Who Is Bill Gates? (Who Was?) (2024)

Dr. Appu Sasidharan (Dasfill)

1,352 reviews3,215 followers

June 17, 2023

This book will help you know more about Bill Gates's life. It will help you to understand more about his contributions to the field of IT.

Even though I'm afraid I have to disagree with a few of the stands taken by Gates on several controversial topics, I still think this will be a good choice to gift your children who love reading inspirational biographies.

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Montzalee Wittmann

4,725 reviews2,303 followers

January 11, 2017

Who Is Bill Gates? by Patricia Brennan Demuth is an inspiring story of someone that was always a thinker from a young age and worked hard to make something of himself. This book goes inside to show the personal side of Bill Gates and his how it all started as a child. This book leads us on a journey through his life as he struggles and succeeds. Now he gives to charity and still has the good heart he had as a kid. It is certainly a inspiring story of working hard, thinking out-side-the-box, being inventive, and caring. Great job.


51 reviews

March 30, 2015

When I read this in school I was fascinated with all the features of Bill's house. Read it to find out what was in it.

Matthew Jackus

18 reviews1 follower

March 28, 2016

I think it a interesting book and I want you to read and hers a little summery it about how he grow up and how special he was and we all now he's the riches guy in the world so it talks about that to hope you read it


3 reviews1 follower


April 30, 2020



1 review

February 4, 2020

This book is about Bill Gates a man who built a company. As a child he loved to read. He had an incredible memory because he said "I can do anything I set my mind to". All kids wanted Bill on their teams. Just because he was smart. Bill was the smallest boy in his seventh-grade class at Lakeside School. At that point he was part of team, a computer team. The team called themselves the "Lakeside Programmers". He made a new friend, Paul Allen. In 1973, Bill graduated from Lakeside School. He started college at famous Harvard University, when he met Paul Allen. Months later, Bill and Paul created Microsoft. In 1975 Bill left Harvard and he avent in Albuquerque. There he and Paul made a slogan for Microsoft:"A computer on every desk and in every home".
Bill and Paul decided to move their company. So Microsoft moved to Washington, near Seattle. Many years later Bill was married with Melinda and they have three children.
As before, Bill loves his job. He and Melinda travel to faraway spots in the world to get a firsthand view of problems.
The chapter that impressed me was chapter five because Bill created Microsoft. Bill was president and chairman of Microsoft, and Paul was vice president. Bill took a leave of absence - a time out to join Paul in Albuquerque. Bill's parents did not want him to drop out of college. Reluctantly, Bill went back to Harvard. For Bill, Microsoft was a big dream.
I recommend this book because it presents the life of a man who has done everything he can do to fulfill his dream.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.


732 reviews111 followers

October 11, 2020


Impressive guy and a go-getter. I always admire people who are geniuses at what they do and are passionate about it.

Some things I found interesting:

--Bill read the entire World Book Encyclopedia at the age of 7.

--At age 15, Bill and a partner wrote a computer program that measured Seattle traffic flow, for which they were paid $20K.

--In 1986, Bill took Microsoft public. Bill and his partner/cofounder Paul Allen became millionaires practically overnight and by 1987, they were billionaires. Bill was only 31 yrs old at the time, making him the youngest self-made billionaire at the time.

--When Bill married Melinda in Hawaii, they rented all the hotel rooms on the island and hired all the helicopters to ensure privacy. (It's crazy to me what having so much money will make you do and what you will spend for things when money is not an issue.)

--Guests at BG's house can wear a tiny Microsoft badge that contains information on their favorite things. The chip will send a signal so that if they enter their guest room, their favorite music plays, the room is adjusted to a temperature of their liking, and even their favorite artwork will appear on wall screens.

--Bill's favorite room is his library. It has a secret room that holds a 500yr plus old, handwritten notebook by Leonardo da Vinci, for which Bill paid $30 million to buy it. (Eek!)

--Bill did not originally get on board when the Internet first came out. When he realized his mistake, he immediately went into action and took over his competition by offering free internet as a bundle purchase for those who bought Windows. He ended up getting sued by DOJ but eventually won his case.

The book was written in 2013.

    biography children great-cover

Erika Rohlfes

11 reviews

Currently reading

March 3, 2016

The book," Who is Bill Gates" is a biography story told about A man named Bill Gates and the things he did to modernize the evolution of technology and help others in a very significant way. It is basically a timeline of his life, even though he is still currently living.

This book was very interesting to read. I loved learning new facts about Mr. Bill Gates, in my opinion I feel that he was a very amazing man because of his wife and his smarts. I would recommend this book to ages of 7-13. It is a very understandable book to read. The one thing I did not enjoy was that in this book it did not show any of the bad things he did in his life.

