Street Witch (Street Witch #1) (2024)


123 reviews2 followers

March 17, 2021

I was presently surprised just how amazing this book is, especially since its the author's debut book!

It's rare to come across an author whose skill at writing reaches this level. The text just flows. Some authors have this sort of grating, forced feeling to their writing. Prater's use of English, for lack of a better metaphor, flows like a river. You are carried, floated, into an amazing and complex world filled with spells, rituals and vivid characters.

The world building is clearly well done. Each scene vividly rendered, with intricate detail that enhances the sense of a world around the characters.

The characters themselves are multi-faceted and thoroughly enjoyable. I particularly enjoyed Marnie's interactions with Jack, and definitely hope to see more of Jack in future novels. Who knows, maybe the author will even have Jack feature as a main character (and find love?).

My one gripe is the main character smoking. Personally I don't like smoking, and its on a downward trend worldwide, and would very much like to see the character quit in the future.

I am very much looking forward to reading the next instalment of this series. I think once Prater has produced a couple books behind her name, she could very well be a best-selling author.

Vela Roth

Author14 books502 followers

July 2, 2021

Kept me reading till 2AM

Forbidden love. Political intrigue. A heroine who gives injustice the finger, and a beta hero who's at home among piles of books. S. L. Prater has filled a bowl with my favorite flavors of ice cream and covered it in all the best toppings, and every bite is irresistible.

I was cheering for our mouthy heroine Marnie as she stands up against both demons and bishops. With her gift for magic and math, she's capable of great things, but persecution of witches holds her back. She's a wonderful mix of badass determination, charming irreverence, and relatable fears.

It took exactly one sentence to make me fall in love with Bran. A reluctant but excellent leader, he'd rather be in his library than sit on the throne. He believes in Marnie and encourages her to aim high, and he is humble enough to learn from her about the injustices he's never experienced.

Marnie and Bran's longing for each other leaps off the page, and their friends to lovers romance gave me all the feels. And the banter! This is not your garden variety snarky arguing. This is clever repartee that makes you laugh out loud and reveals the characters' underlying affection for each other, even as it makes the sparks between them fly.

Each supporting character is memorable in every way. Marnie's best friend Jack is an endearingly quirky and deeply reassuring guy. He's her found family who fights demons at her side and stays up with her all night when they give her nightmares. Marnie's mother really evolves through the story, pulling together with her daughter despite their differences. Diverse ethnic groups are integral parts of the world, and characters of color like master alchemist Shar Zerba play influential roles in the plot.

I thoroughly enjoyed getting immersed in the complex and original gaslamp world of Street Witch. Loreley evokes the fantasy classic Howl's Moving Castle, and fans of the book or film will find a new favorite author in Prater. In her magical steampunk realm, each witch perceives magic with one of their physical senses. In Marnie's case, she can smell spells, and the vivid scent descriptions bring each scene to life. This unique magic system is interwoven with religious forces that are at times true and corrupt, mysterious and messy. Political and church authorities vie for influence, wealth and power over the fates of magic users like Marnie.

I wholeheartedly recommend this latest addition to my keeper shelf. I'll just be over here eating up the sequel.



43 reviews1 follower

March 13, 2021

A Wonderful Gaslamp Romantic Fantasy

This book checked all my boxes : strong mouthy heroine, banter that made me smile, tons of romantic tension, a deep magical world I wanted to go live in, and GREAT characters. Bran is my new book boyfriend.

The relationships and the immersive, genre-bending world made this story great. Jack and Marnie’s friendship had me constantly smiling. I was THRILLED every time Marnie and Bran shared the page. It was a quick, easy read with plenty of thrilling moments that kept me engaged. I can’t wait for more from this series. 5 Stars!


404 reviews22 followers

August 7, 2022


After reading Of Heists and Hexes and immediately falling in love with Robin, I knew I had to read this book and find out more about her parents and it was the best decision ever!


Marnie is the daughter of a housekeeper at LaFontaine manor and in love with the lord of the house, Bran. However, even if the class differences wasn’t enough to keep her from him, she’s also a witch in a world where prejudices against magic rule.

Bran wants nothing other than his books and Marnie. He definitely does not want to become an emperor. When a demon attacks and kills the ruling emperor, unfortunately Bran is called in to take over the empire.

