Ytterbium Nuclear-Spin Qubits in an Optical Tweezer Array (2024)

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Ytterbium Nuclear-Spin Qubits in an Optical Tweezer Array

Alec Jenkins, Joanna W. Lis, Aruku Senoo, William F. McGrew, and Adam M. Kaufman
Phys. Rev. X 12, 021027 – Published 3 May 2022; Erratum Phys. Rev. X 13, 029902 (2023)
Ytterbium Nuclear-Spin Qubits in an Optical Tweezer Array (1) See synopsis: A New Option for Neutral-Atom Quantum Computing
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We report on the realization of a fast, scalable, and high-fidelity qubit architecture, based on Yb171 atoms in an optical tweezer array. We demonstrate several attractive properties of this atom for its use as a building block of a quantum information processing platform. Its nuclear spin of 1/2 serves as a long-lived and coherent two-level system, while its rich, alkaline-earth-like electronic structure allows for low-entropy preparation, fast qubit control, and high-fidelity readout. We present a near-deterministic loading protocol, which allows us to fill a 10×10 tweezer array with 92.73(8)% efficiency and a single tweezer with 96.0(1.4)% efficiency. In the future, this loading protocol will enable efficient and uniform loading of target arrays with high probability, an essential step in quantum simulation and information applications. Employing a robust optical approach, we perform submicrosecond qubit rotations and characterize their fidelity through randomized benchmarking, yielding 5.2(5)×103 error per Clifford gate. For quantum memory applications, we measure the coherence of our qubits with T2*=3.7(4)s and T2=7.9(4)s, many orders of magnitude longer than our qubit rotation pulses. We measure spin depolarization times on the order of tens of seconds and find that this can be increased to the 100s scale through the application of a several-gauss magnetic field. Finally, we use 3D Raman-sideband cooling to bring the atoms near their motional ground state, which will be central to future implementations of two-qubit gates that benefit from low motional entropy.

  • Ytterbium Nuclear-Spin Qubits in an Optical Tweezer Array (2)
  • Ytterbium Nuclear-Spin Qubits in an Optical Tweezer Array (3)
  • Ytterbium Nuclear-Spin Qubits in an Optical Tweezer Array (4)
  • Ytterbium Nuclear-Spin Qubits in an Optical Tweezer Array (5)
  • Ytterbium Nuclear-Spin Qubits in an Optical Tweezer Array (6)
  • Ytterbium Nuclear-Spin Qubits in an Optical Tweezer Array (7)
  • Ytterbium Nuclear-Spin Qubits in an Optical Tweezer Array (8)

6 More

  • Received 13 December 2021
  • Accepted 8 April 2022


Ytterbium Nuclear-Spin Qubits in an Optical Tweezer Array (9)

Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, and DOI.

Published by the American Physical Society

Physics Subject Headings (PhySH)

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Quantum gatesQuantum information processing

Quantum Information, Science & TechnologyAtomic, Molecular & Optical


Erratum: Ytterbium Nuclear-Spin Qubits in an Optical Tweezer Array [Phys. Rev. X 12, 021027 (2022)]

Alec Jenkins, Joanna W. Lis, Aruku Senoo, William F. McGrew, and Adam M. Kaufman
Phys. Rev. X 13, 029902 (2023)

Ytterbium Nuclear-Spin Qubits in an Optical Tweezer Array (10) synopsis

Ytterbium Nuclear-Spin Qubits in an Optical Tweezer Array (11)

A New Option for Neutral-Atom Quantum Computing

Published 3 May 2022

Two independent teams show that neutral ytterbium-171 atoms can be trapped and used for quantum information processing, bringing quantum computers based on this platform a step closer to reality.

See more in Physics

Authors & Affiliations

Alec Jenkins*, Joanna W. Lis*, Aruku Senoo, William F. McGrew, and Adam M. Kaufman

  • JILA, University of Colorado and National Institute of Standards and Technology, and Department of Physics, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado 80309, USA
  • *These authors contributed equally to this work.

Popular Summary

Neutral atoms trapped in tightly focused beams of light (optical tweezers) are a powerful platform for quantum science. Using real-time control of the light field forming the tweezers, the platform allows for programmable control of the atoms themselves, which can act as high-fidelity qubits. Expanding tweezer trapping to more complex atoms could harness the complexity of these atoms for more sophisticated computing challenges. To that end, we for the first time trap ytterbium-171, a promising building block for a quantum information processing architecture, and demonstrate some of its appealing features.

The nuclear spin of ytterbium-171 acts as an intrinsic qubit that is insensitive to its environment, while its two active electrons give rise to optical transitions that allow for preparation of ultracold, almost fully filled arrays of atoms and fast, accurate manipulation of the qubits. We load individual atoms into each trap with record-breaking efficiencies, near-deterministically filling an array of 100 tweezers. Further, we demonstrate single-qubit control at timescales faster than 1×106s, with accuracies of one error per 200 operations, and show that our qubits remain in their quantum state for seconds. Finally, we “freeze” the atoms in the traps, cooling them to near their motional ground state.