Verania Wolf

16 reviews

February 19, 2019

Who is Bill Gates by Patricia Brennan Demuth is a 5 out of 5 stars. Something I really liked about this book was how you rely did learn about Bill in many ways such as his greatest accomplishments his friends and family his title in the world such as being the richest man in the world until 2007 but the had also included quotes. These quotes really did help the reader visualize what kind of person Bill is. He’s a very optimistic person and has hope for the future, and I would have never known that about him if I haven’t read this book. This is why I would recommend this book to anyone who’s interested in computers or just to learn more about Bill Gates.


5 reviews


April 6, 2018

Good source to learn from.


13 reviews

August 16, 2023

Youre an OKAY billionaire


6 reviews

January 31, 2019

This is a great book because it has a lot of facts about a multi billionaire guy how has a great life and is the creature of a really famous computer brand called Microsoft I really recommend this book

Jeff Miller

191 reviews16 followers

April 12, 2020

This is a short book aimed at young audiences. My 10-year-old son read this for a school assignment. I was thumbing through it in order to help him. I found the book quite interesting. I learned several things about Bill Gates that I did not know.

Zainab Almutair

6 reviews

February 11, 2022

This book Inspired me in a great way. its a story about How Bill Gates Discovered His interest in computers!, I think its Really an amazing and inspiring story, it's also really detailed Especially when Bill Gates Found his interest. I really recommend This book if you love reading biographies


20 reviews

December 1, 2018

Who is Bill Gates is a good book. I wasn’t expecting much but it was great and it was a good mixture of what he did as an adult and as a teenager. Even though everybody knows he was the cofounder of Microsoft not everybody knows that he was the top student in every single one of his classes. While this book is not completely detailed about his life it gives you a good overview about his life. I would recommend this book anyone because Bill Gates changed the modern world.

Citlally Orozco

18 reviews

February 1, 2019

I like this book because it talks about how bill gates became rich. The book show the process throughout college and how he even thought about making computers .It even talked about his love life. It even explained how his house looked liked.

Max Miramontes

18 reviews

November 1, 2018

The book Who Was Bill Gates?, by Patricia Brennan Demuth and Ted Hammond talks about the childhood and success of Bill Gates. This books has great description in the littlest of moments and how he started MicroSoft. This was a great book that I’ve so far this year. One thing I’ve noticed in The Who Was series is that each book was created with a different author. Even though the authors are different they are all the same. If you like biographies than I suggest that you read the Who Was series.

Kosuke Arai

27 reviews

June 16, 2016

1.penguin reader
3.active, computer room, huge computer, club, OS, found, MS
4.''In 1984,Bill appeared on the cover of TIME magazine for the first time.'' The reason why I chose this passage is it means he became very famous all around the world. I think it was turning point for him.
5. Bill has been special since he was child. I found it when I finished reading. He had different thoughts from others. I think he is really genus, he had gifted, so he was growing up in different way.


37 reviews

June 6, 2013

Great book for kids. I'd love to see an Walter Issacson type biography of Bill Gates in the near future.


3 reviews

January 30, 2016

Good book

Nanda Wanninayaka

91 reviews19 followers

July 23, 2017

Who Is Bill Gates? – Patricia Brennan Demuth

I was looking for a good biography about Bill Gates for a long time. But I could not get hold of one except what I read about him on Wikipedia and other sources. But luckily, I had the pleasure of reading Patricia Brennan Demuth’s “Who Is Bill Gates?” last week. Though the book is very short – I think this book is meant mostly for children and young adults - it summarizes a good deal of Gates’ life in to shorter chapters. This was enough information for me till I find a comprehensive biography or an autobiography of Gates someday.

Though some people dislike Bill Gates for being a copycat and an unsympathetic businessman, I admire the man for initiating such a big revolution in the computer industry in a relatively short time. Without him, we would not have had access to computers and the internet within this short period of time. When I was a schoolboy in the 1980’s, the message given to us by our teachers and the media was that there would be a robot at every house by the then much awaited year 2000. But it was not to be. As of today, the robots are used in places like research laboratories and factories but it is not a domestic item as yet. Perhaps it will take a much longer time than anticipated by the science fiction writers in the past. Instead, most of us had a PC on our desks by the year 2000. To my knowledge, no science fiction writer could predict the big revolution of the PC’s would do in the world. But thanks to Gates, affordable PCs with sophisticated software came to our tables at offices and houses making our lives more comfortable.

Patricia Brennan Demuth’s biography “Who Is Bill Gates?” takes us a journey through Gates’ childhood, youth, adulthood till the time he formed Bill and Belinda Gates Foundation.