His solution to being with Marnie is entering her into a competition to become a counsellor for his kingdom. As Marnie reluctantly agrees, she is whisked on various adventures across the land.

Can the two overcome their differences, the empires prejudices and find happiness?

My thoughts:

Reading a Prater book always feels like a cosy cup of hot chocolate. I always feel like I’m watching the story unravel, rather than reading. It’s just wonderful.


🔥 childhood sweethearts
🔥 beta/academic hero
🔥 strong heroine
🔥 demons and magic

Although I wouldn’t consider the ending a cliffhanger, the overarching story is not complete and the next two books need to be read for a full conclusion.

That’s what I’m off to do now.


103 reviews4 followers

May 23, 2021

This book was given to for a honest review.


I could not put this book down for long. I thought about it when I wasn’t able to read it (work blah!). It was such a well written story line thar drew me in from first paragraph. The character were all relatable and seemed so real. Such a good read! I was sad when it ended and immediately had to have the next book. Between the witches and the magic and the trouble demons can cause and the hierarchy of emperors, councilor, the church down to the different stations of people- all was perfectly represented. I can’t wait to read the next book!
Well written! Enjoy it!


685 reviews6 followers

January 7, 2023

Marnie is the daughter of a housekeeper… Marnie is also a witch… a witch in love with Bran. Their love is forbidden, her magic is frowned upon but when she’s asked to consider being a counselor when Bran becomes emperor, their adventures are quite entertaining as they conquer demons!

Maria Fatma

390 reviews4 followers

September 25, 2021

The romance in this was so cute. I loved Bran and Marnie as a couple but I also loved them as individual characters. Bran is just the sweetest love interest I've read about.

Ashleigh Horton

10 reviews7 followers

May 19, 2021

A great gaslamp fantasy!

I really enjoyed this novel. The pacing was great and the writing was top-notch. The world Prater has built has a cool steampunk / gaslamp vibe which I really enjoyed and look forward to exploring more in future books.

A couple of things I found particularly refreshing: It included romance that wasn't full of misunderstandings and miscommunications, but was instead based on mutual trust, and there was a positive platonic friendship between two characters of opposite sexes that at no point turned into a tired love triangle.

One negative I will note is that it could have benefitted from a once-over from an editor. It wasn't usually immersion-breaking, but there were a few mistakes and spots where it could have been tightened up a bit.

Overall, I'm really glad to have discovered this author and look forward to her future releases!

Marla Azinger

148 reviews2 followers

May 31, 2022

Is anyone looking for a strong female protagonist willing to risk life, love, and limb to save others? It's not just a plot setup... holy smokes this witch named Marnie is the real deal when it comes to caring about her kind! And the forbidden love romance just makes you itch for her and Lord Bran to cast everyone else aside and get after it already. Yet, I still felt bad for her best friend who I keep wondering curtails a deep love for Marnie. The unspoken triangle of affection is there yet doesn't tear at the three of them being friends. Oh! And the witchy writing this author conjures up is fantastic. IF you like a good witchy read, this is one not to pass up. I can't wait to read book 2 in this series. -I received a review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

The Reading Hammock | Erin

374 reviews

July 21, 2021

Great start to a series, even if there's just 2 books planned. The beginning was a bit rocky, I had a hard time settling until the world and the characters. Usually I love a story that just plops the reader into it, but this one took more effort to grab me. Once I was about halfway through, I was in. Kinda disappointed in the fade to black night between Marnie and Bran, but I think that's because I've been spoiled by the other books I've been reading. But because of that, I could probably share this book with my younger sister-in-law safely and she could enjoy it too!

Deb Barringer

523 reviews3 followers

May 30, 2021

Street Witch catches you up the moment you start, and captivates you throughout! Different from other witch books, Street Witch is raw and unabashed, refreshing in it's nature. The storyline is fast-paced and well written, filled with magic and mayhem, demons, adventure, intrigue, subterfuge, politics and romance. The characters are well developed and engaging. Even Bran, in his reclusiveness, plays a wonderful supportive role as acting Emperor/confidant/friend/lover?. Overall, an outstanding read and one not to be missed.

    arc-s new-author


28 reviews1 follower

July 11, 2023

A fun romp through the streets of a city where magic abounds but is distrusted by many of those in power. Street Witch is the beginning of Marnie’s story as she learns to embrace her gifts and start fighting for the things and people she believes in.

