python -m antigravityOpen XKCD 353 in a web browser
python -m turtledemoSee turtle module demos


Want to implement "hello world" in Python?It's already implemented in the __hello__ module!

$ python -m __hello__Hello world!


Want to see the Zen of Python printed out in your terminal?Either import this or run this as a script:

$ python -m thisThe Zen of Python, by Tim PetersBeautiful is better than ugly.Explicit is better than implicit.Simple is better than complex.Complex is better than complicated.Flat is better than nested.Sparse is better than dense.Readability counts.Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules.Although practicality beats purity.Errors should never pass silently.Unless explicitly silenced.In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess.There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it.Although that way may not be obvious at first unless you're Dutch.Now is better than never.Although never is often better than *right* now.If the implementation is hard to explain, it's a bad idea.If the implementation is easy to explain, it may be a good idea.Namespaces are one honking great idea -- let's do more of those!


Importing the antigravity module in Python will open an XKCD comic on Python in your web browser (powered by the webbrowser module mentioned above).Running antigravity as a script works too:

$ python -m antigravity


If you want to see a demo of different drawings you can make with Python's turtle module, run turtledemo as a script:

$ python -m turtledemo

Here are a number of other slightly advanced Python-related tools.

python -m asyncioLaunch an asyncio-aware Python REPLDocs
python -m cProfileProfile a Python programDocs
python -m profileProfile Python program with pure Python
python -m pstatsShow stats for profile/cProfile-generated file
python -m pickleDisplay contents of a pickle file (high-level)Docs
python -m pickletoolsDisassemble a pickle file (low-level)Docs


If you find yourself working with async/await often in Python, you may find the asynchronous REPL handy.

$ python -m asyncioasyncio REPL 3.12.0 (main, Nov 30 2023, 17:49:51) [GCC 11.4.0] on linuxUse "await" directly instead of "".Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.>>> import asyncio>>> await asyncio.sleep(1, result='hello')'hello'

cProfile & pstats

The cProfile script will profile your code by noting how long your code spent on various operations and within various functions.

$ python -m cProfile -s tottime -m http.server 8000Serving HTTP on port 8000 ( ...^CKeyboard interrupt received, exiting. 41242 function calls (40547 primitive calls) in 1.111 seconds Ordered by: internal time ncalls tottime percall cumtime percall filename:lineno(function) 3 1.075 0.358 1.075 0.358 {method 'poll' of 'select.poll' objects} 46 0.004 0.000 0.004 0.000 {built-in method marshal.loads} 213/211 0.003 0.000 0.005 0.000 {built-in method builtins.__build_class__} 16 0.002 0.000 0.002 0.000 {built-in method _imp.create_dynamic}... [Over 750 more lines of output]

The pstat command can process and compute statistics on the output of a profile file that's generated by cProfile.

The profile script is equivalent to the cProfile script, but it's written entirely in Python and is slower, so cProfile is preferable over profile.

pickle & pickletools

Have a pickle file and want to see what's in it?

Running the pickle module as a script will show the unpickled data:

$ python -m pickle data.pickle{'color': 'purple', 'name': 'duck'}

Running the pickletools module as a script will show a detailed explanation of each piece of the pickled data:

$ python -m pickletools data.pickle 0: \x80 PROTO 4 2: \x95 FRAME 36 11: } EMPTY_DICT 12: \x94 MEMOIZE (as 0) 13: ( MARK 14: \x8c SHORT_BINUNICODE 'name' 20: \x94 MEMOIZE (as 1) 21: \x8c SHORT_BINUNICODE 'duck' 27: \x94 MEMOIZE (as 2) 28: \x8c SHORT_BINUNICODE 'color' 35: \x94 MEMOIZE (as 3) 36: \x8c SHORT_BINUNICODE 'purple' 44: \x94 MEMOIZE (as 4) 45: u SETITEMS (MARK at 13) 46: . STOPhighest protocol among opcodes = 4

Oddly meta tools

Here are even more Python-related tools which are oddly meta.

python -m codeRun a Python REPL
python -m runpyRun a Python module as a script


The code module is used for making interactive Python interpreters, so running it will basically run a version of the interactive Python REPL:

$ python -m codePython 3.12.0 (main, Nov 30 2023, 17:49:51) [GCC 11.4.0] on linuxType "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.(InteractiveConsole)>>>


The runpy module is used for dynamically running a given Python module by its name.The fact that it has a command-line interface is a bit odd, since it essentially does what Python already does for us!