Computers were a luxury item that was hard to come by when Gates was a young person. Thanks to his school, the Lakeside School, he had access to a teletype machine which was more like a typewriter than a computer. He was greatly inspired and spent many hours as he could in the school ‘computer lab’ that was devoid of computers. Only big corporations and government institutions could afford to have huge mainframe computers which cost millions of dollars. But Gates had access to computer manuals in the school computer room which he read enthusiastically. He wrote his first computer program at the young age of thirteen!

The book informs the reader as to how Gates was inspired by the teletype machine, then how he found access to the computers at General Electric and how he met Paul Allen who eventually became the cofounder of Microsoft. According to the author, ‘the geek’ in Bill Gates changed after his marriage to Belinda French and he became a family man to his wife and the three children.

Life was not easy for Bill Gates, though he was born into a well-to-do family. He had to work hard tirelessly to learn computers at a time when it was not easy to access computers or related knowledge. So, luck did not come to him but he worked hard and went in search of luck.

The book says how Bill Gates decided to step down as the CEO of Microsoft at his prime age as a business magnate and diverted his full attention to Bill and Melinda Gates foundation which was set up to help the world with the money he amassed through his business. He did this at a relatively younger age of 52. This is the best age for most of the other businessmen to thrive at business, but Gates thought otherwise. So, all those people who criticized Gates as a mercenary tycoon who was interested in only making money can now look back in shame, as to how Gates utilized the same money he accumulated for social welfare & betterment of the people of the world.

Emily Martinez

1 review

August 16, 2017

In the book "Who Is Bill Gates?" we earn about how Bill Gates became such a successful self made billionaire. In the beginning of the book it talked about his Bill Gates childhood, Bill was a very smart and intelligent kid starting from a young age he loved learning, but soon lost his interest until his parents sent him to a Lakeside a private and all boy school. This when Bill found his passion he was introduced to the teletypes and started learning computer languages, him and his friends started a club and shared information but soon it was a problem as to use the computer room at the school got pricey. Bill was so driven by computers he got a job at a Computer Center. There he spent hours learning more and more, creating programs. Bill then went to college and was then studying at harvard, when his friend Paul told him about these new mini computer kits came out. Paul and Bill took the challenge on and created a program for these kits and sold these programs to the company, facing risks they succeeded. Then, Microsoft was born, they grew and expanded the company and made contracts with other corporations. New Softwares, windows, and computers with mouses were now being put out. Bill was rapidly growing and became a millionaire and soon after a billionaire, he faced obstacles including lawsuits and minor problems, but overcame that and always was looking for challenges and ways to better his company. Bill Gates furthermore got married and had a family, and retired from the job. Bill Gates impacted American society as a whole he increased the learning in technology and allowed people to have access to the internet, programs, softwares in a new level, he put out computers, PC, and so much more to help with education and work and to be done easier. Bill Gates Slogan for Microsoft when it was created was "A computer on every desk and every home" and he accomplished that, he provide a easier access to these things. The theme of this get is to be determined, be ambitious, and always give your all, Bill Gates never gave up even when there were obstacles he would overcome them and take risks too succeed, for example when Paul and Bill were making a program for the new micro computers they didn't have a sample, they took a risk and they did it! I would 100% recommend this book it was so inspirational and astonishing seeing how Bill Gates became so successful and how he was always striving for more and becoming better, it was kind of breathtaking seeing how brilliant he is! Great book, I'm glad I read it!!!

Derek Brandon

16 reviews1 follower

May 15, 2017

The book "Who is Bill Gates?" by Patricia Brennan Demuth was an interesting book about the life and career of probably the most famous and rich people ever on Earth. The book explains Bill Gates' life and all of his accomplishments and events of his successful career. It starts by telling how he was a smart kid and always loved challenges and to read a lot. He had an awesome high school experience where he met some good friends and started coding for huge computers. Most of his free time was spent with computers making commands and eventually the internet explorer. There were a lot of facts and even some events that were pretty interesting. This book says that his net worth is around $50 BILLION. I don't know when this book was written but as of yesterday, his net worth is about $87.3 BILLION. That number is insane.
I wouldn't change anything about this book because I know it is meant for younger readers but it was still very informative. I did enjoy this book because I didn't know a whole lot about Bill Gates but knew he was super rich.
I would recommend this book to anybody who wants to know about possibly the richest man in America and how he got to be so rich and famous. If you like reading about older celebrities or famous events, the "Who was..." series is the choice for you.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

Joe Chell

27 reviews


December 6, 2020

Book Title: Who Is Bill Gates?
Author/Illustrator: Patricia Brennan Demuth
Reading Level: MG
Book Level: 5.2

Book Summary: Part of the Who Is/Was? book series, this book talks about Bill Gates’s life, his interests, and the impact he has made on the world through his passion for technology and philanthropy.