Combining these capabilities with clock states and entanglement generation in the future will allow for a vast range of quantum information processing and quantum-enhanced metrology applications.

Ytterbium Nuclear-Spin Qubits in an Optical Tweezer Array (12)

See Also

Universal Gate Operations on Nuclear Spin Qubits in an Optical Tweezer Array of Yb171 Atoms

Shuo Ma, Alex P. Burgers, Genyue Liu, Jack Wilson, Bichen Zhang, and Jeff D. Thompson
Phys. Rev. X 12, 021028 (2022)

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Vol. 12, Iss. 2 — April - June 2022

Subject Areas
  • Atomic and Molecular Physics
  • Quantum Physics
  • Quantum Information
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  • Ytterbium Nuclear-Spin Qubits in an Optical Tweezer Array (17)

    Figure 1

    Yb171 optical tweezer arrays. (a)Yb171 atoms are trapped in an array of 100 optical tweezer sites. (b)The nuclear spin I=1/2 is an environmentally well-isolated two-level system. The level diagram shows the imaging, cooling, and enhanced loading transitions. Light scattered from the 399nm S10P11 transition is collected with the high-NA objective. While imaging, we apply cooling beams red detuned by ΔC/(2π)=2.04(5)MHz (11Γg) from the light-shifted S10P13 |F=3/2,mF=±1/2 transition. The inset shows driven Rabi oscillations of the nuclear spin with submicrosecond π times. (c)Histograms of collected photons over all tweezer sites for 120ms exposures under two different loading schemes—enhanced loading (black line) and standard (zero-field, red-detuned light) loading (gray line). The dashed red line is the threshold that we use to define detection of an atom in the enhanced loading case. (d)Average of 500 images of the tweezer array. (e)Single-shot image with near-deterministic tweezer array loading.

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  • Ytterbium Nuclear-Spin Qubits in an Optical Tweezer Array (18)

    Figure 2

    Near-deterministic loading. (a)Loading efficiency (Pload) dependence on applied magnetic field and loading beams detuning (ΔL) from the free-space resonance. The star denotes the parameters chosen for daily operation: magnetic field of 4.9G and ΔL/2π=+9.76MHz. The intensity of the loading beams changes as a function of ΔL, in the starred region corresponding to 515Isat, where Isat=0.138mW/cm2 is the saturation intensity of the S10P31 transition. The resonance frequencies of the transitions to the mF states are plotted as a function of the magnetic field. (b)Levels involved in the loading scheme for parameter space denoted with the star in (a). Accounting for tweezer light and magnetic shifts, the loading beams are blue detuned from mF=+1/2 by δL=+2π×2.8MHz (15.6Γ). (c)Probability of obtaining a given fill fraction for a single-shot image. (d)Optimal average loading efficiency (Pload) as a function of the tweezer array size. The error bars correspond to standard deviations of the binomial distributions given by the measured probabilities.

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  • Ytterbium Nuclear-Spin Qubits in an Optical Tweezer Array (19)

    Figure 3

    Nuclear-spin control. (a)The Raman level diagram corresponding to the weak-drive regime. Two copropagating beams drive Raman transitions between the nuclear-spin states. The two beams have variable relative frequency, one with π polarization and the other with polarization normal to the atom plane (both σ+ and σ polarizations). The rotations are performed through two excited states |F=3/2,mF=±1/2 but in the weak-driving regime one of these Raman transitions (dashed lines) is far off resonance compared to ΩX and effectively does not contribute. The detuning from the F=1/2 states is much larger than ΔX and these states do not significantly affect the dynamics. (b)As we sweep the detuning between the Raman beams, the resonances corresponding to the two Raman pathways become visible. (c)Fixing the frequency to the left resonance, we drive Rabi oscillations at the kilohertz scale. The plotted probabilities of detecting the |1 state are normalized by the measured atom survival probability for the experiments in the absence of blow-away, which is 96.5(2)% for both (b) and (c); see Appendixpp3. (d)In the strong-driving regime, a single X beam with linear polarization εx tilted out of the atom plane drives two Raman transitions between the spin states. A second beam, Z, splits the nuclear-spin states and drives oscillations around the Z axis. A small magnetic field B splits the nuclear-spin states by 1.25kHz. (e)Level diagram for X and Z beams. The beam detunings are ΔX/(2π)180MHz and ΔZ/(2π)=164MHz, while the excited state splittings are much smaller, Δe/(2π)2MHz. (f)The top panel shows X Rabi oscillations at 1.77MHz. In the bottom panel, we measure Z oscillations at 0.77MHz with a Ramsey-type sequence, where the Z beam is turned on for variable time between two X(π/2) pulses. The survival probability for these experiments without blow-away is 96.3(1)%. The accompanying Bloch spheres show example trajectories for the two types of experiments. (g)Clifford randomized benchmarking using Clifford gates compiled of X(π/2) and Z(π/2). The target output state is randomized between |0 and |1. The black circles show the measured probabilities of obtaining the target state at a given Clifford gate depth. At each depth, we run 40 different sets of randomized experiments. The error bars are given by the standard deviation over the 40 sets of experiments. The extracted average gate infidelity per Clifford gate is 5.2(5)×103. The red circles show the simulated success probabilities using the estimated scattering error rates of the X and Z beams and shot-to-shot fractional intensity noise of 1%, with 3% fractional intensity noise from experiment to experiment (Appendixpp4).