It took a little bit for me to settle into this story, but I’m glad I stuck with it a little bit longer because this is such a fun and unique world.
The main couple is just absolutely sweet and such a joy to read with some light on page spice and plenty of great banter.
I’ve already queued up the sequel!

Legend West

1 review

April 26, 2021

I am ACHING for the next book in this series!! The relationships, the magic, the world—it all makes me wish I could live in this world (maybe after Marnie manages to solve all the problems on her island ;)). The magic in this world is so unique, I’ve literally never encountered another magic story/world anything like it. YOU HAVE TO READ THIS BOOK. This book made me fall in love with reading again!!

Erin Larson-Burnett

Author2 books45 followers

July 11, 2023

“So beautiful, you make me stupid. I’m practically illiterate right now... You’re too close and warm and beautiful—it jumbles my thoughts. I can’t form proper sentences, and arguing with you will require all of my faculties.”

The way this book stole my HEART.

From the very first line, Street Witch captivated me. I devoured it. I couldn't put it down.

There are not nearly enough books with the whimsical, quirky sort of charm that this book possesses in droves—the magic and humor swept me away. And the CHARACTERS. My word, the characters are nothing short of wonderful. Clever, mouthy Marnie; bookish, pining Bran; spunky, passionate Jack. I loved how easy it was to fall into the rhythm of their relationships and bantering, and I loved each of their particular brands of snark.

The worldbuilding stunned me — the subtly different forms of magics, the threads of church and state, the urban-Victorian-steampunk vibes. The sassy, gassy demons simultaneously amused me and gave me the shudders.

I can't say much about the romance without giving the whole subplot away, but it was beautiful and I was rooting for their love the whole time. There was NO miscommunication, which was SO refreshing, and the chemistry between the characters was so palpably pure. heart.

This book is literally everything, and easily a new favorite (not just of the year but of all time). I will not be sleeping until I finish the sequels.

“There are many things I feel uncertain about. Your love for me has never been one of them.”

Juju ♡ ~('▽^人)

426 reviews22 followers

December 7, 2022

⤷ this is book 22 of 77 books i have downloaded for free on amazon kindle, so it may be time to finally go through them all. oh god, wish me luck.

i really liked this one! i love marnie and bran together, and it was super interesting to explore this world. i'm surprised because this is the debut book by the author, if i remember correctly? or at least it's one of the first ones, and i'm so positively surprised. really liked it, and will definitely read more of this series!

Elise Weyts

39 reviews

February 19, 2024

4/5 stars
This book pleasantly suprised me!
The world is well built, the plot is fast paced sometimes a little too fast but definitely still passable. I did grow quite fond of the characters and really enjoyed reading it!
Onto the next 😁

Rebecca Brown

1,144 reviews4 followers

May 26, 2021

A wonderful book that I couldn't put down.
It totally drew me in from beginning to end.
Loved reading and highly recommend reading it...


118 reviews


May 12, 2024

DNF @6%

I tried for a couple days to get into this one, but I don’t think it’s for me. Felt like I jumped into a second book with no context of what was happening.


B.B. Florine

64 reviews

November 17, 2021

Witty, Fun and Magical
I enjoyed this first installment of Prater’s magical, gaslamp romance series. The stage the author sets is impeccably designed, complete with a Victorian, Steampunk type vibe, forbidding religious and societal mores amid a rich, magic based fantasy world. I found lead character, Marnie, to be a lovely and interesting character. Her secret relationship with Bran was one that, while delicious from the start, grew all the way to the spectacular end. The fantastical new Street Witch series is one I can’t wait to read more of.


1,360 reviews3 followers

November 20, 2021


I really enjoyed this one. It's an old attitude with a new outlook. It's the same prejudices when it comes to witches and the church but it's also different. I love how the government is set up. It's a really good start.


Author9 books24 followers

November 16, 2021

Amazing world building. Engaging characters. I loved it!


