Dairy Queen is one of Warren Buffett's most-famous businesses. CEO Troy Bader laid out the benefits of Berkshire Hathaway's ownership, and explained how he's navigating the pandemic, inflation, and new customer demands. (2024)

Warren Buffett acquired Dairy Queen for nearly $600 million in early 1998 because he understood its business, and the fast-food chain had excellent economics and outstanding management, he told Berkshire Hathaway shareholders at the time.

The famed investor also joked that he and his business partner, Charlie Munger, brought a "modicum of product expertise" to the deal and had "put our money where our mouth is" as they were longtime customers.

Dairy Queen CEO Troy Bader reflected on the benefits of Berkshire's ownership, explained why his business has thrived despite pandemic disruptions and surging inflation, and outlined how customer demands are changing in an interview with Insider during Berkshire's annual-meeting weekend in April 2022.

Building under Berkshire

Berkshire's purchase of Dairy Queen removed it from the stock market, enabling its management to invest for the long term without worrying about hitting Wall Street's earnings forecasts each quarter, Bader said.


Buffett and his team are always ready to help, but in return they expect Bader to nurture the Dairy Queen brand, take care of the chain's customers, and represent Berkshire with integrity, Bader said.

It's a bonus that Bader's boss exemplifies the deep affection many people feel towards his company, he said.

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"When I think about Mr. Buffett, he is very much a fan," Bader said. "What he feels is really what we see with so many of our customers, who have this different connection with Dairy Queen."

Dealing with the virus

The COVID-19 pandemic was "very, very challenging" for Dairy Queen from an operational standpoint, but resulted in an exceptional financial performance, Bader said. The company's sales soared to a record $5.5 billion in 2021 as its drive-thru business boomed, and its global, same-store sales were up over 18% from their level in 2019.


Bader emphasized the "huge burden" that pandemic-safety procedures placed on Dairy Queen franchisees, who operate all but two of the company's roughly 7,000 restaurants.

He cited the company's longstanding relationships with suppliers as a key reason why they "went out of their way" to keep its locations stocked.

Bader also tipped his hat to employees who successfully rolled out five flavors of Stackburgers in 2022, marking the biggest change to Dairy Queen's menu in two decades.

Higher prices, less money

Inflation is dealing a one-two punch to Dairy Queen by raising its costs and squeezing its customers, Bader said.


Consumers are spending more on housing, gas, utilities, and food, leaving them with less disposable income to spend on eating out. Meanwhile, Dairy Queen franchisees are raising prices to offset higher costs. The upshot has been a decline in transaction volumes, Bader said.

"How do you thread that needle between a consumer who still wants to eat out, but is feeling more pressure, and yet we need to still reasonably increase prices to stay in business and have reasonable profit?" Bader asked. "That's the balance we're trying to find."

Regardless, Dairy Queen's sales have grown as the average value of transactions has climbed, reflecting more families and groups eating together, and customers upsizing their orders. Bader suggested people are treating Dairy Queen as an affordable indulgence, and a way to spend time with loved ones during a tough period.

Catering to customers

Dairy Queen's products need to be high quality, craveable, and differentiated, so people seek out the chain and are already fantasizing about their next visit before they're done eating, Bader said.


The meaning of "convenience" to fast-food customers has extended beyond the proximity of the nearest location, Bader said. It now encompasses whether the chain has a mobile app that people can use to communicate with the company, place orders, access deals and information, and earn loyalty points, he noted.

Home delivery is also a "whole other channel for the business that isn't going to go away," Bader said. Moreover, Americans have become more open to fresh flavors and unusual combinations, he continued.

"We have an Oreo Dirt Pie Blizzard that you never would have thought about 10 years ago," Bader said. "Those gummy worms are going to be creeping out of that Blizzard."

Dairy Queen is one of Warren Buffett's most-famous businesses. CEO Troy Bader laid out the benefits of Berkshire Hathaway's ownership, and explained how he's navigating the pandemic, inflation, and new customer demands. (2024)
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