Warren Buffett drives a damaged 2014 car despite huge wealth (2024)

Apparently, Warren Buffett has a net worth in the region of $116 billion.

That places the ‘Oracle of Omaha’ fourth on the Forbes 400 list.

So, with the kind of wealth, you’d expect the successful investor to be cutting around in something rare and exclusive, like Cristiano Ronaldo’s Bugatti Centodieci or Michael Jordan’s Bugatti Veyron Sang Noir.

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While other billionaires indulge in extravagant cars as a visible symbol of wealth and success, Warren Buffett prefers to keep it low key.

Now, we’re not talking BMW or Mercedes-Benz – even more low key than that.

By all accounts, Buffett lives a frugal and simple lifestyle, and as such chooses to drive a 2014 Cadillac XTS.

Warren Buffett drives a damaged 2014 car despite huge wealth (1)
Warren Buffett drives a damaged 2014 car despite huge wealth (2)

At that end of the day, it’s a chunk of metal and it hardly defines who you are.

What’s more important is that Buffett’s frugality and minimalist mindset have been key factors in his tremendous success as an investor.

He has an ability to seek value in all aspects of life, not just business and investments, which has shaped his distinctive financial philosophy.

But when it comes to cars, Buffett clearly has an aversion to the rapid depreciation with new vehicles, instead opting for used cars that offer significant discounts because of cosmetic issues like hail damage.

Warren Buffett drives a damaged 2014 car despite huge wealth (3)

That’s right, not only does Warren Buffett roll around in a 2014 Caddy XTS, it’s pockmarked by hail stones, too.

Back in 2015, he revealed to Forbes that he only drives around 3,500 miles per year, so he sees no need to replace his car often.

The billionaire drove a 2001 Lincoln Town Car for a decade, before auctioning it off for charity and replacing it with a 2006 Cadillac DTS.

He drove that car for eight years, until he replaced it with his current 2014 Cadillac XTS.

Warren Buffett drives a damaged 2014 car despite huge wealth (4)

Adam Gray

Adam Gray is an experienced motoring journalist and content creator based in the United Kingdom. Using his media accreditation with manufacturers’ press offices, Adam test drives the latest cars and attends new vehicle press launches, producing written reviews and news pieces for supercarblondie.com. Before joining the Supercar Blondie team, Adam was Motoring Editor for Portfolio North magazine, North East Motoring Editor at Reach plc, and provided motoring content on a freelance basis to several lifestyle and business publications in the North of England. When he’s not behind the wheel of the latest car, Adam can be found at his local rink playing ice hockey or supporting his beloved Middlesbrough FC.

Warren Buffett drives a damaged 2014 car despite huge wealth (5)

Adam Gray

Adam Gray is an experienced motoring journalist and content creator based in the United Kingdom. Using his media accreditation with manufacturers’ press offices, Adam test drives the latest cars and attends new vehicle press launches, producing written reviews and news pieces for supercarblondie.com. Before joining the Supercar Blondie team, Adam was Motoring Editor for Portfolio North magazine, North East Motoring Editor at Reach plc, and provided motoring content on a freelance basis to several lifestyle and business publications in the North of England. When he’s not behind the wheel of the latest car, Adam can be found at his local rink playing ice hockey or supporting his beloved Middlesbrough FC.

Warren Buffett drives a damaged 2014 car despite huge wealth (2024)
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