545 reviews2 followers

October 18, 2021

Great Story That’s Well Written

The story centers on Marnie, Bran, and Jack. These are all well developed characters and they are supported by a cast of lesser characters who are much more than throwaway participants. Brother Doyle is definitely one of my favorites.

The world view is slowly revealed to be a strange mix of magic, steam punk, politics, and religion. The Catholic Church is clearly a basis for The Cloth even with whispers of the Spanish Inquisition. The story manages to mix social commentary with an engrossing narrative.

This has romance as a significant aspect of the story but is is not the end all or the major. I enjoyed reading this and look forward to reading the following books.


Sahana Ramnath

817 reviews21 followers

February 8, 2022

A really entertaining read!
The plot and the setting were really interesting, and the progression of the various subplots felt really natural. Marnie and Bran and Jack are totally adorable, and I can't wait to see more of them in the future books!

William H Unverzart

23 reviews1 follower


October 25, 2021

An excellent read

Street Witch is witty, endearing and a fun read throughout. I'm looking forward to reading the rest of the series

Victoria Bennett

41 reviews

February 16, 2022

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It was paced well and had excellent descriptions of the settings.

Legend West

2 reviews

February 26, 2022

A heroine that feels like I’d be her best friend and a delicious forbidden romance. I want to be powerful like Marnie is powerful!! This will be your new favorite series!!


22 reviews

October 4, 2021

Im am not a fan of writing reviews. I love books. I love reading. I love this genre. I love rating my stars. But, very rarely do I write reviews. I absolutely adored this book! So, I feel I must share some of my thoughts.

Our main character Marnie…how do you not love her? She is fierce, she is strong and underneath it all…she has such a pure heart! Her relationship with Jack…I just love them! They are so different and at the same time are the best of friends and they share something even beyond that. Their closeness and their banter just makes me smile.

And the relationship between Bran and our heroine…oh, my!!! Are they just not the best couple to ever exist?! Their chemistry is undeniable!!! And I love her for trying to protect both of them from the disdain and evil of society…but, I just love how Bran can never accept the answer of them not being together and of our heroine reminding him that she never said ‘no.’ There is nothing greater than the love they have for one another. They just need to figure out the hows in the future books! They already know the why! Can he just be my swoon worthy book boyfriend already?

This book was full of magic, drama, action, politics, and romance!!! A perfect dose of all of it! I loved it and can’t wait for the next books in this series!

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.


394 reviews1 follower

November 22, 2022

It was a fun light read. It had interesting magic and world building which I wished we could have gotten more of. I like that the heroine had a platonic friendship with her mage friend. I hope the author doesn't try to force a love triangle in later books.

The weakest part of the book was the romance subplot. They already had an established relationship, which is fine, but the book still tried to follow the standard romance road map and it didn't work. Everytime they reached one of the traditional milestones, like first kiss, it's ruined because they had already reached the milestone way before. They actually had a legitimate obstacle (she's a poor witch and he's a lord) but again it has no impact because the heroine is completely passive. She has given up and doesn't try to fight for them to be together. The only one fighting is the hero. If the heroine isn't invested in the relationship, why should I be. Honestly, you could just make the two characters friends and it wouldn't have changed anything in the plot.

Jaycee Jarvis

Author8 books305 followers

September 15, 2023

Loved the complex worldbuilding and darker themes in this off beat fantasy romance. Marnie was a delightful character, full of sass and purpose and determined to make her mark on the world her way. I really enjoyed the relationship arc in this story, where Marnie and Bran have been childhood friends and confidants turned lovers before the story even begins, and the trials they go through mostly have to do trying to find a compromise about the nature and parameters of their relationship, and what it means to the outside world. It's a difficult knot, that is handled with grace and nuance, without belittling either character or their desires. Bran is my favorite type of hero, kindhearted and almost too smart for his own good. I'm very interested in reading the next book in the series as it ended on a HFN and I'm curious if we'll see their relationship develop further or focus on a new character (like the delightful and irrepressible Jack) Highly recommend for fantasy romance fans looking for something a little different when it comes to witchy magic.

    fantasy fantasy-romance
Street Witch (Street Witch #1) (2024)
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Author: Golda Nolan II

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Rating: 4.8 / 5 (78 voted)

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Author information

Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

Phone: +522993866487

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.