Bookshelf Genre: Biography

Bookshelf Mentor Writing Traits (explain one or two content integration ideas):

Voice - This book is expressive and relatable to the reader. Bill Gates’s life is expressed in new ways to make it understandable for elementary students and is told in a storylike manner that makes it enjoyable and interesting to read.

Word Choice - The word choice within the book allows it to make sense to an elementary-aged child. Many of the things Bill Gates has done in his life involve complicated vocabulary, but this book explains everything through finely used words that are explained in detail for all readers to understand.

This book could be used in a variety of ways within the classroom. It could be used for students to find main ideas and supporting details, to create an information text, or understand timelines

    biography voice word-choice

Daniel Rojas

21 reviews

February 20, 2019

Who is Bill Gates by Patricia Brennan Demuth is a book full of facts but not that much excitement. It is interesting to learn about his stride in computers but does not have much storyline to fall back on. Born on October 28, 1955, William Henry Gates III was born into an educated family with an outgoing mother and successful father. Bill was a very smart kid who loved reading and thinking. From the moment he saw a Teletype he was interested in learning about computers and even the language in which they speak. Bill worked on code a lot and was well versed in computers. He worked with his buddy Paul, later on, to start to develop software for hardware-based microcomputers. Bill eventually created the empire of computers from the company he created, Microsft. He left his work as the "acting owner" to support poorer people and donate over 28 billion dollars to support this cause. He is a very successful man that still gives back. I'd recommend this book to many people interested in an easy informative book about a successful person.

Steve Munoz

21 reviews

April 3, 2019

I think that the book “Who Is Bill Gates” by Patricia B. Demuth is a great book recommended for kids 10 years and up. This book is about the life of Bill Gates. Bill Gates was born on October 28, 1955 in Seattle, Washington. Already at the age of 7 he is already doing things a typical 7 year old wouldn't do and by that I mean that he read the entire World Book Encyclopedia. Soon after, he would finally encounter his first computer, a teletype machine. Finally in 1973, he graduates from Lakeside High School. After many years, he finally starts the infamous Microsoft brand with his friend, Paul Allen. Finally after the 5th year in production, they sign a major deal with IBM. But then 3 years later, Paul leaves Microsoft. Although Bill’s friend leaves him, that didn’t stop him from becoming a billionaire 4 years later in 1987. 1994 was also a good year of his life but at the same time a bad one because he gets married, but soon after his mother dies. Then Bill has 3 children, moves ranks in the Microsoft industry and gets an honorary degree from Harvard university.


23 reviews

March 29, 2019

For this review, I found a book called "Who is Bill Gates" by Patricia Brennan Demuth. On October 28, in Washington, Bill Gates was born. When he was a young boy, he read an entire encyclopedia. Yeah, he was pretty smart. In 1973, he graduated from lakeside School and set out for Harvard University in 1974. Yet, the next year he left school to start a business, where his life truly began. He created Microsoft with Paul Allen. Later, they signed with IBM which back then was a big computer company. Little would he know that almost 10 years later, he'd be a billionaire. I found this book while searching through the library and thought it would be cool to read about the making of Microsoft. However, I wasn't too interested by this book but I would recommend it to people who would like to learn a little more about the making of these computers.


5 reviews

November 26, 2023

A good book to read together with kids to learn what makes Bill Gates so successful. Easy to get into from start to end. Picked up quite a few pieces of facts about Bill along the way. Didn't know Bill excels in sports, that he is outspoken and that he's a tough boss as well as a jokester. Bill's story tells parents how important it is to grow kid's interest at an early age. Once interest is found, hard work and positive attitude must be there to have a shot at success. After fortune is made, it is important to give back to the society and to make other successful people join you doing charity work. . Like Bill's admired great mind Leonardo Da Vince who was both a brilliant painter and inventor, Bill was both tech and business savvy which helped him staying ahead of the curve.



2,953 reviews160 followers

October 5, 2017

Definitely one of my fave books in this series.

Bill Gates is just so wickedly impressive. He's brilliant and he's charitable. I love how the end of the book focused on his donations and how he wanted to help people with all the gifts he'd been given.

He was also such a good businessman and he worked hard. They said sometimes they'd come in and he was curled up on the floor because he'd fallen asleep at work.

I also love the relationship he and his wife have. I think they are genuinely good people.

    2017 biography-memoir school-shelves

Ana Duarte

15 reviews7 followers

January 12, 2020

I was really into the Walter Isaacson biographies so I was expecting something similar in terms of detail and language.
However, this book totally failed in meeting these expectations. It was a small book, with little detail and written in a very colloquial language. I felt it was meant to be read by elementary school students.
It's a nice book if you're looking to know about Bill Gates in a short time and without diving into the subject. It also has nice illustrations!
But if you want to know a lot about Bill Gates' life and work, chose another book.

Who Is Bill Gates? (Who Was?) (2024)
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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.