Telangiectasia: Definition, Medical Terminology, and Causes (2024)

The term "telangiectasia," derived from the Greek words "telos" (end), "angio" (vessel), and "ectasia" (dilation), directly describes the condition of dilation at the end of a blood vessel.

Telangiectasia, commonly referred to as spider veins, is a condition characterized by the dilation or swelling of small blood vessels near the surface of the skin. This results in visible red, blue, or purple lines or spider-like patterns becoming noticeable, usually on the face, legs, chest, or arms.

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Telangiectasia: Breakdown of the Medical Term

The term "telangiectasia" originates from a combination of Greek words, offering a clear understanding of the condition itself. Here's a breakdown:

  • Telos: Meaning "end"
  • Angio: Meaning "vessel," specifically referring to blood vessels
  • Ectasia: Meaning "dilation" or "stretching"

When combined, "telangiectasia" literally translates to "dilation of the end of a vessel." This perfectly captures the essence of the condition, which involves tiny blood vessels near the surface of the skin or mucous membranes becoming wider and more visible.

Why Should I Care About Telangiectasia?

Telangiectasia: Definition, Medical Terminology, and Causes (1)

Many people are mainly concerned with the cosmetic effects of telangiectasia and spider veins. The visible red lines and weblike networks can be considered unattractive and something people want to minimize or remove.

However, telangiectasia may also indicate more serious underlying medical conditions in some cases. Certain types of telangiectasia are associated with genetic disorders, connective tissue diseases, and compromised blood circulation.

So while spider veins are often harmless, understanding telangiectasia is important for monitoring your health. Catching dilated blood vessels early provides the opportunity to check for associated conditions and can prompt specialized treatments if necessary.

The Different Types of Telangiectasia

There are a few different classifications of telangiectasia depending on the appearance, cause, and location of the dilated blood vessels:

Spider Telangiectasia

The most common variety, these spider veins feature reddish purple lines that spread out and branch off like a spider web. They frequently occur on the legs and face. Spider telangiectasia is often caused by sun damage or aging.

Essential Telangiectasia

This type appears as dilated capillaries and venules randomly scattered on the skin of the legs. Essential telangiectasia develops gradually for no apparent reason, typically in adults 30-50 years old.

Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia (HHT)

Also called Osler-Weber-Rendu disease, HHT is a rare genetic disorder that causes abnormal blood vessel formation in the skin, mucous membranes, and organs. Recurrent nosebleeds are a common symptom.

Unilateral Naevoid Telangiectasia

This type only affects a particular region of the body unilaterally. It may be present at birth or develop during childhood. The cause is unknown.

Ataxia Telangiectasia

A rare neurodegenerative disease that causes progressive loss of muscle control, weakened immune system, and increased risk of cancer. Dilated blood vessels appear early in the eyes and facial area.

What Causes Telangiectasia?

The factors that contribute to telangiectasia formation include:

  • Sun exposure - Ultraviolet radiation damages blood vessels over time, causing them to dilate. This is a main cause of telangiectasia on the face and chest.
  • Genetics - Many genetic disorders are linked to telangiectasia. Gene mutations can cause vascular abnormalities.
  • Age - As part of the aging process, blood vessels lose elasticity and collapse more easily. Telangiectasia is common in older adults.
  • Skin damage - Injuries, cuts, burns, or surgeries that affect the skin can lead to new spider vein formation during the healing process.
  • Hormones - Estrogen dominance is associated with an increased risk of telangiectasia since it influences vascular health.
  • Venous disease - Varicose veins or poor circulation results in blood pooling in veins, placing pressure on vessel walls.
  • Medications - Topical steroid creams may induce telangiectasia. Anticoagulant medicines or chemotherapy can also be contributing factors.

Who is at Risk for Developing Telangiectasia?

You may be more likely to develop telangiectasia if you have:

Risk FactorDescription
Fair skinPaler skin is more vulnerable to sun damage and redness from dilated capillaries shows up more easily.
Family historyGenetic factors that affect vein health up your risk. Having a parent or sibling with prominent telangiectasia can increase your susceptibility.
Venous insufficiencyVaricose veins, poor circulation, blood pooling, and increased pressure on blood vessels encourages spider veins.
RosaceaFacial redness, flushing, visible blood vessels, and acne-like breakouts indicates higher risk of telangiectasia.
Vascular Ehlers-Danlos syndromeAn inherited connective tissue disorder that deteriorates blood vessels and leads to telangiectasia.
Past radiation therapyRadiation exposure can injure veins and capillaries, instigating dilation and new telangiectasia.
Liver conditionsDiseases like cirrhosis cause increased pressure in the portal vein from the intestines to the liver.
CREST syndromeThis autoimmune disease damages connective tissue over time, including blood vessels.

How is Telangiectasia Diagnosed?

Telangiectasia: Definition, Medical Terminology, and Causes (2)

Your doctor can often diagnose telangiectasia through a simple visual exam of your skin. The noticeable red threadlike lines and spider-like shapes make telangiectasia easy to identify.