Here's runpy running runpy running runpy running the unittest module:

$ python -m runpy runpy runpy unittest----------------------------------------------------------------------Ran 0 tests in 0.000sNO TESTS RAN

The remaining tools are ones that are unlikely to be useful often.

python -m timeitTime a Python expression
python -m siteSee "site" information about Python
python -m sysconfigShow Python configuration details
python -m platformDisplay current platform information
python -m mimetypesShow file mimetype/extension details
python -m quopriEncode/decode raw email data
python -m filecmpCompare contents of 2 directories
python -m encodings.rot_13ROT-13 encode/decode text
python -m tabnannyCheck Python file for mixed tabs & spaces


If you need time how long a single Python expression takes to run, you could use timeit as a script:

$ python -m timeit 'sum([list(range(1000))] * 50, [])'100 loops, best of 5: 2.2 msec per loop$ python -m timeit 'import itertools; itertools.chain.from_iterable([list(range(1000))] * 50)'20000 loops, best of 5: 10.5 usec per loop

You may find it surprising that I include timeit in the list of rarely useful tools.I actually find the timeit module very useful, but I find that I pretty much always need to use it as a module rather than a script.More on using timeit in the documentation.


Running the site module as a script will show a bit of information about your current Python environment, including sys.path (which shows the directories in your PYTHONPATH).

$ python -m sitesys.path = [ '/home/trey/repos/business/screencasts', '/home/trey/.pyenv/versions/3.12.0/lib/', '/home/trey/.pyenv/versions/3.12.0/lib/python3.12', '/home/trey/.pyenv/versions/3.12.0/lib/python3.12/lib-dynload', '/home/trey/.local/lib/python3.12/site-packages', '/home/trey/.pyenv/versions/3.12.0/lib/python3.12/site-packages',]USER_BASE: '/home/trey/.local' (exists)USER_SITE: '/home/trey/.local/lib/python3.12/site-packages' (exists)ENABLE_USER_SITE: True

The --user-base or --user-site arguments can be passed to the site script to see just the location of those two directories:

$ python -m site --user-base/home/trey/.local$ python -m site --user-site/home/trey/.local/lib/python3.12/site-packages


Running the sysconfig module as a script will show a huge amount of information about your Python installation.

$ python3.12 -m sysconfig | lessPlatform: "linux-x86_64"Python version: "3.12"Current installation scheme: "posix_prefix"Paths: data = "/home/trey/.pyenv/versions/3.12.0" include = "/home/trey/.pyenv/versions/3.12.0/include/python3.12" platinclude = "/home/trey/.pyenv/versions/3.12.0/include/python3.12" platlib = "/home/trey/.pyenv/versions/3.12.0/lib/python3.12/site-packages" platstdlib = "/home/trey/.pyenv/versions/3.12.0/lib/python3.12" purelib = "/home/trey/.pyenv/versions/3.12.0/lib/python3.12/site-packages" scripts = "/home/trey/.pyenv/versions/3.12.0/bin" stdlib = "/home/trey/.pyenv/versions/3.12.0/lib/python3.12"Variables: ABIFLAGS = "" AC_APPLE_UNIVERSAL_BUILD = "0"... [Over 1000 more lines of output]


The platform script will tell you information about your operating system kernel:

$ python -m platformLinux-6.5.0-1023-oem-x86_64-with-glibc2.35


You can use mimetypes to find the file extension for a given file type:

$ python -m mimetypes -e 'text/markdown'.md

Or you can use mimetypes to discover the type of a given file:

$ python -m mimetypes README.mdtype: text/markdown encoding: None


The quopri command encode/decode quoted-printable data for raw email data:

$ echo 'Hi! 👋' | python -m quopriHi! =F0=9F=91=8B


The filecmp script accepts two directories and notes which files are different or the same between them.It has a very primitive command-line interface.