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  • Ytterbium Nuclear-Spin Qubits in an Optical Tweezer Array (20)

    Figure 4

    Qubit coherence. (a)Ramsey experiment. Population of state |1 oscillates at the frequency given by the splitting of two ground states. The fit (teal) is a cosine of a single frequency and phase, with an envelope given by the lifetime and Gaussian dephasing. The teal region in the lower plot corresponds to the envelope of the fit shown in the callouts. The T2* extracted from the fit to the oscillations is 3.7(4)s. The measurement of atom lifetime in tweezers is also plotted (gray), with 1/e time of 6.42(3)s. The error bars correspond to standard deviations of the binomial distributions given by the measured probabilities. (b)Spin-echo experiment. Inset: population of state |1 oscillates with the duration of Z(t) gate applied before the final X(π/2) pulse. The contrast of the recorded fringe (orange) decreases with dark time T due to the finite lifetime in tweezers (gray), of 7.13(5+6)s, and decoherence described by a Gaussian decay. The T2 inferred from the fit is 7.9(4)s. The orange error bars are given by the square root of the covariance matrix diagonal entry corresponding to the fit contrast parameter. (c)Depolarization time. T1 dependence on applied magnetic field (purple) and tweezer depth (green). T1 is extended approximately exponentially with increasing bias field, and is invariant with changing tweezer depth. The error bars in (c) are similarly given by the square root of the covariance matrix diagonal entry corresponding to the spin depolarization time parameter of the fits.

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  • Ytterbium Nuclear-Spin Qubits in an Optical Tweezer Array (21)

    Figure 5

    Raman-sideband cooling to the 3D motional ground state. (a)Level diagram for the two-photon transitions employed in cooling. An atom in the |mF=+1/2,n state absorbs a photon from the π-polarized beam (RB2-4) and emits into the σ+-polarized beam (RB1). With the relative frequency difference of the two beams tuned a trap frequency away from the carrier, the atom can change its motional state to n1 (red sideband) or n+1 (blue sideband), depending on the sign of the difference. The Raman detuning from the intermediate excited state is ΔRB/2π=183MHz. (b)Optical pumping (OP) scheme for energy dissipation during cooling. In the Lamb-Dicke regime, the scattering from the pumping beam is unlikely to alter the atom’s motional state but pumps into the opposite spin state, where the cooling can begin anew. We operate with optical pumping δOP/2π=2MHz red detuned from resonance. (c)Raman beams (RB1-4), optical pumping, and magnetic field (B) geometry. RB1 paired with RB2-4 addresses motional states along the i, j, and k axes, respectively. (d)Continuous sideband cooling. RB1 and OP beams are continuously illuminating the atoms, while the remaining RB2-4 are turned on and off iteratively. (e)Pulsed sideband cooling. A pulse of RB1 and one of RB2-4 drives an approximate π rotation on the relevant sideband, followed by a step of optical pumping. (f)Sideband thermometry along the i, j, and k axes. Spectra are acquired before sideband cooling (gray squares), after 3D optimized cooling (black open circles), and after cooling optimized for radial (orange points) and axial (red points) directions. Each panel shows the red sideband (left) and blue sideband (right) for the corresponding cooling direction. Axial spectra additionally include the carrier (middle). Mean phonon occupation number (n¯) after sideband cooling is quoted for each axis. The error bars correspond to standard deviations of the binomial distributions given by the measured probabilities.

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  • Ytterbium Nuclear-Spin Qubits in an Optical Tweezer Array (22)

    Figure 6

    Overview of the experimental sequence in the science cell. The unit of time is milliseconds, and duty cycle is typically less than 1s. The blue MOT uses S10P11 transition, while the green MOT utilizes S10P31 narrow-line transition. The compressed MOT (CMOT) increases the average atom number loaded into a tweezer. With the near-deterministic loading scheme, we are left with a single atom in the tweezer >90% of the time, on average. The green cooling beam is on during blue imaging, as well as during the cooling before and after imaging.