Your medical history will also provide clues, especially if you have risk factors like rosacea, family history of spider veins, or past radiation. Mentioning any changes and progression of your telangiectasia can aid diagnosis.

In some cases, your doctor may order additional tests:

  • Doppler ultrasound to evaluate blood circulation and flow through the veins
  • CT scan or MRI to check for arteriovenous malformations or venous insufficiency
  • Biopsy of skin tissue to examine blood vessel structure
  • Blood tests to assess blood clotting, hormones, and iron deficiency

When to See a Doctor About Telangiectasia

Make an appointment with your doctor or dermatologist if you notice any of the following:

  • New spider veins developing rapidly or suddenly
  • Telangiectasia forming on your lips, mouth, nose, or eyes
  • Veins that bleed easily when bumped or barely touched
  • Severe pain, swelling, and discomfort around enlarged blood vessels
  • Telangiectasia accompanied by other concerning symptoms like fatigue, weight loss, or jaundice

These signs can indicate an underlying medical condition requiring further evaluation beyond cosmetic spider vein treatment. Prompt diagnosis is key.

Telangiectasia Treatment Options

While telangiectasia is mainly a cosmetic concern, treatments are available for improving appearance by reducing the visibility of spider veins.

Common medical procedures include:


The most frequently used treatment, this involves injecting a liquid chemical called a sclerosing agent into the affected veins. The solution irritates and collapses the walls of the vessel, sealing it closed so blood can reroute to healthier veins.

Multiple sessions are usually needed every 4-6 weeks to achieve optimal results. Potential side effects include stinging, cramping, swelling, and discoloration that normally fades within a couple weeks.

Laser Therapy

Using quick pulses of intense laser light, this treatment heats up blood vessels to destroy them. Laser energy can specifically target the color of hemoglobin in blood cells without damaging surrounding skin.

Lasers work best on tiny spider veins close to the skin’s surface. Larger veins won’t fade as effectively. Discomfort is minimal and side effects like redness and bruising typically clear within 1-2 weeks.

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)

This technology uses broad spectrum light at different wavelengths to selectively heat blood vessels. IPL works by absorbed light converted into heat energy that collapses veins.

Most effective on facial telangiectasia and tiny superficial spider veins. Some minor stinging during treatment can occur. You may experience temporary redness or brown spots that disappear in a few days.

Radiofrequency Ablation

A small probe transmits radiofrequency energy directly into the abnormal vein, causing it to shrink and collapse by heating the vessel walls. The collapsed vein eventually gets reabsorbed into the body.

This method allows the treatment of deeper reticular veins that lasers cannot reach. Side effects are usually limited to temporary bruising that goes away quickly when pressure is applied.

Home Remedies to Avoid

It can be tempting to try getting rid of spider veins yourself, but home remedies are NOT recommended. They will not effectively eliminate existing telangiectasia.

Methods like applying apple cider vinegar, aloe vera, horse chestnut extract, or vitamin E can help mildly reduce the appearance but do not treat the root cause. Some ingredients may irritate the skin.

DIY fixes also carry a high risk of infection since they do not properly sterilize the skin. Leave spider vein treatments to trained professionals for safe, lasting results.

Long-Term Outlook and Effects

With proper diagnosis and treatment, most people with mild to moderate telangiectasia can achieve substantial improvement in the appearance of spider veins.

However, telangiectasia may not be completely permanent in many cases or new spider veins can emerge over time, requiring maintenance sessions. Severe underlying venous disease makes treatment more difficult.

If left untreated, some telangiectasia may enlarge, darken, or bleed under the skin’s surface. Though usually not dangerous, this can become painful and further impact appearance.

Tips for Prevention and Minimizing Risk

Telangiectasia: Definition, Medical Terminology, and Causes (3)

While you cannot always prevent telangiectasia completely, you can reduce your risk of new spider veins developing or worsening with the following methods:

  • Use sun protection like broad spectrum sunscreen, protective clothing, and avoiding prolonged sun exposure to prevent UV damage to blood vessels.
  • Keep skin moisturized to maintain elasticity and strength of the blood vessel walls.
  • Avoid restrictive clothing around the legs and waist that can put pressure on veins.
  • Exercise regularly to improve circulation and blood flow.
  • Maintain a healthy weight and avoid rapid weight fluctuations.
  • Quit smoking and avoid secondhand smoke which contains chemicals toxic to vascular health.
  • Eat antioxidant and vitamin C rich foods that strengthen blood vessels.
  • Manage medical conditions like high blood pressure that strain blood vessels.

Final Thoughts

Telangiectasia is characterized by the visible dilation of tiny superficial blood vessels, appearing as spider veins on the skin’s surface. While usually harmless, this cosmetic concern can sometimes indicate more serious health issues.

Knowing your risk factors, promptly treating new spider veins, and taking preventative measures helps manage telangiectasia. Speak to your doctor about the best treatment options to reduce the appearance of dilated blood vessels and improve your skin’s healthy glow.