$ python -m filecmp dir1 dir2diff dir1 dir2Only in dir1 : ['c', 'sub2']Only in dir2 : ['d', 'sub3']Identical files : ['a']Differing files : ['b']Common subdirectories : ['sub1']

It's similar to the command-line diff utility but it only works on directories and its output is less readable.


Need to ROT-13 encode/decode some text?Probably not.But Python has a command-line tool for that.

$ echo 'Hello!' | python -m encodings.rot_13Uryyb!$ echo 'Uryyb!' | python -m encodings.rot_13Hello!


Need to check whether a Python file mixes tabs and spaces?Hopefully not!

$ python -m tabnanny 3 "\tprint('Hi')"

This used to be legal syntax in Python 2, but in Python 3 it's not valid anymore, so a SyntaxError will usually tell you something is wrong without needing to deliberately check.

Every command-line tool in Python

Here's a quick summary of every command-line tool in Python:

http.serverStart a simple web serverGeneral
webbrowserLaunch your web browserGeneral
json.toolNicely format JSON dataGeneral
calendarShow a command-line calendarGeneral
uuidLike uuidgen CLI utilityLinux-like
sqlite3Like sqlite3 CLI utilityLinux-like
zipfileLike zip & unzip CLI utilitiesLinux-like
gzipLike gzip & gunzip CLI utilitiesLinux-like
tarfileLike the tar CLI utilityLinux-like
base64Like the base64 CLI utilityLinux-like
ftplibLike the ftp utilityLinux-like
smtplibLike the sendmail utilityLinux-like
poplibLike using curl to read emailLinux-like
imaplibLike using curl to read emailLinux-like
telnetlibLike the telnetutilityLinux-like
pipInstall third-party Python packagesPython
venvCreate a virtual environmentPython
pdbRun the Python DebuggerPython
unittestRun unittest tests in a directoryPython
pydocShow documentation for given stringPython
doctestRun doctests for a given Python filePython
ensurepipInstall pip if it's not installedPython
idlelibLaunch Python's IDLE graphical REPLPython
zipappTurn Python module into runnable ZIPPython
python -m compileallPre-compile Python files to bytecodePython
tokenizeBreak Python module into "tokens"Inspect code
astShow abstract syntax tree for codeInspect code
disDisassemble Python code to bytecodeInspect code
inspectinspect source code of a Python objectInspect code
pyclbrSee overview of a module's objectsInspect code
asyncioLaunch an asyncio-aware REPLDeep Python
cProfileProfile a Python programDeep Python
profileProfile Python program with PythonDeep Python
pstatsShow stats on cProfile-generated fileDeep Python
pickleReadably display pickle file contentsDeep Python
pickletoolsDisassemble a pickle fileDeep Python
tabnannyCheck file for mixed tabs & spacesDeep Python
thisDisplay the Zen of Python (PEP 20)Fun
__hello__Print Hello world!Fun
antigravityOpen XKCD 353 in a web browserFun
turtledemoSee turtle module demosFun
codeRun a Python REPLPython
runpyRun a Python module as a scriptPython
timeitTime a Python expressionPython
siteSee "site" information about PythonDeep Python
sysconfigShow Python configuration detailsDeep Python
platformDisplay current platform informationGeneral
mimetypesShow file mimetype/extension detailsGeneral
quopriEncode/decode raw email dataGeneral
filecmpCompare contents of 2 directoriesGeneral
encodings.rot_13ROT-13 encode/decode textGeneral

I discovered the command-line interface for many of these modules by using this script, which looks for command-line interfaces among all Python standard library modules.

Note that older versions included even more modules that could be run as scripts.The standard library also included scripts for a uu module before Python 3.12 and formatter, binhex, test.pystone, and hotshot.stones existed in Python 2.

These are just the Python scripts included in the Python standard library.Any third-party module that can be run as a script can also be launched via python -m MODULE_NAME as well.

Python's many command-line utilities (2024)
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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.