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  • Ytterbium Nuclear-Spin Qubits in an Optical Tweezer Array (23)

    Figure 7

    Optics around the objective lens. The 399 and 556nm laser beams for the MOTs are focused to the back focal plane of the objective lens and reflected by a mirror, small enough not to degrade the quality of either the tweezers or the image.

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  • Ytterbium Nuclear-Spin Qubits in an Optical Tweezer Array (24)

    Figure 8

    Procedure employed to optimize tweezer balance. (a)Each tweezer’s intensity distribution is measured with light picked off before the objective lens and focused onto a camera. The intensity measurement is multiplied by an experimentally determined weighted mask and used to determine the errors for each tweezer. From this 2D array of errors, row and column errors are extracted and proportionally fed back to AOD1 and AOD2, respectively. (b)Example of the spectroscopy result for a uniform mask (Mij=1). This information is further utilized to generate a weighted mask. The frequency variable is the red detuning from free-space resonance. (c)Initial (gray) and final (black) distributions of the S10P31, F=3/2, mF=1/2 resonance for the 100 individual tweezers. The red line shows the median of the initial distribution, which is the chosen target value for the balancing.

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  • Ytterbium Nuclear-Spin Qubits in an Optical Tweezer Array (25)

    Figure 9

    Infidelity and loss probability for an image of duration 120ms, with variable power in the 399nm imaging beam. Isatb=63mW/cm2 is the saturation intensity of the transition at 399nm. The red curve is an exponential fit to the infidelity data, and the green curve is a quadratic fit to the loss data. Both shaded regions are 1σ confidence intervals.

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  • Ytterbium Nuclear-Spin Qubits in an Optical Tweezer Array (26)

    Figure 10

    Nuclear-spin preparation, manipulation, and detection. (a)We prepare the spin state in |0 by optical pumping (OP) through P13 |F=1/2,mF=+1/2 and detect the state destructively by driving the cycling transition |0|F=3/2,mF=+3/2 until atoms in the |0 state are expelled from their tweezers. We split the |F=3/2,mF=+1/2 and |F=3/2,mF=+3/2 states by Δb/(2π)=35MHz during blow-away detection to minimize off-resonant pumping through the |F=3/2,mF=+1/2 level by the blow-away beam. (b)X rotations in the high-Rabi regime. The two Raman pathways couple the states |0 and |1 through two different excited states |2 and |3. The splitting between the nuclear-spin states is ΔN, determined by both the external magnetic field and light shifts from the drive beam. The detuning from the excited states is ΔX/(2π)180MHz, much larger than the Δe/(2π)=2.65MHz splitting between the |F=3/2,mF=±1/2 levels. The Rabi coupling in the different arms is set by the dipole coupling matrix elements and the polarization angle of the drive beam. (c)Level diagram showing the σ+-polarized Z beam coupling to the |F=3/2,mF=+1/2 and |F=3/2,mF=+3/2 states. In the case of ΔZΔe, the larger coupling matrix element on the stretched transition to |F=3/2,mF=+3/2 gives a larger light shift on the |0 spin level. This splits the nuclear-spin states and allows us to perform fast rotations about the Z axis.

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  • Ytterbium Nuclear-Spin Qubits in an Optical Tweezer Array (27)

    Figure 11

    Estimating the scattering rate of the Z beam. The spins are prepared in the |1 state and the Z beam is turned on for the time shown. Scattering causes the spin to relax to a population set by the branching ratios from the two excited levels that the Z beam scatters from: |F=3/2,mF=+1/2 and |F=3/2,mF=+3/2. The decay timescale is 0.43(4)ms, consistent with the scattering rate estimated from the observed differential light shift produced by this beam. The error bars correspond to standard deviations of the binomial distributions given by the measured probabilities.

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  • Ytterbium Nuclear-Spin Qubits in an Optical Tweezer Array (28)

    Figure 12

    By first preparing the atoms in |0, waiting a variable delay, and then blowing away that spin state, the depolarization time constant T1 can be measured. The survival probability is plotted as a function of delay time for three different magnetic field conditions: B0G (blue), 0.7G (green), and 2G (red). The lines represent the fit applied to the data. The fits yield values for T1 of 17.0(1.5) s for the blue points, 26.7(4.8) s for the green points, and 119(29) s for the red points. Error bars represent 1σ uncertainty of the binomial distributions given by the measured probabilities.

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  • Ytterbium Nuclear-Spin Qubits in an Optical Tweezer Array (29)

    Figure 13

    Clock pulse motional dephasing. The calculated infidelity of the population transfer to the clock state |e is plotted as a function of trap frequency and mean motional occupation number n¯. The Rabi frequency is fixed at Ωc/(2π)=200kHz. The trap is assumed to be magic, with equal trap frequencies in the ground and clock states.

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Ytterbium Nuclear-Spin Qubits in an Optical Tweezer Array (2024)
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