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Telangiectasia: Definition, Medical Terminology, and Causes (2024)


Telangiectasia: Definition, Medical Terminology, and Causes? ›

Definition. Telangiectasias refer to small dilated blood vessels located near the surface of the skin or mucous membranes, measuring between 0.5 and 1 millimeter in diameter. Telangiectasia are located especially on the tongue, lips, palate, fingers, face, conjunctiva, trunk, nail beds, and fingertips. [ from HPO]

What is the cause of telangiectasia? ›

The exact cause of telangiectasia is unknown. Researchers believe several causes may contribute to the development of telangiectases. These causes may be genetic, environmental, or a combination of both. It's believed that most cases of telangiectasia are caused by chronic exposure to the sun or extreme temperatures.

What triggers telangiectasia? ›

There are many different causes of telangiectasia. Any of the above-mentioned connective tissue diseases can cause it. But, perhaps most commonly, fair-skinned people develop them on areas their body that have chronic sun damage. They can also be found on the sides of the nose in otherwise healthy adults.

Which of the following can cause telangiectasias? ›

Causes may include:
  • Rosacea (skin problem that causes the face to turn red)
  • Aging.
  • Problem with genes.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Sun exposure.
  • Varicose veins.
  • Overuse of steroid creams.
  • Trauma to the area.

What is the cause of generalized telangiectasia? ›

The cause of generalised essential telangiectasia remains unclear. Sometimes there may be a family history, which suggests a genetic component. It is not associated with varicose veins or other venous disorders. Environmental factors such as sun exposure may possibly play a part in its development.

Can telangiectasia go away? ›

Telangiectases will not resolve without some form of cosmetic treatment. In most cases, the appearance of the blood vessels and capillaries can be diminished with laser therapy.

Is telangiectasia serious? ›

Telangiectasias are small, widened blood vessels on the skin. They are usually harmless, but may be associated with several diseases.

What is the best treatment for telangiectasia? ›

Sclerotherapy is a more effective procedure for larger veins, so it is the standard treatment for telangiectasias on the legs. It is a minimally invasive procedure in which a dermatologist injects a solution , called a sclerosant, into the affected veins. The solution irritates vessel tissue, causing inflammation.

Can telangiectasia be cancerous? ›

People with ataxia-telangiectasia often have a weakened immune system, and many develop chronic lung infections. They also have an increased risk of developing cancer, particularly cancer of blood-forming cells (leukemia ) and cancer of immune system cells (lymphoma ).

What drugs cause telangiectasia? ›

Certain medications may give rise to telangiectasia.
  • Vasodilators especially calcium channel blockers; sun-exposed sites are mainly affected.
  • Long-term systemic corticosteroids.
  • Long-term topical corticosteroids, including steroid rosacea.
  • Intralesional triamcinolone injections.

Is telangiectasia a disease or disorder? ›

Overview. Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (tuh-lan-jee-uk-TAY-zhuh) is an inherited disorder that causes abnormal connections, called arteriovenous malformations (AVMs), to develop between arteries and veins. The most common locations affected are the nose, lungs, brain and liver.

Does aging cause telangiectasia? ›

Telangiectasias, commonly called spider veins, are dilated blood vessels in the outer layer of the skin. Telangiectasias are very common and are often caused by sun damage or aging.

How rare is telangiectasia? ›

The global prevalence of A-T is estimated to be around 1 in 40,000 and 1 in 100,000 live births. [9] In some populations, the disease is as rare as 1:300,000. [10] In the United States, about 1% of the population is a carrier of a mutation in the ATM gene. [11] Males and females are equally affected by A-T.

What makes telangiectasia worse? ›

Telangiectasia develops slowly over a long period of time, sometimes starting in the early childhood years. Using some skin and beauty products along with particularly abrasive sponges and scrubs can make them worse. Spider veins might be painful to the touch and might also itch.

What systemic disease is associated with telangiectasia on the skin of the face? ›

Objective: Cutaneous telangiectasia (CT) are common in systemic sclerosis (SSc) patients, but their ability to stratify patients by risk is poorly known.

Can telangiectasia be benign? ›

Abstract. Hereditary benign telangiectasia is an autosomal dominant inherited dermatosis with typical presentation of telangiectasia of the skin and lips. The cause is still unknown. It is a primary telangiectasia that develops during childhood without systemic symptoms.

Is telangiectasia a genetic disease? ›

HHT is a genetic condition that causes enlargements and tangles of veins and arteries (telangiectasias) and other malformations of the blood vessels. These can occur in the brain, lungs, digestive system, skin or other organs. HHT is somewhat rare, affecting approximately 1 in 5,000 people.

What causes hereditary telangiectasia? ›

HHT is genetic, meaning it's passed down from parents to children. It's a dominant disorder, caused by one copy of one abnormal gene from one parent. Hundreds of possible mutations in six different genes have been linked to HHT, but the vast majority of cases are due to mutations in two genes, ENG and ACVRL1.

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